The Second Finnish Empire T.S.F.E
The Second Finnish Empire T.S.F.E
26 March, 2013
ABOUT The Second Finnish Empire

Tervetuloa Suomeen/Välkommen till Finland/Welcome to Finland !

The Second Finnish Empire is a Constitutional Monarchy with a Democratically Elected Parliament on Steam and is one of many role-playing groups. 

●▬▬▬|♔| Basic Information |♔|▬▬▬● 
Capital - Turku 
Government - Constitutional Monarchy 
Language(s) - Finnish, Swedish and Russian 
Religion - Evangelical Lutheranism, Russian Orthodoxy 
Currency - Finnish Markka 
National Anthem - Maamme "Our Land" 
Date - December 1881

●▬▬▬|♔| The Head of Government |♔|▬▬▬● 
Emperor - Frederick Feeds
Empress - 
Crown Prince - Villiam Vepsäläinen
Grand Prince -
Grand Prince - 
Grand Princess - Kaarina Hämäläinen Valste
Grand Princess -

Regent -

Captain of The Guards - Frederick Feeds

Witch Hunter -

Governor of the Central Bank of Finland - Federick Feeds

●▬▬▬|♔| The Council of State |♔|▬▬▬● 
~~ Prime Minister - Artturi Gasda
~ Deputy Prime Minister - Villiam Vepsäläinen

Minister of Defence/War - 
Minister of Finance - Marius Verona
Minister of Foreign Affairs - 
Minister of the Interior - Marko Häkkinen
Minister of Justice - Aarrö Jabril
Minister of Church -
Minister of Education - Oliver Law
Minister of Social Affairs - 
Minister of Trade -
Minister of Industry - 
Minister of Transport -
Minister of Public Works - 
Minister of Agriculture - 
Minister of Provisions - 

●▬▬▬|♔| The Finnish Nobility |♔|▬▬▬● 
Duke of Uusimaa - Frederick Feeds
Marquis of South Pohjanmaa - Oliver Law
Marquis of Ahvenanmaa - Villiam Vepsäläinen
Marquis of Kymenlaasko -
Marquis of North Karjala -
Count of Lappi -
Count of North Pohjanmaa -
Count of Central Pohjanmaa - Aarrö Jabril
Count of Pohjanmaa -
Count of Kainuu -
Countess of Savo - Kaarina Hämäläinen Valste
Count of Keski-Suomi -
Count of Satakunta -
Count of Häme -
Count of Päijät-Häme -
Count of Pirkanmaa - Marko Häkkinen
Count of Karjala -

●▬▬▬|♔| Diplomacy of Finland |♔|▬▬▬● 
Allies ~

Nobility Council
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Battle of Turku: Prelude
The Battle of Turku will be fought in five phases, which are the following:
1. Battle for the Government Buildings (power to form the Government and appoint Ministers)
2. Battle for the Grand Ducal Estate (the Grand Duke's powers)
3. Battle for the Imperial Palace (the Emperor's powers)
4. Battle for the Imperial Archives (the old forums of the Empire)
5. Battle for the Secret Archives (the forum used personally by the former Emperor)

Each phase is fought for the access and control of the specified element. Agent Z being the Emperor's top spy, is able to convert any and all of these elements to his personal assets and upon doing so, become the General-Governor of Finland with all the power. Though trying to capture an element and failing, he will have transfer the element into the possession of the Finns by editing the permissions accordingly.

Additionally, if Agent Z wins both the Grand Ducal Estate and the Imperial Palace, a special event will take place, where the Emperor will have to fight for his life. Failing to do so within two days, he will be captured by the Agent and may be executed regardless of how the other phases went.

In the end of the event, a truce will take place and the war will end. If Finland has won all the phases, Agent Z is to leave the Empire completely to the Emperor. On the other hand, if Russia has won all the phases, the current admins and moderators will all be banished and the Empire will be fully under Agent Z's control. If neither side has won all the battles, the power will be distributed accordingly and Agent Z will remain either as a supervisor or a ruler depending on how the phases went. Finland will remain as an independent or a puppet nation to Russia depend on who gets the power.

Signed, Ville I Valste.

I will be in the group chat standing by for the opposition to arrive for pretty much the whole day. If I'm AFK or playing a game, you can expect me to check the chat within 15 minutes.

-Agent Z

Official Orders to the Finnish Armed Forces.
Originally posted by Imperial Army Staff :
Total Force - Army Group South;
135,000 Infantry
25,500 Cavalry
530 Field Guns

The Eastern Imperial Army, which shall be commanded by the most senior officer in the Army's roster, shall at once march to the town of Joensuu. The Eastern Imperial Army shall march to capture the town of Suoyarvi from the Russians.

The Western Imperial Army, which shall be commanded by the most senior officer in the Army's roster, shall at once march to the town of Kitee, where they shall support the Eastern Imperial Armies push towards Suoyarvi after they themselves take the town of Ruskeala.

Originally posted by Imperial Army Staff :
Total Force - Army Group North;
60,000 Infantry
15,000 Cavary
300 Field Guns

The Imperial Intervention Forces and the First Science Division, each to be commanded by their most senior officers, are to act as a reserve force for the Imperial Armies. If any of the Imperial Armies is in dire need of reinforcements then these men shall be sent.

Originally posted by Imperial Army Staff :

Total Force - Army Group Reserve;
42,000 Infantry
10,000 Cavalry
200 Guns
330 State Scientists

The Imperial Armed Naval Forces

Being a land officer, and not a naval commander, the Imperial Fleet's orders are to be given by Admiral Marco Korhonen-Mannerheim, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Navy until further notice.

All naval Forces are under his authority and only the Marshal-Admiral of Finland may issue orders contrary to those of Admiral Korhonen-Mannerheim.

The Imperial Armed Aerial Forces

The First Imperial Air Fleet is to support the Finnish positions in the South. They shall serve a reserve and transport role rather than a combat position until further orders.

The Second Imperial Air Fleet is to support the Imperial Armies marching to capture Suoyarvi from the Russians. Lower level orders shall be given to them by the commanding officer of the Eastern Imperial Army.

All remaining Aerial Forces are to form in the Army Group Reserve and await further orders.

Marko Arttur Häkkinen, Marshal-Admiral of Finland, Minister of the Interior of the Finnish Empire, General of the Imperial Garrison Forces, Sky-Admiral of the Imperial Air Fleet, Count of Pirkanmaa.

-PONTELIUS- ♉ 27 Sep, 2019 @ 3:26pm 
can I be Count of Lapland
Ville Valste 22 Dec, 2016 @ 12:24pm 
I wonder, if other moderators are bothered by pop-ups for events they don't want to join.
Ville Valste 22 Dec, 2016 @ 12:22pm 
I guess an event a day is too much for you then. But you're not even joining them, so I guess it can be a bit of a waste of Steam windows. Np, I'll fix your "problem".
The Silent Voice 22 Dec, 2016 @ 11:02am 
Could this group fucking stop with spamming?
L_Chabb 18 Dec, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
Im not really interested in Empire: Total War sry - you can uninvite me whenever no problem
Ville Valste 18 Dec, 2016 @ 11:29am 
Well, the games we play are listed on the right and I know you have a couple of them.
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