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128 Hours played
Blood, darkness and a family reunion

"Hades", developed and published by Supergiant Games, known for "Bastion" (2011) and "Transistor" (2014), is an isometric action-RPG roguelike released in 2020.

Zagreus, son of Hades himself, will need to restore the Hades household to its former glory, make amends with the rest of the family on the Olymp, help relationships on the way and most importantly: fight like hell... to escape itself.

Detailed Breakdown
Design & Graphics
Extreme detail to historical accuracy, very good use of greek mythology as a theme, visually appealing color palette, beautiful hand-drawn art, every frame a masterpiece
Sound & Music
Flawless voiceacting, great sound editing, outstanding soundtrack - both action-packed and sentimental, instruments fit the theme perfectly, unforgettable and unique
Gameplay & Controls
An unparalleled and complex upgrade system, different weapons for different playstyles, permanent and run-exclusive upgrades, challenging but satisfying combat, no issues playing on keyboard and mouse
Appeal & Innovation
Fantastic reinvention of the wheel, addictive concept that will not let you go, min-maxing for enthusiasts, interesting characters and their development, feels as complete as it can be
Content & Value
Over 100 hours of fun if you go for the full story, subplots and side events, no run is the same, gain new mastery with every new attempt, absolutely worth the full price

Personal Score:

(Scoring range: Poor (worst) - Bad - Average - Good - Superb (best)

Personal Thoughts:

I'm very happy for Supergiant Games. After two games which were good but critically underrated (forget about "Pyre" from 2017 for a minute), they finally manage to break their ceiling and gain a wide amount of attention for all the right reasons. Hades is a fantastic game. I'm usually easily frustrated by rogue-likes but Hades eased me into it. Art design has always been top notch since Transistor, the story is incredibly wholesome and the music... oh my god the freaking music. I bow down to everyone who has worked on this game - you did a fantastic job and the love, time and effort you put into this seriously paid off.

There is nothing I dislike about Hades. Sounds like a lie, I know. Sure, it can be frustrating to be unable to defeat certain bosses when you start fresh. But just keep at it and you will be rewarded. 30 runs later you're a killing machine. Another 20 runs, you know how to speedrun your escape. No matter how long I kept playing, there was always something else that kept me going. Whether it was the increasing difficulty, the engaging subplots, the excellent characters, the wholesome family story or simply the tight and satisfying combat. After each run I kept telling myself "Alright, one final run." and I ended up escaping six more times instead. After 100 runs and 120 hours invested I can state, with absolute confidence, that Hades is an outstanding game, respectful of your time, money and skill. Blood and darkness, it is a blasted masterpiece.
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FaZe Richard 23 Oct, 2024 @ 11:44am 
Consequences have actions pimp.
Strategius 22 Oct, 2023 @ 2:49am 
Hey, hab ich hinzugefügt wegen ein paar Fragen zu Velocibox:agboost:
Czubek 25 Jan, 2023 @ 11:43am 
A very good teammate (Hunt Showdown)
Matterson 28 Mar, 2022 @ 8:20am 
Hey, wir haben glaube ich gerade zusammen Hunt gespielt. Ich such immer mal nach nem Partner. Würde mich freuen, wenn wir nochmal zusammen spielen würden, da ich deine Art sehr angenehm fand :)
dreamArk Jamz 12 Nov, 2021 @ 5:51am 
I enjoyed your review of DmC: Devil May Cry
LonerD 25 Jan, 2021 @ 4:53pm 
Thank you for answer. I'll try on another computer.