=★= Death's Throne King Thief   Croatia
Gone Fising
:evilentity: WARNING BEWARE :sneakystar:

I am the Warlord: Lord of Lords, Lord of Thrones, Lord Death,
I lived on the Earth for all time, I watched the end of mankind, and the truth of the world.
I see the Earth from another world.
All the barbarian says:
"BA!" "BA" "BA

All you will know in time:
Black Void
u will never remember a thing :ttypause:

The infinite swarm is at my disposal
-Xenomorph Jinn, emerged from an emerald ruby StoneBreaker, Ragnarok
Syr_Ermac 7 Mar @ 12:11pm 
its all a lie
Syr_Ermac 7 Mar @ 12:10pm 