It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
~Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.
~Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.
~Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
~Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry, it isn't how you're alike...it's how you're not alike.
~Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.
~Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.
~Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

~Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore :wizard:
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All Harry Potter Spells (made by HpaPotter)
This is a list of all spells seen in the Harry Potter series, including the books, video games and films. :GryffindorProfile: :RavenclawProfile: :HufflepuffProfile: :SlytherinProfile:
:green_spark:AVADA KEDAVRA

:starshine:Anapneo :starshine:Apparate :starshine:Arania Exumai :starshine:Avifors
:starshine:Avis :starshine:Aberto :starshine:Accio :starshine:Anteoculatia
:starshine:Aquamenti :starshine:Alarte Ascendare :starshine:Alohomora :starshine:Aparecium
:starshine:Aqua Eructo :starshine:Arresto Momentum :starshine:Ascendio :starshine:Age Line
:starshine:Brackium Emendo
:starshine:Bubble-Head Charm
:starshine:Crinus Muto :starshine:Carpe Retractum :starshine:Cave Inimicum
:starshine:Colloportus :starshine:Confundo :starshine:Calvario
:starshine:Colovaria :starshine:Cantis :starshine:Colloshoo
:starshine:Confringo :starshine:Cistem Aperio
:starshine:Draconifors :starshine:Defodio :starshine:Deletrius
:starshine:Deprimo :starshine:Depulso :starshine:Descendo
:starshine:Diffindo :starshine:Diminuendo :starshine:Dissendium
:starshine:Duro :starshine:Densaugeo :starshine:Ducklifors
:starshine:Episkey :starshine:Epoximise :starshine:Evanesce
:starshine:Evanesco :starshine:Everte Statum :starshine:Emancipare
:starshine:Engorgio :starshine:Engorgio Skullus :starshine:Erecto
:starshine:Expelliarmus :starshine:Expulso :starshine:Expecto Patronum:StagDesign:
:starshine:Entomorphis :starshine:Ebublio
:starshine:Ferula :starshine:Finite :starshine:Finite Incantatem
:starshine:Firestorm :starshine:Flagrate :starshine:Fumos
:starshine:Fianto Duri :starshine:Fidelius Charm :starshine:Finestra
:starshine:Fulgari :starshine:Fiendfyre :starshine:Furnunculus
:starshine:Flagrante :starshine:Flipendo
:starshine:Herbifors :starshine:Homenum Revelio
:starshine:Harmonia Nectere Passus :starshine:Herbivicus
:starshine:Homonculous Charm :starshine:Homorphus Charm
:starshine:Inanimatus Conjurus :starshine:Incarcerous
:starshine:Incendio :starshine:Illegibilus
:starshine:Immobulus :starshine:Impervius
:starshine:Inflatus :starshine:Informous
:starshine:Lacarnum Inflamari :starshine:Lapifors
:starshine:Legilimens (Zihinbend)
:starshine:Liberacorpus :starshine:Levicorpus
:starshine:Locomotor :starshine:Langlock
:starshine:Lumos :starshine:Lumos Solem
:starshine:Locomotor Wibbly :starshine:Locomotor Mortis
:starshine:Morsmordre :starshine:Multicorfors
:starshine:Metelojinx :starshine:Mobiliarbus
:starshine:Mobilicorpus :starshine:Molliare
:starshine:Muffliato :starshine:Melofors
:starshine:Mimble Wimble :starshine:Mucus Ad Nauseam
:starshine:Oculus Reparo
:starshine:Periculum :starshine:Pack
:starshine:Partis Temporus
:starshine:Peskipiksi Pesternomi :starshine:Piertotum Locomotor
:starshine:Portus :starshine:Prior Incantato
:starshine:Protean Charm
:starshine:Protego :starshine:Petrificus Totalus
:starshine:Reparifors :starshine:Reparifarge :starshine:Revelio
:starshine:Reducio :starshine:Rennervate :starshine:Reparo
:starshine:Repello Inimicum :starshine:Repello Muggletum :starshine:Rictusempra
:starshine:Riddikulus :starshine:Redactum Skullus :starshine:Reducto
:starshine:Serpensortia :starshine:Salvio Hexia :starshine:Scourgify
:starshine:Silencio :starshine:Skurge :starshine:Spongify
:starshine:Sonorus :starshine:Specialis Revelio
:starshine:Stupefy :starshine:Sectumsempra
:starshine:Slugulus Eructo :starshine:Steleus
:starshine:Vera Verto
:starshine:Vipera Evanesca
:starshine:Vulnera Sanentur
:starshine:Wingardium Leviosa
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