Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

Army recruitment and desertion

Recently while mustering army i was regularly (every day or a few days) having desertions events due to no clothes supplied. The problem is the proc is too fast and too harsh, you can get your first desertion in a few days, dropping like 10% of your army if you do not also provide enough rations in time. In early game this will lead to army disband because you now cannot march onto the objective anymore if you only have 50-100 people and it chops your only trained division in full.

I think the army should bring minimal supplies for a day or more with them by default (everyone can haul in the army and also has clothes on them, weapons and armor). Maybe they already do that but i kind of not checked and it does not feel like that. The delay to get all the supplies for muster is at most few hours so there's no reason to provide them by supply depot later.
And also have the option to march on without supplies that will be later supplied by supply depot (for rapid deployment, but the things they already wear, weapons and armor should be on them because you obviously won't march your battalion without their equipment in the time period the game supposed to simulate).
The army also should have an ability to forage passively because that's what everyone did until 17-19th centuries. 100 men can definitely forage meat, grain, fruits and vegies from vast territories of provinces without requiring regular rations. Rations are for emergencies.
This could prevent unnecessary desertion events that are mostly out of control and vastly simplify supply for smaller bands.

Overall my experience with army supply system is sort of overhiring the depots before marching orders and praying that critical division do not desert before the fight, or you wait for a year to stock on every supply before marching on. Which is painful.
最后由 BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane 编辑于; 1 月 29 日 上午 10:32
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I've googled a fast sanity check on myself on foraging and ancient logistics and it mostly checks out my with my expectations. But obviously there are a lot of parameters based on army size, conditioning and composition that should be distilled for simulation.
最后由 BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane 编辑于; 1 月 29 日 上午 10:31
I agree that something has to be done here. Soldiers taking some supplies with them could work but doing it that way will almost certainly cause a lot of bugs.

Perhaps they could just wait until the supplies have been delivered and then leave the city? That would slow down sending the army a bit, but it would prevent desertion.
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