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Posted: 27 Jan @ 6:56am
Updated: 24 Feb @ 8:32am

I want to start out by saying that my thoughts about this game are very mixed. There's as much good as much as bad about this game. The best way I can summarize this game to you is very repetitive but also graphically stunning. It's for both new and diehard Harry Potter fans but it'll exhaust and bore the heck out of you.

There's far more side content that main content and I didn't complete the main content consecutively so my understanding of the plot may not be that perfect.

About Hogwarts Legacy

Embark on a magical journey throughout the wizarding world during the late 19th century, about a century before the years of the Harry Potter series. In Hogwarts Legacy, you'll be playing as a wizard or witch who has been admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year student - which is very rare, usually no student is admitted to Hogwarts so late. Along the way to Hogwarts for the first time, you're spied on by a man named: "Rookwood" and later on attacked by a goblin named: "Ranrok" who believes you possess something that others don't. After the unfortunate encounter and following your initial arrival to Hogwarts, Hogwarts professors sort you into a house like in the Harry Potter movies and decide to execute a fast-paced education program to teach you everything you're supposed to know from year one to five. At the same time, you embark on an "extracurricular" journey to find out what Rookwood and Ranrok is after and prevent them from getting their hands on it.

If you want more details, you can read this as well but beware that it contains very major spoilers :

Throughout the game, you'll learn that you can wield ancient magic that almost nobody else can wield. Centuries back in the past, a little girl named Isidora had her village destroyed. If I recall correctly, her brother died during the destruction. Hogwarts professors wielded ancient magic to restore the village back to normal, undoing its destruction. Some years later, Isidora would grow up to become a Hogwarts professor teaching along with her saviors and she'd learn to wield ancient magic as well. Her father had been silent since her brother's death, so she wanted to find a way to cast a spell to rid her father's pain. Eventually, Isidora succeeded and decided to store some of her new magic used to cast the spell in Goblin silver (you can consider the silver like a chest or reservoir to store things). Later on, everyone would learn that the magic also makes people emotionless, so her colleague professors urged her to stop using it but Isidora refused so her colleagues killed her by force using the unforgivable curse Avada Kedavra. The colleague professors would then contain the remains of the ancient magic beneath Hogwarts.

Ranrok is after goblin silver. Because of this, he's been researching every goblin reservoir location and drilling inside of them, hoping to acquire the ancient magic for malicious purposes.

Rookwood is just a partner of Ranroks with mutual interests. Rookwood is being used by Ranrok to find reservoir locations.

It is your job to stop Rookwood and Ranrok! Learn how to wield ancient magic and put an end to Ranrok's intentions before immense power falls into the wrong hands!

My Review of Hogwarts Legacy

I'm writing this after having completed the main story, having gained half of the achievements and having completed 80% of my collection.

It's a graphically stunning game, it really is, the graphics are what's carrying this game - the map and environment designers really gave their best at creating Hogwarts, Hogmeads and the rest of the world. In fact, I made great use of Photo Mode at times, it's just that beautiful but the repetition is what ultimately ruins the gaming experience. The repetition drew me nuts, the number of repetitive tasks is way beyond the industry average for a RPG game as well. I'm not thrilled to do 100% completion because everything else I need to do are just repetitive tasks. But putting repetition aside, I had fun casting all the spells (especially unforgivable curses), attending classes at Hogwarts, exploring Hogwarts castle and the rest of the open world and defeating enemies. The plot was kind of cliché but I didn't mind. My favorite main mission was the third trial for its unique style and my favorite side mission was all of Sebastian's missions. I didn't like most of the side missions because many of them were saving creatures or items from caves which felt really repetitive and boring after some point because there's too many of such missions.

I found it odd how the team made use of the southeast portion of the World Map but left the southwest empty. Maybe in the future, more content could be added so that the southwest is put into use.

I wish we could change the color of gears, that would be such a useful feature.

My Pain Points About Hogwarts Legacy

1. My ultimate pain point is the repetition. There are nearly a hundred Merlin trials - which is absurd, and tens of everything else like caves, balloons, goblin outposts, stargazing telescopes, landing platforms, etc. I was so sick and tired of entering caves with spiders. This game is a horrible choice for those with Arachnophobia! My point is, making us do the same thing X times doesn't make it a good game.

2. Most gear to equip on your avatar are ugly in my honest opinion, and there's not a lot of house-based gear, other than house scarves and some rare robes.

3. I have maxed out my gear slot and it's still not enough for me to hold my gear. Because of this, I can't hold a bunch of gear that I find appealing. Why not extend the Merlin trial challenges so that it matches with the amount of Merlin trials on the map?

4. There aren't a lot of different puzzles. For example, you could have done a different puzzle for each of the three different lock levels and you could have introduced more ways to complete Merlin trials.

5. There aren't a lot of different types of enemies. I know that there's multiple species of the same enemy type (for example, there are more than 10 species of spiders) but there aren't a lot of different enemy types. I think it's just Goblins, Ashwinders, Poachers, Trolls, Spiders, Dulongs, Wolves, Infamous Foes, and Inferius. I've never read the Harry Potter books, so my presumption is that the lack of enemy variety is to stay aligned with the books - this might also explain why there are cats but no dogs in the game, but, this is what happens when executed in a game - it causes the player too feel bored of the same enemies.

6. NPC facial expressions often don't match the NPC dialogue tone - it's really hard to tell if a NPC is happy, angry, afraid etc. just by looking at their faces. I think this has to do with how mouths and eyebrows don't bend. Also, I dislike how NPC facial expressions switch to a serious look once the dialogue is over. I remember somewhere outside but nearby Hogwarts I witnessed a woman crying for losing someone close to her and her face suddenly became normal and serious once the discussion was over - that just seemed unnatural and unsettling to me.

7. Mission specific issues:

- In the personal shop mission at Hogmeads, playing with the Poltergeist on the foyer side is buggy. Progression takes too long. The time between defeating mannequins and the Poltergeist spawning new mannequins is too long. In the same mission, after talking to Penny later on at the end of the mission, she can clip into a corner of the desk inside of the shop.

- In the castle mission with Onai, the second wall to climb is too high and very hard to climb even with the crate placed, it took me a long time to climb, I don't even remember how I succeeded. I think I glitched to the top. That was a pain. Later on in the same mission, after you land the birds, in a cutscene, Onai's brown highwing clips through her as it flaps its wings.

Overall Rating: 6/10
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J3ST3R 24 Feb @ 6:37am 
To get to a lot of higher places in the game and on the mission you are referring to at the end of your review, you jump on the crate and then cast levioso on the crate. Just a hint for those struggling, as I made the same mistake.
✪ Pometrus 18 Feb @ 3:21pm 
Verry objective review, Thank you!:steamthumbsup: @Serdar
SushiHunterr 15 Feb @ 12:22pm 
Love the objective lens through which you reviewed :)
Elímínv†e | Inactive 11 Feb @ 3:54am 