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SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence

SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

Addressing energy, environmental and green transition challenges in defence

About us

The Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence (SiEnE) provides a strategic and comprehensive approach to address the energy, environmental and green transition challenges in defence and security sector together with international partners. The SiEnE was established by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic Slovenia (SiMoD) and TECES, Green Tech Cluster in July 2020: The SiEnE’s primary goals are: 🔸to increase the level of research, development and technology cooperation of Slovenian companies and research organisations with partners from EU and NATO member states; 🔸to increase the share of Slovenian partners involved in the defence programmes of the European Defence Agency (EDA) and NATO, as well as to support presence of Slovenian companies in global defence value chains; 🔸to support transition of green technologies and energy-efficient products from civil to dual-use applications; 🔸to support the SiMoD and the Slovenian Armed Forces in green transition; ℹ️ The smart energy-efficient and energy-independent deployable dual-use camps are one of the SiEnE’s strategic programmes of international cooperation; ℹ️ If you are interested in joining efforts and solving RD and technology challenges to support green transition within international defence or civilian programs, do not hesitate to contact us;

Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company size
11-50 employees
research & development, clusters, collaboration, synergy, joint project, open innovation, and project management and coordination


Employees at SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence


  • 🇪🇺 [#SiEnE REPRESENTATIVES AT THE 9. th EnE CapTech MEETING IN CYPRUS] 📣 The 9th meeting of the Energy and Environment CapTech operating under the European Defence Agency brought together experts and representatives from EDA, NATO, European Union Military Staff and European defence ministries. Participants discussed strategic research and development priorities and ongoing energy-related projects in defence. 🎯 The active role of SiEnE representatives 👉 As the EnE CapTech industry rapporteur, SiEnE President mag. Matej Gajzer presented initiatives to align Technology Building Blocks (TBBs) with geopolitical and technological developments. He highlighted the need for stronger collaboration between defence ministries and the industry. 👉 TECES, Green Tech Cluster representative Aleksander Majerič introduced the activities related to preparing E+ZERO, the first Category B project within EnE CapTech, in which TECES is taking on the coordinator role. The project is set to launch in the coming months. 👉 SiEnE expert Phd Andrej Kitanovski contributed to the presentation of a project proposal focusing on using waste heat and gases from electrical generators in military bases for cooling and heating purposes. 🤝 Face-to-face meetings like these provide an excellent opportunity for networking and identifying potential project partners. We look forward to the 10th CapTech meeting in June in Belgium. ℹ️ More information at 👉 ----- 🇸🇮 [PREDSTAVNIKI SiEnE NA 9. SREČANJU EnE CapTech NA CIPRU] 📣Na 9. srečanju skupine za tehnološke zmogljivosti za energijo in okolje EnE CapTech pod okriljem Evropske obrambne agencije (EDA) so strokovnjaki in predstavniki EDA, NATO, Vojaškega štaba Evropske unije in evropskih obrambnih ministrstev razpravljali o strateških prioritetah na področju raziskav in razvoja ter tekočih projektih na področju energije v obrambi. 🎯 Aktivna vloga predstavnikov SiEnE 👉 Predsednik SiEnE, mag. Matej Gajzer je kot industrijski poročevalec predstavil pobude za uskladitev tehnoloških gradnikov (TBBs) z geopolitičnimi in tehnološkimi spremembami. Poudaril je potrebo po okrepitvi sodelovanja med obrambnimi ministrstvi in industrijo. 👉 Predstavnik TECES Aleksander Majerič je predstavil aktivnosti pri pripravi projekta E+ZERO, prvega Cat B projekta v okviru EnE CapTech, v katerem TECES prevzema koordinatorsko vlogo. Projekt se bo pričel izvajati v prihodnjih mesecih. 👉 Ekspert SiEnE dr. Andrej Kitanovski je sodeloval pri predstavitvi predloga projekta za izkoriščanje odvečne toplote in plinov električnih generatorjev v vojaških bazah za hlajenje in ogrevanje. 🤝 Z aktivno vlogo predstavnikov SiEnE v aktivnostih Ene CapTech se odpirajo številne priložnosti za krepitev sodelovanja slovenskih deležnikov v evropskih obrambnih raziskovalnih in razvojnih projektih, zato se veselimo naslednjega 10. srečanja EnE CapTech, ki bo junija v Belgiji. ℹ️ Več na povezavi 👉

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  • 🇪🇺 [SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE 🎯ACHIEVED IN THE #HibroM PROJECT: FIRST PROTOTYPES PRESENTED] 📢 We have reached a new significant milestone in #HibroM project (Development of a Hybrid Mobile Microgrid for Deployable Dual-Use Camps). The first prototypes of individual microgrid components were presented to the client, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia #SiMoD.  🎯The components featuring: ⚙️ a trailer-mounted #hybrid #diesel #generator with energy storage capability  (partner Stubelj d.o.o.), 🔋 battery-based electricity storage unit (partner TAB d.d. (TAB Batteries), and 🖥️ smart distribution box (partner Robotina). are designed to enhance energy supply for temporary bases, offering #deployable, #robust, and #compact #solutions for diverse environments. The prototypes' success also reflects the expertise of Slovenian subcontractors and institutions: TPV Prikolice, University of Ljubljana, Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Smartis. 🚀 Head of the Energy Efficiency and Green Transition Sector at #SiMoD, Colonel Robert Šipec, highlighted that microgrid development is a complex global challenge, with significant efforts underway across Europe and beyond. 🚀 Director of the leading partner TECES, Green Tech Cluster and President of the SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence Mag. Matej Gajzer noted that microgrids would remain a cornerstone for innovation, opening new opportunities for growth among Slovenian stakeholders under the SiEnE partnership. ℹ️ More information at 👉 ----  🇸🇮 [DOSEŽEN POMEMBEN MEJNIK 🎯 V PROJEKTU #HibroM: PREDSTAVITEV PRVIH PROTOTIPOV] 📢 V RRI projektu Razvoja hibridnega mobilnega mikroomrežja začasnih baz #HibroM smo dosegli nov pomemben mejnik. Konzorcijski partnerji so naročniku Ministrstvu za obrambo RS (#MORS) predstavili prve prototipe rešitev posameznih gradnikov mikro omrežja. Predstavljeni so bili prototipi: ⚙️vlečnega priključnega hibridnega agregata (partner Stubelj d.o.o.), 🔋vlečnega baterijskega sklopa (partner TAB d.d.) in 🖥️ pametne razdelilne omarice (partner Robotina d.o.o.). 🎯Pri razvoju #premestljivih, #robustnih in #kompaktnih rešitev za uporabo v različnih okoljih je ključno tudi strokovno znanje slovenskih podizvajalcev in akademskih organizacij. 🚀 Vodja sektorja za energetsko učinkovitost in zeleni prehod na #MORS, polkovnik Robert Šipec je v vlogi predstavnika naročnika poudaril, da je razvoj mikroomrežij kompleksen globalni izziv, ki mu Evropa in svet namenjata veliko pozornosti. 🚀 Direktor vodilnega partnerja #TECES in predsednik partnerstva #SiEnE, mag. Matej Gajzer, pa je dodal da razvoj rešitev na področju mikroomrežij odpira številne priložnosti za prodor slovenskih deležnikov v mednarodne obrambne verige vrednosti. ℹ️ Več informacij na 👉

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  • 🇪🇺 [AT #SYeNERGY EVENT STATE SECRETARY OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ANNOUNCES ENHANCED SUPPORT FOR DUAL-USE PROJECTS] 📣 SYeNERGY Event for TECES members and partners, also attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence (#SiMoD), Dr. Damir Črnčec highlighted the role of TECES, Green Tech Cluster and the SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence in developing solutions for both civil and defence purposes. 🛡️ In his opening address, State Secretary Dr Črnčec, underlined the significance of strategic areas such as #energy #efficiency, #digitalisation, and the #green #transition, all of which TECES successfully integrates into national and international project activities. He also highlighted #SiMoD plans to provide even greater support for dual-use projects at higher technology readiness levels in the future. 🌐 Mag. Matej Gajzer, Director of TECES and President of SiEnE emphasised that Slovenian partners and experts under the auspices of the TECES Partnership Slovenian Experts Base (#SiTEB), supported actively by the #SiMoD can match or even surpass renowned and major international partners through the swift responsiveness and expertise. 🎯 Among SiEnE’s future activities in collaboration with its primary partner, SiMoD, he highlighted establishing a demonstration site to test and showcase comprehensive solutions for energy-efficient bases. ℹ️ More in the news 👉 ------- 🇸🇮 [NA SYeNERGY DOGODKU DRŽAVNI SEKRETAR #MORS NAPOVEDAL ŠE INTENZIVNEJŠO PODPORO PROJEKTOM DVOJNE RABE] 📣 Dogodek za člane in partnerje TECES, Green Tech Cluster, ki se ga je v vlogi predstavnika Ministrstva za obrambo (MORS) kot soustanovitelja SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence udeležil tudi državni sekretar MORS dr. Damir Črnčec, je v ospredje postavil ključno vlogo TECES in partnerstva #SiEnE pri razvoj pri razvoju rešitev za civilne in obrambne namene. 🛡️ V svojem uvodnem nagovoru je državni sekretar dr. Črnčec izpostavil pomembnost strateških področij, kot so #energetska #učinkovitost, #digitalizacija in #zeleni #prehod, ki jih TECES uspešno vključuje v svoje aktivnosti. Izpostavil je, da MORS v prihodnje načrtuje še intenzivnejšo podporo projektom na področju dvojne rabe na višjih stopnjah tehnološke zrelosti. 🌐 Direktor TECES in predsednik SiEnE, mag. Matej Gajzer je poudaril da lahko s hitro odzivnostjo in strokovnostjo slovenski partnerji ter eksperti pod okriljem Baze slovenskih ekspertov partnerstev TECES (#SiTEB) z aktivno podporo MORS dosegajo ali celo presegajo znane in velike mednarodne partnerje. 🎯 Med konkretnimi ciljnimi aktivnostmi partnerstva SiEnE v sodelovanju s ključnim partnerjem MORS je izpostavil vzpostavitev demonstracijskega poligona, ki bi omogočil testiranje in demonstracijo celostnih rešitev za energetsko učinkovite baze. ℹ️ Več informacij o dogodku na 👉

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  • 🇪🇺 [#SiEnE EXPERTS PROPOSED TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY RESILIENCE ] 📢 This year's Military Science Days programme was enriched by experts from the SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence, who provided professional insights into the challenges of achieving energy resilience for the Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces. 💡 The event, organized by the Centre for Military Schools of the Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces aim to enhance scientific cooperation, share best practices, and foster innovation in both civil and defense sectors. 👉 Colonel Robert Šipec from the Ministry of Defence (#SiMoD) presented pressing #logistical #challenges related to #energy #supply for deployable infrastructures. He noted that delivering fuel incurs high logistical demands, coupled with significant #security #risks. 👉 Prof. Dr. Gorazd Stumberger emphasized the need for #interoperability between microgrids to facilitate seamless equipment exchange among national units, ensuring stable energy supply. 👉 Solutions for an interoperable system that ensures secure communication between operational and information technologies were presented by Sašo Ilić and Dr. Blaž Peternel from Smartis. 👉 Experts from SiEnE, including Matej Rabzelj, MSc and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Volk, discussed #cybersecurity in communication systems, highlighting cyber honeypot technologies for detecting and visualizing cyberattacks. Additionally, Luka Koršič and Dr. Janez Sterle demonstrated the practical deployment of a mobile 5G network to support critical infrastructure, vital for military operations. 👉 Marino Montani , MSc from Robotina, showcased advanced energy supply solutions for deployable bases, emphasizing the importance of modularity and modern technology. 🤝 The discussions concluded with a roundtable highlighting the significance of innovation in addressing the energy and environmental challenges faced by the Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces. From this reason strengthening #collaboration among Slovenian experts, as fostered through #SiEnE, remains paramount for developing advanced technological solutions. Read more in the news 👉 ---- 🇸🇮 [EKSPERTI #SiEnE PREDLAGALI TEHNOLOŠKE REŠITVE ZA ENERGETSKO ODPORNOST ] 📢 S strokovnim pogledom na izzive pri doseganju energetske odpornosti slovenske vojske so program letošnjih Dnevov vojaških ved obogatili eksperti SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence. 🤝 Dogodek, ki ga organizira Center vojaških šol Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces je potrdil pomen inovacij in tehnološkega napredka pri spopadanju z energetskimi in okoljskimi izzivi na civilnem in obrambnem področju. Prav zato je krepitev skupnega sodelovanja slovenskih ekspertov pri razvoju naprednih tehnoloških rešitev v okviru partnerstva #SiEnE, ključnega pomena. Preberite več na 👉

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  • 🇪🇺 [COORDINATION MEETING 🤝 BETWEEN THE #HIBROM CONSORTIUM PARTNERS AND THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE] 📢 The partners and subcontractors of the research, development, and innovation project (RDIP) HibroM and the end-user Ministry of Defence #SiMoD gathered this time at the 670th Logistics Regiment of the Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces where the hybrid mobile microgrid solution developed within the project will be demonstrated. 🎯 In addition to reducing fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and the need for backup generators, the HibroM project also prioritises environmental objectives such as reducing the logistical and environmental footprint and lowering noise emissions. 💡The development of innovative solutions within the #HibroM project involves the leading partner TECES, Green Tech Cluster and partners Robotina , TAB Tovarna akumulatorskih baterij d.d. (TAB d.d.) and Stubelj d.o.o. alongside subcontractors TPV Prikolice d.o.o., Smartis, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and the UM FERI. 🔗 The HibroM project is part of the National Strategic Programme #PamPIK and the SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence. 🌐 International partners interested in collaborating with Slovenian partners on wide-ranging #defence and #dualuse #projects are encouraged to contact us at 👉 ℹ More about the HibroM innovative solution at 👉 -------- 🇸🇮 [USKLAJEVALNO SREČANJE 🤝 KONZORCIJA #HIBROM IN PREDSTAVNIKOV MINISTRSTVA ZA OBRAMBO V VOJAŠNICI VINCENCA REPNIKA V SLOVENSKI BISTRICI] 📢 Partnerji in podizvajalci raziskovalno-razvojnega in inovacijskega projekta (RRIP) #HibroM ter uporabnik končne rešitve #MORS so se tokrat sestali na sedežu 670. logističnega polka Slovenska vojska/Slovenian Armed Forces. Na lokaciji bo namreč demonstrirana rešitev hibridnega mobilnega mikro omrežja, ki bo izboljšala pretvorbo, hranjenje in porabo električne energije premestljivih baz za obrambne in civilne namene. 🎯 Poleg znižanja porabe goriva, zmanjšanja vzdrževalnih stroškov in potrebe po nadomestnih generatorjih, bo inovativna rešitev zmanjšala tudi logistični in okoljski odtis ter znižala emisije hrupa. 💡 V razvoju inovativnih rešitev v okviru projektu HibroM sodelujejo vodilni partner TECES, Green Tech Cluster in partnerji Robotina, TAB d.d. (TAB Batteries) in Stubelj d.o.o. s podizvajalci TPV Prikolice d.o.o., Smartis, UL Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, UL Fakulteta za strojništvo in UM FERI.  🔗 Skupni razvoj in integracija slovenskih komponent in sistemov v celovite rešitve, s katerimi se pripravlja možnosti za vključevanje slovenskih partnerjev v mednarodne obrambne verige vrednosti, je ena od krovnih aktivnosti SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence. ℹ Več o obisku na 👉

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  • 🇸🇮 [KRONOTERM PARTNERJEM PROJEKTA MODEL+ PREDSTAVIL NAPREDNE REŠITVE, S KATERIMI SE UVRŠČA NA EVROPSKI VRH | 11. SEPTEMBER 2024, GOMILSKO] 📢 Konzorcij projekta #MODEL+ pod koordinatorstvom TECES, Green Tech Cluster, uspešno napreduje pri razvoju povezljivih tehnologij in rešitev za samozadostne modularne objekte, namenjene tako obrambnim kot civilnim potrebam. Na zadnjem srečanju projektnega sveta na sedežu podjetja KRONOTERM na Gomilskem, so partnerji projekta REM, Robotina, Danfoss Trata in Piktronik d.o.o. obiskali proizvodnjo energetsko naprednih in estetsko dovršene toplotnih črpalk, s katerimi se KRONOTERM uvršča v evropski vrh. 🎯 Eden od ključnih ciljev projekta MODEL+ sta doseganje energetske učinkovitosti in samozadostnosti. V okviru projekta MODEL+ bo KRONOTERM razvil napreden modularni toplotno-energetski sistem, sestavljen iz toplotne črpalke, hranilnika toplote in hranilnika sanitarne vode. 💡 Projekt MODEL+ je del Nacionalnega strateškega programa #PamPIK, ki se osredotoča na pametne energetsko učinkovite in energijsko neodvisne premestljive baze za dvojno rabo. Program predstavlja eno od ključnih strateških področij delovanja SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence, ki ob podpori Ministrstva za obrambo (#MORS) SiEnE prevzema vodilno vlogo v mednarodnem okviru pri reševanju energetskih in okoljskih izzivov v obrambnem sektorju. 🤝 S podporo projektom kot je #MODEL+ partnerstvo SiEnE vzpodbuja razvoj in demonstracijo visokotehnoloških rešitev, ki slovenskim partnerjem odpirajo vrata na tuje trge in omogočajo uspešnejše vključevanje v mednarodne dobavne verige. ℹ Več informacij na: 🇪🇺 [MODEL+ PARTNERS PRESENTED WITH KRONOTERM ENERGY SOLUTIONS PLACING IT AT THE EUROPEAN FOREFRONT | 11 SEPTEMBER 2024, GOMILSKO] 📢 At the latest MODEL+ project council meeting, held at KRONOTERM's headquarters in Gomilsko, the project partners visited the production facility of energy-advanced and aesthetically refined heat pumps, which places KRONOTERM among the European leaders. 🎯One of the key objectives of the MODEL+ project is to achieve #energy #efficiency and self-sufficiency of modular buildings. As part of the MODEL+ project, KRONOTERM will develop an advanced modular thermal energy system. 🤝 The MODEL+ project is part of the National Strategic Programme #PamPIK, focusing on smart, energy-efficient, and energy-independent deployable camps for dual use. The programme represents one of the key strategic areas of the SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence. With Slovenian partners and the support of the Ministry of Defence (#SiMoD), SiEnE takes a leading role in the international context in addressing energy and environmental challenges in the defence sector 🌐 International partners interested in collaborating with Slovenian partners on wide-ranging #defence and #dualuse #projects are encouraged to contact us at 👉

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    🇸🇮 [SYENERGY WEBINAR: RAVNANJE Z VODO IN ODPADKI 💦 ♻ - PREDSTAVITEV PRILOŽNOSTI ZA SODELOVANJE V PROJEKTIH] 📢 Na SYeNERGY webinarju v okviru RRI projekta #PamPIK2 smo predstavili prenovljeno razvojno misijo Ravnanje z vodo in odpadki. 🎯 Ključni poudarek je bil na predstavitvi obstoječih predlogov prebojnih #tehnoloških #rešitev za #dvojno #rabo in #priložnostih za vključevanje podjetij, razvojno raziskovalnih organizacij in ekspertov v pripravo ključnih RRI projektov za nadaljnje izvajanje in financiranje s strani Ministrstva za obrambo #MORS. 🚀 Na podlagi prenovljenih razvojnih misij se bo izdelal Katalog projektov, ki bo izhodišče za izbor in izvedbo najprimernejših projektov, v okviru katerih bodo razvite nove in napredne tehnološke rešitve za pametne energetsko učinkovite in energijsko neodvisne premestljive kampe. 💡SYeNERGY webinarji, ki jih organizira TECES, Green Tech Cluster, so del aktivnosti prenove razvojnih misij v okviru RRI projekta PamPIK2 – Razvoj pametnih premestljivih infrastrukturnih kapacitet na podlagi študije izvedljivosti, ki ga financira #MORS. S projektom želimo vzpodbuditi slovenske partnerje k razvoju tehnoloških rešitev za dvojno rabo. 🤝 Če želite sodelovati pri iskanju tehnoloških rešitev za ključne izzive na civilnem in obrambnem področju, se vključite v bazo slovenskih ekspertov partnerstev TECES #SiTEB. ℹ️ Vpis v bazo ekspertov SiTEB na 👉 --- 🇪🇺 [FROM THE SYeNERGY WEBINAR #PamPIK2: WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT💦 ♻ - PRESENTATION OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROJECT COLLABORATION] 📢 At the SYeNERGY webinar, part of the R&D project #PamPIK2, we presented the updated Water and Waste Management development mission. 🎯 The key focus was presenting existing proposals for breakthrough technological solutions for dual use in water and waste management, as well as opportunities for companies, research and development organizations, and experts to prepare key RDI projects for further implementation and funding by the Ministry of Defence #SiMoD. 💡The SYeNERGY webinars, organized by TECES, Green Tech Cluster, are part of the activities for renewing development missions within the R&D project PamPIK2—Development of Smart Deployable Infrastructure Capacities based on a Feasibility Study, funded by the #SiMoD. 🚀 The project aims to encourage Slovenian partners to develop technological solutions for dual use, with ten development missions identified as crucial directions for developing technological solutions, processes, and services. 🌍 International #partners interested in collaborating with Slovenian partners and #SiTEB experts on wide-ranging #civilian, #defense, or #dualuse #projects are encouraged to contact us. ℹ️ Contact us at 👉

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    🇪🇺 [ACHIEVING GOALS 🎯: MORE THAN 120 PARTICIPANTS AT THE 4TH INDY ALL PARTNERS EVENT IN MUNICH] 📣 The 4th INDY All Partners event took place at the Bundeswehr University Munich in Germany and brought together over 120 military, research and industrial project partners and representatives from Ministries of Defence. 🤝 Organised by Rheinmetall and TECES, Green Tech Cluster, the event focused on ensuring the successful completion of the project. As the final gathering of partners before the concluding event, the meeting was crucial for consolidating efforts and aligning strategies to achieve the project's objectives. The unique military setting and genuine hospitality fostered deeper collaboration, enabled constructive discussions, and provided participants with additional motivation in the final steps before the project's completion by January 2025. 💪 Thank you to all participants for your dedication and contributions to the event’s success! 🙌👏 ℹ️ For more information about the event visit: |#StrongerEurope | #EUDefenceIndustry | #GreeningDefence |#StrongerTogether |#Partnership | #EDF |#dualuse |

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    🇸🇮 [SYeNERGY WEBINAR: PRILOŽNOSTI ZA SLOVENSKA PODJETJA, RRO-JE IN EKSPERTE NA PODROČJU RAVNANJA Z VODO IN ODPADKI💧♻️] 📢 𝗦𝗶 𝘇̌𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗸𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗻𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗶 𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗷𝘂 𝗶𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗻𝗶𝗵 𝘁𝗲𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘀̌𝗸𝗶𝗵 𝗿𝗲𝘀̌𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘃 𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲 𝘃𝗸𝗹𝗷𝘂𝗰̌𝗶𝘁𝗶 𝘃 𝗽𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗻𝗲 𝗻𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗲? Na prihajajočem SYeNERGY WEBINAR na tematiko ravnanja z vodo in odpadki boste izvedeli več o priložnostih za: 👉 sodelovanje pri 𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘃𝗼𝗷𝘂 𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗵 𝘁𝗲𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗷 na področju ravnanja z vodo in odpadki, 👉 sodelovanje pri 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗻𝗶𝗵 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗼𝘃 za vključitev v Katalog predlogov projektov, 👉 sodelovanje pri 𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗷𝘂 𝘃𝘀𝗲𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝘇𝗮 𝗸𝗹𝗷𝘂𝗰̌𝗻𝗲 𝗥𝗥𝗜 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗲, ki bodo podprti in financirani s strani Ministrstva za obrambo #MORS. 👉 nadaljnje 𝘃𝗸𝗹𝗷𝘂𝗰̌𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝘃 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗻𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗲. 🗓 Datum: 19. september 2024 ⏰ Čas: 13:00 - 14:30 💻 Kje: Online preko MS Teams 📌 Prijava na dogodek je obvezna. Registrirate se preko naslednje povezave: Dogodek poteka pod okriljem RRI projekta PamPIK2– Razvoj pametnih premestljivih infrastrukturnih kapacitet na podlagi študije izvedljivosti, s katerim želi #MORS vzpodbuditi slovenske partnerje k razvoju tehničnih/tehnoloških rešitev za obrambne in civilne namene. ℹ️ Več informacij o dogodku na: --------------------- 🇪🇺 [SYeNERGY WEBINAR: OPPORTUNITIES FOR SLOVENIAN COMPANIES, R&D ORGANISATIONS, AND EXPERTS IN WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 💧♻️] The upcoming SYeNERGY Webinar will present opportunities for Slovenian companies, R&D Organisations, and Experts in water and waste management to: 👉 Collaborate on new technology development. 👉 Contribute to project proposals for the Project Proposals Catalogue. 👉 Help shape key R&D projects supported by the Ministry of Defence #SiMoD. 👉 Continue involvement in both international and national projects. This event is part of the R&D project PamPIK2 The development of smart deployable infrastructure capacities based on a feasibility study, funded by the #SiMoD, which aims to encourage Slovenian partners to develop technical and technological solutions for both defence and civilian applications.

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  • SiEnE, Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence reposted this

    🇸🇮 [IZ DELAVNICE #PamPIK: SLOVENSKI STROKOVNJAKI PREDSTAVILI PREDLOGE TEHNOLOŠKIH REŠITEV NA PODROČJU RAVNANJA Z VODO IN ODPADKI 💧♻️] 📢 Na delavnici prenove razvojne misije 𝗥𝗮𝘃𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝘇 𝘃𝗼𝗱𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝗱𝗽𝗮𝗱𝗸𝗶 so strokovnjaki iz baze slovenskih ekspertov partnerstev TECES #SiTEB v hotelu Piramida v Mariboru predstavili 𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗼𝘃 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗷𝗻𝗶𝗵 𝘁𝗲𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘀̌𝗸𝗶𝗵 𝗿𝗲𝘀̌𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘃 𝘇𝗮 𝗱𝘃𝗼𝗷𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗶 𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗷𝘂 𝘇 𝘃𝗼𝗱𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝗱𝗽𝗮𝗱𝗸𝗶 v pametnem, energetsko samozadostnem, modularnem in premestljivem kampu. Delavnice, ki jih organizira TECES, Green Tech Cluster, so del aktivnosti prenove razvojnih misij v okviru RRI projekta #PamPIK2 – Razvoj pametnih premestljivih infrastrukturnih kapacitet na podlagi študije izvedljivosti, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za obrambo RS #MORS. 🎯 S projektom se želi vzpodbuditi slovenske partnerje k razvoju #tehnoloških #rešitev za #dvojno #rabo, pri čemer je identificiranih 10 razvojnih misij – ključnih usmeritev razvoja tehnoloških rešitev, procesov in storitev. 🤝 Bi želeli sodelovati pri iskanju tehnoloških rešitev za ključne izzive na civilnem in obrambnem področju? Vključite se v bazo slovenskih ekspertov partnerstev TECES #SiTEB. ℹ️ Več na : --- [FROM THE #PamPIK WORKSHOP: SLOVENIAN EXPERTS PRESENTED PROPOSALS FOR TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS IN WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT💧♻️] 📢 At the water and waste management workshop, TECES Partnerships Slovenian Expert Base #SiTEB experts presented proposals for #breakthrough #technological #solutions for dual-use in #water and #waste #management in a smart, energy-self-sufficient, modular, and deployable camp. The workshops organised by @TECES, Green Tech Cluster#PamPIK2 – Smart Deployable Infrastructure Capacities based on a feasibility study, funded by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia #SiMoD. 🎯The project aims to encourage Slovenian partners to develop dual-use technological solutions, identifying ten development missions – key directions for developing technological solutions, processes, and services.

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