Crysis Remastered

Crysis Remastered

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Crysis Remastered? More Like Demastered
Its literally sucks. Just a graphical enhancement and nothing else. The OG more stable than this poor excuse of remaster.. The atmosphere we had is gone. Dialogue and what we see on screen do not match sometimes. For example;

In the intro, before plane enters the screen there was a big cloud on screen blocking the island view and the command says like there is a radar interference or electric storms. Then cloud fade aways and island come into view, pilot says nothing in our side view is clear or something like that. In the "remaster" the cloud from og is no longer there. No cloud to block view or any evidence for 'radar interference - electric storm' being present from the start.

They took away enviromental storytelling to some extent i think. Other than that, "remaster" includes new bugs to us with the old ones from og being still exist. We have to install third-party stuff to run it properly and in the end its not guaranteed to work perfectly all the time.

Why Crytek? just why? :steamsad: :winter2019angrybulb:
Last edited by SETZIG; 4 Apr @ 8:01am
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
kaibr 17 Apr @ 9:05pm 
Is this similar to Halo CE:A where the remastered obliterates the atmosphere and the general feel of the game so the original is just the better way to play?
Originally posted by kaibr:
Is this similar to Halo CE:A where the remastered obliterates the atmosphere and the general feel of the game so the original is just the better way to play?

Halo 2 when you are first introduced to the flood. The floor under you is completely obscured with fog on purpose. In the remaster you can see that it's the flood clear as day. I get it, most people know what/who it is now, still not the point in how it ruins it. Also the game is waayyyyyy too shiny. Tone that crap down a bit.
SETZIG 18 Apr @ 4:44am 
Originally posted by kaibr:
Is this similar to Halo CE:A where the remastered obliterates the atmosphere and the general feel of the game so the original is just the better way to play?
Yes, exactly!
kaibr 18 Apr @ 7:42am 
Originally posted by SETZIG:
Originally posted by kaibr:
Is this similar to Halo CE:A where the remastered obliterates the atmosphere and the general feel of the game so the original is just the better way to play?
Yes, exactly!

How about Crysis 2 and 3? Are they still good, considering buying the collection.
Originally posted by kaibr:
Originally posted by SETZIG:
Yes, exactly!

How about Crysis 2 and 3? Are they still good, considering buying the collection.

All of them are good, but crysis "fans" will never stop hating everything that crytek does, and should be ignored.
SETZIG 18 Apr @ 11:02am 
Originally posted by kaibr:
Originally posted by SETZIG:
Yes, exactly!

How about Crysis 2 and 3? Are they still good, considering buying the collection.

Crysis 2 and 3 Remastered is considered good. Currently on Crysis 3, so far I got no complaints.
SETZIG 18 Apr @ 11:05am 
Originally posted by Vassago Rain:
Originally posted by kaibr:

How about Crysis 2 and 3? Are they still good, considering buying the collection.

All of them are good, but crysis "fans" will never stop hating everything that crytek does, and should be ignored.

I love Crytek and their games, I just pointed out og version of crysis 1 better than remastered one. Thats all. Only Crysis 1 is just bad remaster, not others.
Originally posted by Pfeuff:
Originally posted by Bwoah:
Chill dude just because someone has a different opinion than your's does not mean hes sucking someone ....
Doesn't question any bad decisions, defends/praises the sketchy developer and talks smack about those who see through all the bs, while at the same time takes whatever garbage is thrown at them and gives more money than what it's worth in exchange, just for the privilege of using the product.

If that's not Stockholme Syndrome... then I don't know what is.

Yeah, man, that's totally what I'm doing. :jcoin:
What exactly are the "graphical enhancements"?

Just the cut scene videos?

Better textures in the game itself?

Is alt-tabbing working again without putting the game into windowed mode?
SETZIG 2 Jul @ 12:27am 
Originally posted by Gordon✪Gekko:
What exactly are the "graphical enhancements"?

Just the cut scene videos?

Better textures in the game itself?

Is alt-tabbing working again without putting the game into windowed mode?

I can't give you exact details but watch this my man;
Originally posted by SETZIG:
I can't give you exact details but watch this my man;
Thank you very much for your video. I appreciate hard facts.

Since I am not interested in cut scenes the graphics quality seems to be mixed but over all slightly or even significantly better.

Now if alt-tabbing also got imporoved and the binocular mess (simple vs normal) is fixed (?) that would certainly add additional value.
Last edited by Gordon✪Gekko; 2 Jul @ 7:59am
kaibr 2 Jul @ 4:40pm 
You guys love to whinge and moan. Shortly after posting my original comment I played through the short game and was done with it. Crysis was never anything special and the remaster certainly didn't modernise it in any meaningful way.
As for me I dont have Crysis 3. Crysis 3 is no longer in the Steam shop, so there is anyway only Crysis 3 Remastered to buy.

The nice thing: The whole Crysis Remastered trilogy cost only 2.5.- more than Crysis 3 Remastered alone. I'd say that's a good deal.
Last edited by Gordon✪Gekko; 2 Jul @ 4:47pm
Pfeuff 2 Jul @ 5:52pm 
Originally posted by kaibr:
You guys love to whinge and moan.
Yes, because Crytek has given absolutely no respect for the franchise, nor their fans... and especially not the people who stuck with them since the beginning. They don't give a sh## about you.

Originally posted by Gordon✪Gekko:
As for me I dont have Crysis 3. Crysis 3 is no longer in the Steam shop, so there is anyway only Crysis 3 Remastered to buy.

The nice thing: The whole Crysis Remastered trilogy cost only 2.5.- more than Crysis 3 Remastered alone. I'd say that's a good deal.
C1R is worthless, and shouldn't be given any attention or revenue.
Last edited by Pfeuff; 2 Jul @ 6:06pm
Pfeuff 3 Jul @ 9:59am 
Originally posted by Gordon✪Gekko:
I bought this marvelous trilogy, no regrets, it looks fantastic.

Also the alt-tabbing is now working instantly.

Aboslute buy recommendation! :cchappy:
Yet another bright minded individual feeding the greedy corporate pockets with money which they don't deserve. Have fun playing a turd of a remaster. Your loss.
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