NION Neuroscience reposted this
NION tDCS 2025! 💎 NION Neuroscience has finally entered a competition where it can show it's strength to the public's eye and dominate alongside others! Since 22.2.2022 at 22:22 or the legendary moment when Patrik Šlachta decided to establish his business, NION has received a lot of love from all sorts of people including long-time drug addicts, people with depression after breaking up with their girlfriend and seniors with sleep deprivation thus becoming the first solution for a wide range of individuals but mainly for the one's with ADHD, Alzheimer and Concentration troubles. Now we've been co-funded by European Union and I've never been more proud about my child, NION, growing up alongside me. 🦁 NION Neuroscience > Neuralink ❤️ Miroslav Mišković Eric Kuo, CFA EIT Health InnoStars Tim Draper Y Combinator Dan Peña Brad Keywell Katharina G. Andresen David B. Golub Guillaume Pousaz Gunvaldis Ezermanis Zhong Shanshan Colonel Anthony Pratt Jim Davis Bob Faith H Fisk Johnson Clive Palmer Oliver Slapal Jeff Green Patrice Motsepe Shlomo Kramer Tim Dunn Guillaume Pousaz Dalibor Cicman Emir Causevic Matei Dumitrescu Dan Hirschfeld Dean Solon Chad Richison John V. Oyler Kjell Inge Røkke Louis Le Duff Andrej Babiš (official CV) Vinod Saraf Ken Davidov Tamra Laukien Maros Kiska #CreateQuadrillionEuro #InfluenceBillionPeople #DanPena #QLA #TimDraperUniversity #YCombinator #LondonReal #42University #BrianRose #EITInnostars #EITHealth