Napoleonic Wars Public NWPublic
Napoleonic Wars Public NWPublic
게임 중
2016년 4월 2일
Napoleonic Wars Public 정보

Napoleonic Wars Public

Welcome to Napoleonic Wars Public!
A community supporting public servers on Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars. This is the official steam group for Minisiege and EU Commander.

Our website[]
Our Discord[]

Our Teamspeak address:
Game to Wish List:

Opened in fall 2014 it's presently the most popular siege server on Napoleonic Wars. It features a dynamic gameplay on small and original siege maps.

Created in Spring 2015 it's the only Commander Battle server featuring class limitations, flag bearers and musicians. The maps are large and realistic, offering challenging tactical battles.

Join our forum to write any request regarding our servers (bans, unbans, admin applications). We won't answer any request made on the Steam group.

Join our Discord server to discuss with our staff and other players from both EU Commander and Minisiege!

Napoleonic Wars Public Website[]
Napoleonic Wars Public Discord[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
10 Year Anniversary
Minisiege Update 18/6/24
댓글 51
RIC$ 2024년 10월 21일 오전 12시 11분 
Téged is érdekelnek a Napóleoni Sorcsaták, és kipróbálnád magad egyben?
Vagy esetleg csak egy baráti és befogadó magyar közösséget keresel?

Van mind két kérdésre válasz.
Mi vagyunk az **Nr32 Eszterházy Ezred** egy Magyar Klán mely új tagokat keres, és hogy mit tudunk ajánlani?
A következőket:
-SZERDA: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Swords & Musket
-VASÁRNAP: Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars
-Tapasztalt Vezetőket
-Heti rendszerességű (nem kötelező) Csatákat
-Több éves tapasztalat Mount & Blade játékokban és más játékokban (pl: Holdfast: Nations at War, Battle Cry of Freedom, War of Rights stb...)
-Hetente változó játékkal megtartott közös játékestek
- Barátságos és befogadó közösség

Hogyha felkeltettük a kiváncsiságodat, csatlakozz hozzánk, Mert az Nr32 Eszterházy Ezrednek szüksége van rád!
Az alábbi Discord Linken megtalálsz minket.
Cherry_Switchblade 2024년 4월 8일 오후 4시 23분 
EU_Commander server is still very active everyday! come play again!
LAST ECNEBI BENDER 2023년 9월 19일 오전 9시 51분 
Please unban me from minisiege server :steamsad:
Vengeful One 2023년 2월 9일 오후 5시 39분 
Napoleon Total War :Hi, I'm new with 80 hours, and looking for some one to play a casual competitive campaign with.

But I would Like to play by a set of gentleman rules, Things as Restricting certain gamey mechanics, such as AI Diplomacy, and a few other things as well. I'm in my 20's, with discord looking for a casual competitive game play with insightful conversations. Steam Friend Code 103452852
Bálint™ 2023년 2월 8일 오전 8시 14분 
Hello, I'm from the HLI - Hungarian Line Infantry regiment and i would like to introduce you our Tuesday Event on Napoleonic Wars, classic line battle event with all the special classes, if you got nothing to do on tuesday and feel like playin some NW then we got you covered. Still got lots of space, feel free to sign up here:
Tethos 2022년 3월 9일 오전 7시 46분 
Thanks for perma banning the trolls I reported on the forums.
The issue still does remain though that Ben was on and took no action (in fact, they replied "Cope"), so I will still be pushing for discipline against him.
게임 중
165 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 4월 2일