Return of the Irish Angel
Ecchi Vigo (Maximus) Garage   Aruba
NSFW ADD 18+ (AdultsOnly) i'm fat, poor, ugly & stupid :pooangry: so i dont care about what you want. i'm here to live my life :wowspurr: (im Anti-Trust & i've been alone almost my entire life, so i dont befriend people online... like very rarely, which means dont send me random invites & i never send weird links) ZombaeNinjaVirus <- name i use the most here. (and no, im not a Scatman ...skibidi boop)

#TotallyInnocent Im a dangerous man (so i dont go outside), i del ppl from my friendlist when i want to & i probably wont care for you, you need to know this! SheSaid: the enemy of fun is efficiency but i like to put importance on knowing people, IKR, go figure!

#AchievementSlacker i will comment on your pictures, if you dont like it, contact my lawyer (&iChange my GamerTag almost everyday because im inspired)i dont like puzzle games but i will play almost anything Ecchi, Astronauty or with Zombaes, Just know when you see me in the streets... i dont have the faintest idea of what im doing

NeuroticDaydreamer, FilthRubber, SelfishPhilosopher, Self-Fighter, LazyPerfectionist, RamblingGenius, Mistakenbiotics, SimplyMoist, BoringToxicity, ClingyIsolation, ConfidentCreativity, ParanoidApathy, LoserliciouslyRood.

i locked down my comment section because of... at least 3 weirdos who keep coming to my profile and posting the same comments over and over like ''you're crazy'' & ''you're an ageist'' (once or twice a year) they need mental help, because i am not interested in sick people. :cookiecalm:

someday i will be a famous drummer, until then... i'm chillin with videogames, i prefer 18+ games... :BlobboCheer: because i love adult content. :universe: i will never regret that my tastes are of the very mature content variety, needless to say this is why i never want any minors on my profile and for some reason a dozen minors already tried to befriend me on Steam, so i blocked em. i dont even believe in friendship so trolls will be blocked. :cartmanscream: capiche? :panwarn: Adults Only Zone :2016watermelon: i repeat, i dont want trolls or minors on this profile, you were warned. :karma:

- it's time that people accept we are living in a society, im not into transgenderism, but if you know history as well as the animal kingdom then you will know that trans, drag and gays are normal as they have been around for over 3000 years, like hello, we live in a society, it's time to accept that we live in a society - George Constanza

i'm a total jerk, soundphobic, socialphobic, hackerphobic, this is why i dont like MultiPlayer, in achievements... one does not simply enjoy MP, it has to be obtained as a skill, i shrivel in company, so don't look at me like that :zombiesis:

we are all born the way we are, so you learn to accept each other or you just dont :giddyup: im too paranoia to live, that's just who i am. :SK_Decay:

(i'm a Professor in the art of Peter Griffinism) i'm speedballin' to avoid Narcissists and Hackers :necroamen:

(i will probably block you if you are lower than Steam level 40 and you sent an invite, because why not?)

=3 GamingForever but singleplayer mostly, because ppl can be quite annoying & it's less nonsense, gaming, IN SPACE, i want to try the best things in virtual, so if you see me in Co-Op... dont be surprised if i'm new, im figuring it all out, Which means i dnt rush usually... its okay to be you, so be kind, useful & cool, then jump out the window & run away, because life is short!

i never use cheats (online), so dont ask me to join your hacker clan, i made that mistake once decades ago, never again!

every Shooter game should have a Gunshop like in Shadow Warrior but dash abilities being spammed & infinite run are silly, dnt put that in games... on the other hand being able to run for only 5seconds reminds me that i'm... nvm, Gotta Go Fast!

i joined Steam in 2012 because they said the world was going to end, They Lied! #GoAwayNow
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you might come to my channel and wonder why i talk to myself... well (shuddup) i've been reading comments all over the internet, like on video-websites since 2008, i fancy myself... some sort of professional commentatist... not to be confused with Andrew Potate-head. i dont believe in living off of women to become rich, i mean unless she's extremely wel-off... like one cute Chinese lady i got in mind ;) ;) Mm'Kay but yeah no srsly, i got no money... but who cares because i got my freedom! Freedom!!... i mean that doesn't really count for much these days but i'll take it.
humans are the worst, dont ever talk to me, im not your friend... i seek Higher Levels
we are the most evil species that has ever existed, so dont send me your invites, this is not a place where i seek to spread false positivity, i have no interest in the world of false friendships. i am anti-people & i am asocial.

Deal With It, im not here to be generous to you or to assist you with your problems, if you feel some way about something i said, that's your own problem.

and i dont want you here ...most likely. i made this channel for myself & men of culture are welcome, easy women too.

but be aware that i dont care what you think, if you talk to me about weird complaints, i will probably laugh at you. i'm too paranoid to be your friend and i have no interest in love. it's not a dream world, it's the cold harsh reality that we lived with for 1000s of years.

so bring on the spicy content, i seek nothing else but games and nudity.

the kids were working in factories to survive 100 years ago... so an adult can act like an adult and not trouble me with their silly beliefs about how i shouldnt be who i am.

i'm a ghost AND YOU KNOW THIS.... MAyN! i dont want people to talk to me unless you wanna say ''hey man, nice shot'' on one of my reviews. or if we are playing a game together and you are ecchi cool (like me)
Review Showcase
TL;DR Unforgivable 9/10 Ecchi gallons of Fun Rating... 42 girls in total, so not many animations and the spd up ain't great

it reminds me of Come Home & Leap of Faith. it was mostly text & pictures, (not many X scene animations) they were able to make it like only 3 gigs... so that's cool a small size on installation, while maximizing the story, i can dig it... that's good workmanship.

Definitely an awesome AVN, top 10 along with: Come Home, Leap of Faith, BeingADik, HelpingTheHotties, BareWitness, Lust Theory S(eason)1, Secret Summer (yes, MC is a SIMP, who cares?), Snow Daze, Deliverance...this is another one for the highly recommended list... anyways, moving on

(DOD was a game that didnt fully explore... the elements of their story, this game does that very well in the writing and there are almost no spelling mistakes, like 4).

[spoilers] there is no scene with Meg VS Claire & Amber VS Amy, MC & Phoenix (or Sam.. an example of 2 scenes i wanted in the game).

(because of this i am Disappointed!! & i'm just gonna post my Notes review)

9.0 gallons of Ecchi Fun Rating, it's amazing becz no annoying minigames, however...sure a few of the faces are mid-attractive and not every X scene is animated, it's mostly pictures but the story is lovely

+ i love that the focus is kinks & magic, it has like half the fetishes you can think of... but the game itself feels a bit thin around the endgame (around the time i take Katie to the club), this is why some people will complain about Katie, because even though i thought i gave her a good 20% of the development.

i still had to skip 8 weeks (and 1 week for Amber) to keep their stories going, but that's why we got secret images, yeah? to distract us... ProTip MAKE A SAVE when you see a HIGHLIGHTED Button/sqaure (i only saw 1, 1 in the park and the other was home) on the map, clicking it gives you a SECRET IMAGE, this helps you get the final achievement SLEUTH)...

the game does need more H scenes (i guess, explained later)! tt's not a grind, so i'm not complaining, but i do fear that more H scenes wil disrupt the HUNT for Secret Images so maybe, nvm. (i explain later what H scenes i wish were in the game)

79 Hours for 1 playthru, it's LONG but i was AFK for 5 hours

- Like it could use more scenes with the club (fun time in the machines) and to fill those 9 empty weeks i spoke of, HOWEVER i ONLY had to play 1 more Extra day to do the LAST H scene with Fran... because i did EVERYTHING else

i just prefer the unseen combos, they are prolly saving that for in the sequel... and it would disrupt the HUNT for Secret Images.. if you have like 10 more H scenes, hehe)

like before... you take Katie to the club. - it's mostly pictures & that's not good for an X content game, we need H scene animations we can enjoy

(The few cool X scene animations we got are are a bit ruined by the speeding up to 1.25x... rather spd it up to 1.04 1.10x first!... they did it a little better later on, but it ruined the 1st scene for me the first time i saw the animation speed up to insane levels, lol)

- Also, maybe it needed a better system for hidden images like a magnifying glass or something... maybe a Tips-Menu on when the image unlocks or where to find it. - the Ui could use some work... it's Amateur.

Adorable character Arcs but you need their story to understand them so dont skip through this game, it's long for a REASON

a Come Home Free-Roam style and Dreams Of Desire feel to it, the girls remind me of the chicks in BADik, [spoilers] like Katie is a bit like Josie (very flirty), Amber is like Riona.. the hair but also public displays of ...well, you know

i'd go as far as to say that if DOD's story was more like this, i would have enjoyed the game more... that means it is good, a diamond in the rough FOR SURE a must-buy, especially on sale.
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Dude, Wat Teh Fuh... who is buying a sleeping bag in a videogame for 761 Euros...? STOP IT, get some help
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HE WASNT READY, srsly though... he's kinda terrible... with his reflexes for an Athelete. And it seems like he always gets flunked.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 & 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘 ! ❤️‍🔥
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a lot of people call me a Satanist... when i'm an Atheist, they don't seem to get that every time someone says something, they are either Lying, telling the Truth OR both... mixed, because most lies are people who THINK they are telling the truth, when in actuality... they are just saying a lie they think is true. you need to use your mind to determine if i am trolling or honestly into the words i am saying. dont assume you know others or their motivations but sure, we all live for pleasure and survival, so i will trade a couple items away (i digress)....if i feel it helps others be happy, it gives me PLEASURE!! but i normally dont do trades, so dont send me requests or beg, im not into people begging me for stuff online, i find it rude. i grinded endless RPGs for 10,000s of hours, so i dont give away stuff easily and i believe in working for the items you get... just not TOO MUCH work, because games are supposed to be fun, not work or slavery. (this is a random rant about like 5 different things, lol, figure it out) im busy thinking about bewbs. i dont have a religion... i got bewb-i mean in my film collection. this is a profile for bewbie films, not BS.
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This game is funky amazing (as a story)! i wonder if i had a lil bit of a hand in helping it start, since i used to run with the name DerpSpace69 in 2011 (my review is not done, but this is what i already have... before finishing the game)

TL;DR this is like a DisasterPiece... how can you mess up a game this bad and also make it this awesome...?

(you really need an imagination to play this game.

it's quite an achievement to have so many flaws but still make me laugh and enjoy the scenes like it were some kind of StarWars epic... 8.6 / 10 but it's short as a game, sadly. if you love it i recommend checking out Dreams of Desire and Criminal Attraction).

you cant take the voice acting off, the sound settings are a bit odd because i put it down a lot and it only lowers a bit in volume... but okay

the story is amazing, some really well written lines, some extremely bad ones too, but i didnt find typos, a lot of cute women but the animations are a bit ugly sometimes... they could have used more finesse making the anger faces at the beginning of the game, specifically Mommy Smusher has a pretty gross anger face, and i think her daughter could have been modeled to have a hotter face.

save function is cool, love that it has voice acting BTW, but yeah some people wont like how the lines are kinda robotic in the beginning.... like this was A.i. generated voicing, sometimes you got some good acting, other times i wonder if they did it on purpose, speak with no emotion so you can read the lines like a pro, as actors usually have to struggle with energy to deliver their lines well. the Capn hottie is a really good voice actress, BTW.

the Rear Admiral a little less so (because how her lines were written or her voice doesnt fully fit some of the stuff she says, but her character is so cool to discover. i love that it has so many H scenes and it is a respectful parody of the Trek.

personally, i believe this game deserves a Positive rating... however, YES you can say it does some things VERY POORLY but it does a lot of other things Extremely Well... 8.6 Ecchi gallons of Fun Rating!

- dont forget the weak point of this game is the Rugly facial pictures the character have at times, if you can ignore that then you should love the game.

i believe you also need to overlook how amateur the UI looks but the length of the story well as AutoForward enabled with SV, that's a winner, saving my life, here! (i mean the Quick Menu could use a better color, like green borg or orange the color of the dutch.
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i was traumatized by sound, in my youth. (time to whine it up)

the problems with AVNs & Hentai (adult games) is they are NEVER finished, almost every single AVN i have played is missing things every game should have, so either the story is too short, no animations or bad animations (doesnt look like realistic movement ...or it's moving so fast that it looks silly) OR short animations, bad Ui, too many spelling errors, severe shortage of content, ugly MC (plastic body parts, lol), ugly L(ove) i(ntrests)... robotic or bad voice acting, the game isn't optimized or something that creates a FPS drop in the game, ect. like how hard is it to do proper endings... in the love making scenes?

we use our imagination to make the games better than they are... i just noticed this when i saw dozens of people prefer the OLD anime style to the NEW anime style in Prince of Suburbia... mankind is so..... Untrained :perv_angel:

mankind is too automatic and they function on nostagia... thoughtlessness, unaware ( is carelessness) & feelings.

(people will always fall upon their own egos, no matter how smart they can be, they choose what they are trained to choose, i deleted the theft part of the story, because i live among people i never fully trusted... even before i knew my ancestry... and thieves target everyone, so whatever).

Adult games without an adjustable window... tend to easily become obsolete in time, so the rule of thumb should be to always have one, update your game before you post it to Steam, it's the law...or should be.
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5,714 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
13.4 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
A boomer not being a fool: An old man who was going to speak against gender-affirming care in the Wisconsin state legislature, changes stance after listening to testimony for 7 hours. (reddit)

you know what i want... a bathroom for Ecchi gender, which is ME, so just ME allowed in it and no one else.

however i do believe trans-folk need rights, but i was just thinking (again) how you gonna want to be a woman at 6 years old, if you havent even learned how to be a man, yet?

just saying, that's not a Gotcha moment, it's just an interesting thought, i remember being a boy and wanting to be a man, would reverse it if i could. transfolk got that backwards to, wanting to be ladies when they are born males and as a little boy, you dont really know that much.

feels a bit like a power grab, the power of sexy is what they desire, i assume. (also just more info, not a gotcha moment either)
Return of the Irish Angel 14 Mar @ 6:28pm 
Kamala Harris DRUNK Out Of HER MIND! Has UNHINGED Rant About DORITOS & AI! Gets ROASTED By Crowd! (TheQuartering)
Return of the Irish Angel 14 Mar @ 5:40pm 
im going back to bed, im too tired to fix typos, lol
Return of the Irish Angel 14 Mar @ 5:35pm 
some ideas for what the Ukrianians should do... the Dutch rebuilt their farm land after WW2.

so do that, obviously... rebuild farm land.

2. legalize prostitution.

3. legalize marijuana

4. rebuild, obviously... for Tourism.

5. import all those dutch farmers in South Africa we keep hearing about who are being discriminated against, i heard the dutch and americans... have essentially abandoned them.

6. if you dont know why 5 is good beyond humanitarian concern, the reality is mixing blood lines makes hotter women, hotter women equal more modeling contracts and in general easy money is made from putting female beauty on display, men do the hard work, women bring in the customers to bars and whatnot.
Return of the Irish Angel 14 Mar @ 4:29pm 
College Student Is Missing in Dominican Republic (Inside Edition) ...that sucks, she has a cute GF face. (which is a top down smile with starry eyes, i hope they find her safely, but it sounds like she was kidnapped or killed)

Bonaire is so beautiful BUT i saw some dark streets there that i wouldn't want to walk down at night!

Woman Allergic to Everything Except 2 Foods (this is pretty silly .... (Inside Edition)
Return of the Irish Angel 14 Mar @ 9:45am 
(there's always a purpose for death too, it's thieves that i will never understand)...

but having that said, everyone has choices to make. you make the one who feel is worth it, because every lemon has juice in it, some are worth the squeeze, others are not.

and somebody tell these women to stop doing plastic surgery, dont ruin millions of years of beauty evolution with weird surgery crap, or you will start looking like Frank Tufano in 2025, ew!!!!!