Princess of Zeven

Princess of Zeven

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Swaps4  [dezvoltator] 27 oct. 2023 la 20:25
Bug Reports
This thread will be for bug reports. Please post a screenshot and a description of any bugs you may find in the game, and we will fix them as soon as possible.

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Se afișează 1-13 din 13 comentarii
Priest Tree is bugged, cannot go beyond Saint's knowledge (row 4), everything above that just says you need Priest Knowledge +1. but I have JP3 remaining. Bugged.
Upon entering layer 7 floor 10 I'm getting "Unable to find file: Graphics/Characters/hadaka3". I'm playing without the patch if that matters. Tried verifying the files and reinstalling, no change.
Legs 29 oct. 2023 la 0:15 
Can't buy the cold resistance blessing, only offers the heat resistant blessing.
Same with wind resistance blessing
Editat ultima dată de Legs; 29 oct. 2023 la 0:53
Legs 29 oct. 2023 la 1:57 
Postat inițial de LordGunseng:
Upon entering layer 7 floor 10 I'm getting "Unable to find file: Graphics/Characters/hadaka3". I'm playing without the patch if that matters. Tried verifying the files and reinstalling, no change.
Getting this same issue, applying the patch fixed it
Editat ultima dată de Legs; 29 oct. 2023 la 2:28
Acest comentariu nu a fost încă verificat de sistemul nostru automat de analizare a conținutului. Va fi temporar ascuns până când verificăm dacă include sau nu un conținut dăunător (de exemplu, linkuri către site-uri web care încearcă să fure informații).
Hi I need some help. At the end of the first level in the fight against the Orc. I can bring him to 1 life point but not defeat him. is this a bug or do you need a certain weapon to defeat the orc and remove the last life point?
Postat inițial de illusion:
Priest Tree is bugged, cannot go beyond Saint's knowledge (row 4), everything above that just says you need Priest Knowledge +1. but I have JP3 remaining. Bugged.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but 'Priests Knowledge' is not JP. Knowledge items (there's one for every class), can be randomly found in the dungeon (just like memory fragments). So in order to learn abilities on row 4 you need 1 JP and 1 Priest Knowledge.
I cannot sell more than 1 item at a time at the weapon store. If I choose to sell something I get the prompt where I can select how many, but I can't change the value.

With small stacks this is a minor inconvenience, but if you're trying to sell 18 'Rat nail's, it becomes rather annoying.
AreyXIII 31 oct. 2023 la 18:36 
if you ever ruin into an issue where you possess the knowledge and it still wont allow you to apply it, try respecing, that fixed it for me

Postat inițial de Mr. Smiles:
Postat inițial de illusion:
Priest Tree is bugged, cannot go beyond Saint's knowledge (row 4), everything above that just says you need Priest Knowledge +1. but I have JP3 remaining. Bugged.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but 'Priests Knowledge' is not JP. Knowledge items (there's one for every class), can be randomly found in the dungeon (just like memory fragments). So in order to learn abilities on row 4 you need 1 JP and 1 Priest Knowledge.
Postat inițial de Legs:
Postat inițial de LordGunseng:
Upon entering layer 7 floor 10 I'm getting "Unable to find file: Graphics/Characters/hadaka3". I'm playing without the patch if that matters. Tried verifying the files and reinstalling, no change.
Getting this same issue, applying the patch fixed it
I ended up just grabbing another graphics file, copying it and renaming it, and it worked.

Weird thing is I grabbed the "fire effect" or whatever file but never noticed anything weird.

No idea why I thought this game had NG+. Kinda wasted my time not using the patch lol
opening the monsterpedia crashes the game
Not sure if this is a bug, but it looks like the monsters in the monsterpedia are drawn behind the menu. I can still see the monsters, but it looks like the transparent blue menu background is drawn over them.
Resentec 13 nov. 2023 la 22:59 
Using patched version and there is an error that causes a crash.
The first event is with the dojo first encounter.
Crashes with error file missing: Graphics/Characters/heroine0380000
The second is just before the Ice floor where if you do the Inn event and play through it as opposed to skipping, it crashes to a similar error.
The error is: 'Unable to find file: Graphics/Characters/heroin0280000'
I assume that this is a missing png for these events specifically.

Editat ultima dată de Resentec; 13 nov. 2023 la 23:53
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Se afișează 1-13 din 13 comentarii
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