Call me Zhihui (name of my Ravenclaw girl in Hogwarts Legacy)
Proud to be a hiss-hiss-Ssssslyrizzzzzlerclaaaaaaaaaw! :RavenclawHead::RavenclawProfile::SlytherinProfile::SlytherinHead:
NOT accepting ANY friend requests, even if you and I have any mutual friends. (Reasons why below.)
Note: I am still SENDING friend requests, only to people who actually seem to be worth my time of course. Comment (nicely, no hate comments, DUH, don't be a jealous petty Squib) on my screenshots and artwork, and you might eventually be on that currently very short list of people. Not that I'm going to make it easy for just anyone to comment on my screenshots and artwork- most of my screenshots and artwork is only visible to those who have already earned my friendship, I like to keep my inner circle tight and elite. I do have a few screenshots and artwork things that are set to unlisted visibility, so technically anyone can comment on them, but they are not as easy to find as they would be if they were set to public visibility (I NEVER will set anything to that visibility on purpose- if anything I make does end up set to that visibility, it's an error that will be swiftly reverted as soon as possible).
It's especially recommended for people who are already my friends to read the reasons!
Some friends I used to have unfortunately blocked me without even stating why. For those who are still friends with me, please don't do that. It's really confusing and annoying.
Whether you are my friend or not, if you comment on ANY of my screenshots or artwork, please do NOT delete or edit your comments later. It ruffles my feathers a bit, because it makes me look and feel somewhat stupid... Which is NOT something I'll be tolerating, because it's not something I want to or have to put up with.
Only my current friends can comment on my profile because stupid people put annoying things in the comments section too often, I simply delete the hate comments and block those who sent them but having to do that over and over again is starting to get on my nerves and I will not take any nonsense from strangers who think they are better than me anymore. They are filthy little mudbloods who should stay out of my way.
If I ever appear to have unfriended you, but you can't remember doing anything to deserve that, chances are, oddly enough, that it wasn't actually me who unfriended you. It could be Steam glitching and unfriending us. You may send me a friend request ONE more time, but if Steam glitches and unfriends us again, please leave me alone and do NOT send me another friend request. If you really insist on chatting with me, I guess you can do it in the comments section of my profile... But please, NO more friend requests. Sadly, I've lost quite a whopping heap of friends over stupid Steam glitches unfriending me and other people before, and do NOT have the patience to deal with such unfortunate, irritating matters again. You've been warned, and warned QUITE clearly...
Thank you to anyone who read all of this! If everyone treats me juuuuust right, maybe I'll open up to the possibility of sending and accepting friend requests once again, I'll have to see- only Merlin knows if I ever will or not... 🤫😉 (Most likely this will not happen, if you want my friendship, you have to FIGHT for it! I deserve nothing less. No offence, but I have high standards, and it takes a while for people to meet them... most people never manage to do it, for better or for worse. For me, it's for better. For other people, it's probably for worse, but that's a them problem, not a me problem. Whoooomp-whooomp...)
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Aww, thanks! :sadcattiva: Nice to meet you toooooo! :Hagrid::lunar2024dragoninablanket:
Izhaaq996 12 Mar @ 12:33am 
:cleancake: Nice to meet You! :2017stickyorange:
Sure thiiiiing! :D
aww, cool emojicon you did there! :sadcattiva::Hagrid:
𝕃𝕀𝕃𝕐 5 Feb @ 6:24pm 