Cain   Portland, Oregon, United States
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
(RIP... James Earl Jones)

Developed an avid interest in all avenues related to video gaming almost immediately after they became commercially available. Started e-gaming at an arcade in northern California in 1971. Hence, "Computer Space" ranks without doubt as my most significantly compelling and favorite e-game of all time as it was my first.

I began to collect baseball cards assiduously in early 1962. And this avocation coupled so naturally well to video gaming that both became lifelong governing passions of mine in almost a heartbeat.

My military background is now of an undisclosed nature...

Today, at age 69, I am independently wealthy and have long since retired. Thus, with no external demands being placed upon my time, I accord a multitude of hours each and every day to Steam.

Know as well that my parents impressed upon me early-on that THEY were rich and not I. Hence, the expectation was that I venture on out into the world to make my own mark upon it. Meaning that there would be no established trust fund and no pre-paid college education made available to me. It was therefore going to become incumbent upon me to have to WORK for everything that I would have in life ... as they did. Harsh, thought I at the time, but fair. Ultimately though, this profound level of life preparation that they provided me with did effectively instill within me the virtue of self-reliance and the intrinsic value of exercising one's own due diligence.
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A 21k TBE, dije mi último adiós a mi querido hermano. Luego me dirigí a Dios para pedirle su santo perdón. Y mis 40 años de sufrimiento reprimido y autoimpuesto desaparecieron en un solo día.

I quite literally risked my life fighting evil in Close-Quarters Combat during my military service. It was unjust for me to have been disparaged as I was recently within a Christian community. I stand by my remarks. They will not be retracted:

What an excruciatingly painful experience. Talk about didactic judgment, intransigent attitudes, and blatant disrespect for a dissenting voice. I mean it was BAD. Without a modicum of doubt, it was far and away the most hostile environment that I have ever had the distinct displeasure of finding myself exposed to anywhere on Steam in better than 14 years. And it was all precipitated by an apology that I extended to someone there no less.

I have long held that I will come to know a true Believer and Christian as said Christian will have cleansed hatred and animosity from their heart to facilitate an espousing of a rhetoric of peace and love toward all. And that selfsame sentiment has become significantly reinforced over the course of the last two very long and trying days.

Further, a true Christian does not lash out in anger or cast aspersion. That said, no one should engage in this deleterious practice, Christian or not. Moreover, our world would collectively derive considerable benefit if its citizens were to resolve to regard one and other from a perspective of compassion and gratitude rather than from one of paranoia and prejudice.

"He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly."
-Proverbs 14:29 (KJV)

...No. I am most certainly not one of the Deceiver's wolves come to prey upon the righteous in a concerted effort to gate them down the Primrose Path to Hell. And yes, as devout Christians, it is incumbent upon us to Spread the Gospel at a propitious moment so that others might one day become redeemed through Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is just that the delivery of my message of the Intercessor's sacrifice will vary from that of your own.

But as "religion" is at its core, a term that connotes such intense acrimony among folks that it lends itself efficaciously to vehement disputatious argument even among long-established Christian sects, I've little doubt whatsoever that a neophyte propagandist such as myself will ultimately continue to manage to inadvertently "ruffle a few feathers" along the way.

And I am likewise not here to castigate nontheists for holding true to their core belief systems either. But as I do regard God to be not only the progenitor of both free-thought and discernment (in addition to being the Creator of the totality of existence) I felt compelled to delineate my posture on atheism.

"The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist."

Whilst in the military, I was an active participant in the neutralizing of clandestine cell system organizations. The members comprising those cells were combat savvy, highly motivated, and hard to catch. And they often held to Machiavellian principles and ideologies. False prophets such as Aleister Crowley were occasionally found to be a corrupting influence in their lives as well. And I have posted quotes attributable to both of those monsters to my profile (since removed) not out of respect or admiration for this manner of person, but to serve as a persistent reminder to me that their brand of "philosophy" continues to present the world community a serious and omnipresent threat even to this day.

13 Characteristics Of True Christianity:

Lives a Godly Life.
Loves God.
Obeys God’s Word.
Selflessly Loves Others.
Not Of The World.
Loves The Truth.
Willing To Suffer Persecution.
Has A New Life.
Abhors Evil.
Denies Self.
Bears Good Fruit Of The Spirit.
Practices Forgiveness.

Though I aspire to incorporate these characteristics into my daily life, I am seldom successful. The whole of my life, and hence, that of my eternal salvation continues to be 'a work in progress'

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.”-Luke 20:25

The Lord's Prayer, in Lakȟótiyapi. My native language:

Atéŋyaŋpi maĥpíya ektá naŋké čiŋ ničháže wakĥáŋlapi kte;
Nitĥókičuŋze ú kte; maĥpíya ektá tókhel nitĥáwačĥiŋ ečhúŋpi kiŋ hé iyéčhel makĥá
Akáŋl ečhúŋpi kte, aŋpétu otóiyohi aĝúyapi kiŋ lé uŋk’úpi yé;
Na waúŋĥtanipi kiŋ uŋkákičiktuŋžapi yé uŋkiš tóna šičáya ečháuŋkičuŋpi kiŋ iyéčhel awičhauŋkičiktuŋžapi;
Na táku wawíyutaŋ kiŋ él uŋkáyapi šni yé tkĥá táku šiče čiŋ etáŋhaŋ éuŋglakupi yé. Amen

I have been regarded in certain circles (among other things) on Steam as being a rich English-speaking white boy, and as such, that life has been easy for me. Eh, it hasn't been. Truth is, that my heritage is 1/2 Sihásapa (Blackfoot Sioux) and 1/2 Soviet-era Russian (Latvian). But, I was raised in a predominately Spanish and Russian speaking household. Thus, English is a third language for me, and I still struggle to speak it to any degree of proficiency even now, as it does not come naturally to me. So, growing up in Los Angeles (and given my disparate heritage), mine was a disaffected and misspent youth as I did not believe then (and I still do not believe today) that I 'fit in well anywhere.'

As I am ex-military with real-life combat experience, I have never played CS:GO, TF2, or COD or any comparatively similar games for that matter. Not that I've anything against any of them, they are just not for me for obvious reason.

Fortis est Veritas

Ciudad de México. Truly, a world class cosmopolitan city. And I know from indirect experience as to the reason why -- the Indigenous population there is warm, caring, and accepting. My paternal grandparents relocated there after moving their family off of the Íŋyaŋ Woslál Háŋ. They were welcomed there despite not speaking a word of Spanish and, uh, also kinda looking rather obviously different. My mother was likewise accepted there upon fleeing her homeland in Russia after the devastation that was World War II. And so then, MY folks loved it there so much that they too embraced it as their home as well. It nearly broke their hearts to leave it when they decided it was time to relocate to the United States.

Yes, at age 69, I am older than nearly every other registered account holder on Steam. And yes, I have a lot of money to spend. But that is as a result of my having gone to WORK over the decades in order to EARN it all. Consequently, I now take deep umbrage at folks who ask that I simply "give" them something. NOBODY, but nobody, ever gave me nothin' as I WORKED my way through life. Bottomline: don't ask me to "gift" you things. I don't like it, so don't do it.

"To Thine Own Self Be True" -Polonius (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3)
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Cain 1 Oct @ 12:03am 
@[ROG]Andeddu. Yep. I totally missed that one. Good catch. Emended same. You've a sharp eye. Thanks for that.
Cain 17 Sep @ 12:28am 
Sí. Tengo problemas para controlar la ira. Creo que necesito tomarme un descanso por un tiempo.
Cain 15 Sep @ 3:53pm 
@Candybar121. I just concluded a visit to your profile. And it is pretty solid. Hence, had you addressed me in a conciliatory tone as opposed to adopting the crap attitude that you are holding to right now, I would have reversed my original decision to ignore your FR.

Moreover, know that when I open my profile to FRs, that I only actually review those at SL300 or better, as I field a lot of requests. So, yours was ignored due to this initial screening criterion and not out of any form of deliberate malice. And I also sincerely wish even beyond the hereinabove that you had elected to approach me differently as I deeply regret the now incontrovertible fact that you and I shall never become friends.
Cain 15 Sep @ 12:34pm 
@Candybar121. Well, good for you... and thanks for sharing. Oh, and do share your joyous and caring attitude with others at every given opportunity... I am certain that many folks will derive great benefit of it. Have a good life. Peace Out.
ERBÖRÜ ♡ N 15 Sep @ 12:47am 