The Immortal King
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12.2 Hours played
A continuation of the previous game from a different descendant of the Turok line. Joshua is tasked with stopping an evil force (the Primagen) from destroying the multi-verse. Story is done, now the rest.

Game play is basically the same as the last game, maybe a little more jank at times, lol. Sound track is good on a couple levels, the others are just ear rape as you get lost. Speaking of lost, you will be. Now level design is important and this game shows as a prime example as to why that is. My whole basis on why I hate this game is the fact that traversing the world is so annoying, tedious, and maze-like that you will definitely want a guide if you want to even finish the game, option collectibles and secrets just add to the headache. Now, maze-like you say? Like Doom or Wolfenstein? I would say worse as Doom has few levels where not enough landmarks or memorable events happen that you get lost. Wolfenstein is the the meaning of maze, but that is simply due to restraints of the tech at the time and doesn't hold up so well and players always get lost because everything looks the same because they had limited amounts of space and textures. Turok 2 has this problem, but doesn't have that constraint (unless you want to argue that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ n64 cartridge held less storage than 4 floppy disk).

Anyway, level 1, Port of Adia is a city type level and buildings are good landmarks, just you still get lost because levels in Turok don't flow like a line. Not you get past a gate or door and the door is closed and you can't go back, you can freely explore the level because back tracking is designed for the secrets and final boss. A plus, but they didn't know how to do this properly as your main objectives are just scattered all over the map and you can do them out of order easily which doesn't matter too much since your first objective is to save 4 children and activate 3 beacons. The other levels have similar objectives that don't need to be done in a specific order, but there is an amazing guide on Steam that has a nearly perfect route for getting everything done in the game. However, even with that, the game is still a chore to run through.

Why you ask? Well, in most FPS titles, beyond levels, the weapons and enemies are just as important. You get a large list of weapons and usually that is a good thing, but sadly half of them are next to useless if not so. Both wrist blade weapons do little damage compared to the amount of health you will lose. The bow is fine for the first level then just kind of a back up when you have no ammo. The flare gun is a joke weapon and the dart guns stun enemies, but that just takes more time than actually running past them. The shot guns are extremely strong at any range for the whole game. The pistols are good in the start then become backups. The plasma cannon just becomes your main weapon once you get it as it does a lot of damage to all enemies. The sun pod grenade doesn't seem to have a purpose. The grenade launcher probably does the most damage in the game. The heat seeking rocket launcher is good against everything except bosses. The PFM launcher just seems to not do damage half the time because apparently they didn't know how to program splash damage correctly and this affects the other explosive weapons. The razor wind is a throwable shuriken that doesn't cost ammo so it is decent, just takes too long to throw and return. Then the Nuke takes a little while to charge, but does good damage. The flame thrower is good for weak enemies as it takes too much ammo and too long to burn to death. The BORE is great unless the enemy is a boss or has no head. Never even used the harpoon as underwater combat is even worse than above water combat and you have limited oxygen. Torpedo thing is only good for moving quickly underwater and the missiles just go through enemies half the time.

Nextly, the enemies would probably be less of a problem if they stayed dead. I think they did a good job making so many different enemies that fit the level theme, and they aren't just re-skins for each level. They do feel different in attacks and movement, just basic as their pathing is somewhat poor and almost every enemy has a ranged attack you will just obliterate melee enemies. As stated earlier, the enemies respawn every time you enter the level, die, or go through a teleporter. Oh, did I forget to mention there are just teleporters every where? Yeah, to make navigating the level even more difficult and once I discovered this, I would just run past most enemies because you have limited ammo (unless you resupply at the hub) and the enemies will not run out of ammo and respawn.

Besides those major issues, I didn't encounter bugs, more modern video settings helped, and I hope they don't port Turok 3.
Favorite Guide
Created by - The Immortal King
This guide will assist you in getting all of the achievements as well as teach you a thing or two about the game.
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31 Hours played
This one was a little harder than others to recommend, but I ultimately enjoyed it more than disliked. Far Cry: New Dawn is the latest entry in the series and the most beautiful and lush. It does not lack color in the slightest. If you are expecting revolutionary features from this title, it does not have that, but the formula isn't bad. However, some new changes spoil it slightly.

Firstly, the story is always a focal point of the genre and the story is not the best, it isn't terrible, but one of the weakest out of the last few entries (in my opinion Far Cry 4 was my favorite). Mickey and Lou, you don't really hate them (such as Vass or Joseph Seed) and you don't really like them (such as Vass or Pagan Min). As I continued the story, I could almost feel like things were omitted or time was a factor and they rushed to the conclusion because just playing the story it is somewhat short and doesn't seem to mesh at each point. At the same time, certain missions just aren't fun to do (The prison break one comes to mind) and without spoiling anything, the final boss(es) weren't hard and weren't fun to fight, just bullet sponges. I think making a sequel to 5 wasn't a terrible idea, just not the same as making Primal where it wasn't connected and it felt fresh and was fun. New Dawn all around felt stripped down or restricting.

The next thing most people are going to be thinking about is the weaponry and yes it is not as great as you have heard. The first thing you should know is that there is tiers to everything (1, 2, 3, and 4) with 1 being weakest and 4 being strongest for vehicles, enemies, allies, and guns. This is a weird balance that doesn't work because even if you have a bunch of perks, your guns decide if you can kill in one shot or take several mags. If you use a tier 1 against a tier 2 or 3, you will waste so much ammo, but other way around and you will more than likely kill them in one shot. It is the craziest balance and it doesn't work because early on, you feel so weak then late in the game, it is so easy you might die every once in a while and it doesn't really feel legitimate because it is usually due to bs or on an expedition where they just swarm your ass. Anyway, enough about the balance, the guns. There is a bunch to pick from, but you can't customize them, WHY? You just can't, gun not strong enough? Well, get enough materials and upgrade Prosperity then get the next tier weapon and be happy. No, I loved the customization of the weapons from previous games, but I know they did this because of time constrains and trying to balance the game wrong.

Furthermore, the allies are back and they are good besides the fact that you can't have two anymore because reasons. Also, their AI is dumb sometimes which is pretty much a given since the enemy AI is the same sometimes they can't spot you when you are in front of their faces and other times they spot your pinky toe from a mile away. Hunting and gathering is still there, it is fine, the only downside I see with the crafting is them trying to monetize is like another game series when know (Assassin's Creed). The vehicles are good, just less of them for some reason (no damn planes). Sound design is fine, no bugs there and I can't say I remember the soundtrack. Also, speaking of bugs, yeah, plenty. Specifically with the stability of the game, I tried so many things and it just crashed regardless. Sometimes you played 5 minutes and boom, crash. Other times it could be a couple hours and it would crash, but never was able to fix that. Never had this issue with previous games and my PC can run Doom:Eternal at Ultra Violence video settings just fine.

Lastly, my final verdict is buying it complete on a sale is your best method, not worth full price, but still more of the Far Cry you love, just restricted and unbalanced. You may have to mess with the settings a lot and do outposts over and over for materials, but still fun for the most part. You will have more fun on side missions and the main ones and you will probably wish Far Cry 5 was where the story stopped, but you will just finish New Dawn in anticipation for Far Cry 6.
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