Recipe Squad recipesquad
Recipe Squad recipesquad
30 January, 2017
ABOUT Recipe Squad

We are here to help!

This group does not exist to bypass the purchase of block sets from Playful, the maker of Creativerse. This group was created to help those who simply cannot find, obtain, or purchase blocks or block recipes. We are dedicated to the betterment of our community and to helping Creativerse players.

If you need recipes, please join our group and leave a message

If you wish to craft blocks for people, please join and keep an eye out for people posting they need recipes

Please do not overburden a single member for their time or recipes; lets spread out the workload

Please have materials on your world if you want us to make blocks

If you don't know what materials are used in a certain block, post a message

This group is NOT about trading, we are a recipe/block assistance team who help people who simply cannot obtain or purchase certain recipes

Here are a few guidelines we follow:

1. if you want the gold blocks, rainbowinator, gold sword and holiday recipes you missed, we are for you! join our group and post a message.

2. if you want some premium blocks, members of our group are willing to craft you some; my (meatball) personal limit is 3 stacks of any block, maxmium is 3 types. More than that in any given week to is abusive to our group

3. if you want something; you need to join our group and post a message about what you need on our group message forum

4. if you are missing a few recipes, you can ask our group in the group forum; recipes handed out are at the sole discretion of the person owning the recipe; if nobody answers you, then they don't have that recipe left. Please don't ask for whole sets of holiday recipes from a single person; please reach out to other members of the group if someone gives you some.

5. it appears that our primary guideline will be that we will hand out super extractors and any easy to find recipes when asked for them via a group forum post; but that the rare recipes will be handed out no earlier than a person reaching 100 hours; ALL recipes given out are given at the sole discretion of the owner of the recipe and incessant begging will not be tolerated.

6. if you want us to craft blocks for you, you must have the materials available to do so; you must also provide a safe area for the crafter to work. If the crafter feels their time is being wasted or they do not feel they are in a safe area, they will probably leave. Password protected worlds should have the password changed before allowing ther crafter in, and changed back after they leave.

Please remember that our guidelines are there to protect the recipe-needing player more than the person gifting; we do not want to ruin your game experience by handing out found recipes; because those are meant for you to find them.
Creativity Evolved is about to be released!
Does anybody need any recipes?
ParaGroot 22 Jun, 2020 @ 4:52pm 
I'm looking for the Orange Goo Cauldron, Green Goo Cauldrons , and Purple Goo Cauldron if anyone has any spare ones. They are the last 3 I need to unlock for complete my crafting list
Marih 1 Sep, 2019 @ 8:08am 
Hi! I don't have the recipes 'Year of the pig lantern' and 'goo cauldron'(any of the three).
There is someone that can help giving me one of each? :cozyjunimogreen:
imfasterke11 14 Jul, 2019 @ 3:20am 
Imprinted Bedrock Wall recipe do someone have that? please
J's 6 Jun, 2019 @ 7:01pm 
@Angel James : Those recipes are not available, they can however be crafted by player that have access to that recipe. Your best bet is to start a thread asking for some help getting a few (or bunch) of those crafted. Sadly, I can't because I have neither of those as well... but someone might.

It might be a good idea to check the wiki to prepare the mats in advance, as a curtesy to the crafter (i.e. not wasting time).
CelticCat_Retsu 4 Jun, 2019 @ 9:25am 
You guys are amazing! Is there any way I could get 2 rainbowinator and legendary golden sword recipes for my husband and myself plz? Ty in advance.
Devotaur 27 Feb, 2019 @ 12:21pm 
I need legendary golden swords as many as your willing to make me I think I have all the materials not sure I'll check today but if any of you could help me that would be great thank you
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30 January, 2017