

252 ratings
Pawns Use Fire Extinguishers
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
File Size
630.738 KB
16 Feb, 2021 @ 9:57am
17 Jan, 2023 @ 1:09pm
47 Change Notes ( view )

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Pawns Use Fire Extinguishers

In 1 collection by pointfeev
pointfeev's RimWorld Mods
3 items
Allows fire extinguishers to be used for firefighting automatically. If a pawn doesn't have a fire extinguisher or a piece of fire can't be accessed with a fire extinguisher, pawns will go back to default vanilla behavior of beating out fires.

The mod works by checking the pawn's inventory for a fire extinguisher and checking if the pawn can actually use the fire extinguisher on any fires. If those are both true, the pawn will equip the fire extinguisher, go to within range of a fire, shoot the fire, then re-equip the weapon he had beforehand. If both are false however, the pawn will then just go beat the fire like normal.

Currently compatible with fire extinguishing weapons from:

if there are any extinguishers I've missed and you'd like to use automatically, leave a comment! However, please test if it doesn't already work, as it may use the vanilla Extinguish damage definition; if it does work, I'd appreciate you letting me know in the comments so I can further populate this description! :)

NOTE: This mod will be completely useless if you don't use at least one mod with a fire extinguishing weapon.

The mod is intended to be a sort-of "addition" to the auto-equip on job feature from Simple Sidearms or Grab Your Tool! (but you don't need either of those mods for this one to work of course).

Using a mod that allows you to equip extra weapons/tools (such as Simple Sidearms, Pocket Sand, or Combat Extended) is supported and encouraged, but not required.

Combat Extended's ammo system is also supported. Pawns will ignore the fire extinguisher in their inventory if it doesn't have any ammunition to fire. All you have to do is give pawns a loadout with Firefoam (or whatever ammo the extinguisher from your selected mod uses) and they should reload the extinguisher when they need to use it.

Very simple and lightweight mod, completely safe to add to or remove from saves, HOWEVER:
  • When removing from a save, you may see small errors in the dev console, but they are completely ignorable. Just make sure to draft and undraft all colonists before or after removal to make sure they're not still trying to use the job and causing errors.

If you encounter a bug or a potential compatibility issue, please leave a comment and I'll try my best to fix it!

GitHub: FireExtinguisher[github.com]
Three 10 Mar @ 9:31am 
@Punful Guy Please forgive me but I can't recall the name now. But there is such a mod, probably with “Tweak” in the name. Which allows you to set every how much a mod should “ask” / “check” the state of the event it is dealing with. Perhaps there you could set yourself to check this fire less often. If I understood correctly what you mean. :hardhat:
Punful Guy 9 Mar @ 9:02pm 
Would it be possible to make the mod not make so many calls when there are no fires nor even any fire extinguishers on the map? Not a massive performance hog but just noticed it when looking for a different mod that was locking up my game
Gear`O`Derm 25 Feb @ 6:45am 
Even though many people report it works at 1.5, it would be nice to have real support for 1.5
Mlie 24 Jun, 2024 @ 11:20am 
Since this mod has been reported working in 1.5 I added it to the No Version Warning-mod
Alexander Zagirov 16 Jun, 2024 @ 6:07am 
Tested it together with “Compositable Loadouts” and a fire extinguisher from “Vanilla Weapons Expanded”. Mod works perfectly fine for 1.5.
#6 14 May, 2024 @ 5:37am 
Wow, they scrolled down to leave a comment but didn't even bother to read even the top comment. It works in 1.5, the person below said it does at least.
Three 29 Apr, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
Is it safe to use this in version 1.5? :guard:
SounLee 15 Apr, 2024 @ 8:21pm 
works so far for 1.5
testet with Firefoam Things + Simple Sidearms
kongkim 14 Apr, 2024 @ 1:14am 
Will you update it to 1.5? :)
allbad 10 Apr, 2024 @ 10:25am 
Any chance for 1.5 support?