Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

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StillNinja 6 Jul @ 6:26pm
Fix for constant crashes - Tested on RTX 40+
Seems to be a ram leak issue.
Go to Settings > Display > Graphics > Change Default Graphics > Turn off Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.
Restart your PC and play.
Don't know if this works on card that aren't part of the 40 series.
Leave feedback if does/nt work.

Just did 2 hours no crash.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Hi! I did this and my game stopped crashing. Thank you for sharing this. Although I still don't know if these settings might have any downsides.
Zeproth 6 Jul @ 11:07pm 
Originally posted by StillNinja:
Seems to be a ram leak issue.
Go to Settings > Display > Graphics > Change Default Graphics > Turn off Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.
Restart your PC and play.
Don't know if this works on card that aren't part of the 40 series.
Leave feedback if does/nt work.

Just did 2 hours no crash.

Can confirm, Sadly this is the actualy simplest fix, and best so far, THANKS SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!

i run a GTX 4k series of nvidea, this has allowed me to play more then 10-15 min, also iv been able to alt tab and type this and it still didnt crash

Confirming 2hr, of no crashing with this method with 4000 series of nvidia
hope it works for every one
Last edited by Zeproth; 7 Jul @ 12:11am
Yes this fixes the crashes (the same fix also fixed the crashes for those who had crashes before this cursed update). However the stuttering remains horrific.
Hi does this fix for all crashes? I get constant crashes after the seizure warning and it is driving me nuts
I can confirm this works running rtx 4000 series again not sure what Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling actually does so if someone knows please lmk
Rune 7 Jul @ 5:09am 
Originally posted by oliver.loon:
I can confirm this works running rtx 4000 series again not sure what Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling actually does so if someone knows please lmk

It introduces a new scheduling for GPUs that drastically reduces latency overhead caused by the Windows display driver model. In other words; the GPU can get frames faster in parallel without going through hoops or buffers. It's also required for some current and future hardware features, such as frame generation on Nvidia 40-series GPUs. It's a toggle that's recommended to keep enabled, particularly on Windows 11 and new hardware, but obviously if it's causing issues then that's a problem. It's a bit dumb to have it disabled for just one game, so hopefully the developers can provide a proper fix for this issue considering that many games benefit for having GPU scheduling turned on, and more will in the future.
I found that I need to do this *and* upgrade to the latest NVIDIA driver 556.12 which was released on June 27, 2024 to fix the crash.
Bump - so ppl see it
My game only freezes and soft crashes on start up when preparing shaders, I turn off everything else it loads just fine, never crashed in game but once. I'm on 3060 nvidia 16gig ram
Originally posted by Fighting Blaze:
My game only freezes and soft crashes on start up when preparing shaders, I turn off everything else it loads just fine, never crashed in game but once. I'm on 3060 nvidia 16gig ram

It seems the 40 series cards have the most problems with this. Ppl have been saying it runs fine even on 1070ti.

I'm using the RTX 4090 and got crashes every 10-40 mins till I turned off HAGS.
Yes this has been going around, but it's not a one-size fits all solution. I would recommend keeping it on, and using a framerate limiter first. If that doesn't fix it, or the FPS goes beyond your fancy, then try this. Turning off RT can also fix it for some.

It all has to do with the amount of drawcalls at a given scene, and an excess breaks the DRM and causes it to crash. The developer and Denuvo will deny it, but its pretty obvious...
Originally posted by Majestic:
Yes this has been going around, but it's not a one-size fits all solution. I would recommend keeping it on, and using a framerate limiter first. If that doesn't fix it, or the FPS goes beyond your fancy, then try this. Turning off RT can also fix it for some.

It all has to do with the amount of drawcalls at a given scene, and an excess breaks the DRM and causes it to crash. The developer and Denuvo will deny it, but its pretty obvious...
Just came to say that I was getting loads of crashes. Turning off HAGS did seem to fix it, but still got crashes after about an hour.

Turned HAGS back on and RESET display and graphics settings on the game all to default.... just played an hour and a half without crashes and the stuttering is vastly reduced.

I think the default settings have rt all off and frame cap at 60.

So if you don't want to have to keep turning HAGS on and off just for this one game, try just keeping things on default, see if you still get crashes.
Originally posted by GlennyPlaysStuff:

So if you don't want to have to keep turning HAGS on and off just for this one game, try just keeping things on default, see if you still get crashes.

Yes, the crashes may be bound to RT.
I started the game at Default Settings minus Framegeneration, and didn´t see a crash for about an hour.
After turning RT on, it kept crashing every 5 to 10 minutes.
With HAGS off, it didn´t crash in about 10 hours, but stutters more.

I´ve since turned off RT Ambient Occlusion, because it doesn´t look good imo.
Maybe time to try turning HAGS back on and see if it´s all RT effects causing crashes or just a single one of them.
Originally posted by GlennyPlaysStuff:
I think the default settings have rt all off and frame cap at 60.

Yes exactly, ironically most people that are crashing are those that deviate from default settings. IE removing framecap and turning on RT. It still shouldn't crash, but yeah...
flipmode 8 Jul @ 10:58am 
Nope, still crashes for me with all RT off and capped to 60. (4070ti)
So turning HAGS off remains the only reliable solution for me.
Time the devs fix it.
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