590 ratings
Sage Steeds - Rideable Bull Race BETA
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97.581 MB
13 Dec, 2020 @ 6:13am
10 Dec, 2024 @ 3:02am
34 Change Notes ( view )

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Sage Steeds - Rideable Bull Race BETA

"Several hundred years ago someone started an ambitious breeding program to make bulls rideable. They succeeded. Now the Sage Bulls are priced luxury chattel only the good-fortuned can afford."

This mod adds riding to Kenshi. You can buy mounts from four brand new towns, each containing things you have not seen before in Kenshi. New buildings, new riding-related items, new interior and exterior objects. Experience Kenshi like never before, with the wind in your hair!

Help! I cannot find any bulls to buy: Talk to the cavalry See spoiler tree discussion for more.

BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA did I already mention this is BETA?

[x] - The rider's hands flap uncontrollably while riding A CUSTOM RAGDOLL AVAILABLE TO FIX THIS see below link
- Riding pose is the exact same pose as the shoulder carry (unfixable, this is a Kenshi limitation)
- An unconscious character is carried by a bull sitting up (see above)
- The Sage bulls do not have a portrait (requires complete skeleton overhaul w animations, not doing that for the bulls)
- The Sage bull's husk appear in the background or on top of some of the squad members,
especially small animals like dogs, and in auto-generated building menu icons (the bull's hull is too large, unfixable)
- Some of the bull's animations are rough (yeah moved on making horses now)
- Short characters ride too high (unfixable)
- The ox cart's wheels do not rotate (missing animation, looks like I wont be doing that for the bulls either, it requires a new skeleton)
[x] - The game crashes when a NPC talks to a player bull. (fixed in V6)
- The game crashes when a sage bull pick ups a bonedog (or any animal) UNFIXABLE requires a custom ragdoll, which we cannot make atm (I'll investigate this for the horse mod)
[x] - Some NPC riders did not have a body, fixed in V8
- if you prospect with a bull it crashes your game. Apparently it might have at some point shown the person's portrait on the prospect window. And although the portrait is no longer in it, the system still takes the photo. I cannot fathom any other reason. I do not think I can fix this with the current skeleton.

no longer has a known load order issue, although I suggest you load this after any mod that adds clothing or armor (because of transparency masks)

Yet to be explored. Let me know. I do not expect many. May be some issues with mods altering vanilla crafting.

Not compatible with mod "PLAYRE_TALK_TO_ME to join team" and I suppose with other mods that make everyone recruitable by talking to them. It messes with the purchase and bull-claiming process. However one can maneuver around that by waiting the speak timer to end (which is used so the player has time to click on the desired character)

This mod adds several new animations. Mostly fluff, like brushing the bull. The main animation/pose is the riding pose you will need to assign to the custom race yourself. Without it you still can 'ride', the vanilla pose just is crookedineverwhichway. See discussions for the list of already made patches.

Multispecies animation patch available:

Massive multirace patch for the rigid forearms ragdoll patch, requires RE_Kenshi:


What? You don't hit yourself in the head when you ride? Pfft amateur XD

It is a game changer, you can travel a lot faster, carry heavier loads and your loyal mount can even do first aid!
DO NOTE: the riding speed depends on the strength of the bull. They DO need to train that so you can ride faster.

1) Acquire a mount (or use a start with a mount)
2) Select the bull
3) Right click the rider-to-be and pick up

You do not need a saddle to ride, but it looks better with one.

I will probably work on this mod until the world ends, so expect several updates in the future.
Separate silo for Oats available in V11, you can find research for it under farming.

See pinned discussions for suggested load orders the list of custom race patches and the link to the modders resource.

See Alternative riding pose:

If you wanna test my no-hands-flailing ragdoll (same as the rigid forearms ragdoll) go to

This the same ragdoll as above, but using RE_Kenshi you do not need to do the manual moving from mod to data folder for it.
Rigid Forearms Ragdoll

Popular Discussions View All (13)
3 Dec, 2024 @ 1:28pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
16 Mar, 2023 @ 1:38am
If you have issues with Sage Steeds, post your mod list here.
31 Mar, 2024 @ 12:32am
-400 Robotics skill is causing bull to destroy prosthetic limbs and could lead to permanent bleed
LUCKY !! ソラ!
SmellyFishNuggets 20 Mar @ 3:30am 
too lazy :(
tell me how feed i need know pls:spiffo:
LARising^ pebric 11 Mar @ 4:06am 
Anyone who add this mod BEWARE. Once you add this and save it into your game you can't remove it since it will cause the game to crash which means you're stick with it.
SylentFart 24 Jan @ 2:54pm 
how come i never knew mod existed
Nemús 17 Dec, 2024 @ 7:46am 
somethig weird whit the mod of Bull Armour: I modified in fcs for abble the sage steeds bulls to weild the armour, the problem is: The armour texture doesnt get the correct position, too far ahead
Cattrina  [author] 6 Dec, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Massive animations patch now also available in Nexus /kenshi/mods/1527
Cattrina  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 1:29pm 
V16 with some minor fixes out.
Cattrina  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 12:40pm 
@Leifson technically nothing prevents from using tame beasties, someone just has to add the dialogue to the bulls.
Cattrina  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 12:38pm 
@PotterElVarita: This mod won't get any more upgdades. But you may like the horse mod, I am relasing before Christmas. Este mod no recibirá más actualizaciones, pero puede que te guste el mod del caballo, que lanzaré antes de Navidad.
Cattrina  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 12:36pm 
@Cabibara: You mean the BULL lifts the person? Cause if a person lifts the bull, it is the wrong order. Also, if you are using a modded character, you need a patch mod to add the riding animation to the modded race. The animation mod you mentioned does not interfere. ¿Quieres decir que el TORO levanta a la persona? Porque si una persona levanta al toro, es el orden incorrecto. Además, si estás usando un personaje modificado, necesitas un mod de parche para agregar la animación de montar a la raza modificada. El mod de animación que mencionaste no interfiere.
Cattrina  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 12:33pm 
Hello everyone, sorry about the lack of response, I was studying to become a programmer and had no time to mod. @Space_Case_Johnson: maybe a mod load order error? @Piss I know, but farming in Kenshi contains all sorts of automation like working wells and running indoors to haul stuff. Yeah the part map is a mess XD @Wololo: You have another mod that alters the vanilla bulls or adds new modded bulls. Modded bulls cannot use the bull pack bags from this mod.