Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Highlander Immortals - Upgradeable Immortality
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3.359 MB
28 Mar, 2021 @ 12:50pm
16 Mar @ 6:54am
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Highlander Immortals - Upgradeable Immortality


Highlander Immortals features, as you might guess from the title, upgradable immortality.

Based on the classic 1986 film Highlander, when you start the mod through the decisions menu, up to 12 immortal characters are distributed around the world.

When an immortal kills another immortal, they will drain their power and become an even more powerful immortal, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!

To start the mod, you need to open the decision called “Distribute Immortals” and you will be given the choice to start as an immortal or not. In the Game Rules, you can choose where immortals are spawned and what level of titles they should have.

For example, if you selected in the options menu that you only wanted immortals to spawn in Europe and to have a Kingdom or higher title, only the kings and emperors of Europe would gain the immortality traits. As there may not be 12 kings and emperors in Europe, characters may spawn with a higher rank of immortality at the beginning of the game.

If an immortal kills an immortal, the killer will gain a level of immortality equal to each level of immortality the dead immortal had (this is called the Quickening). There are 12 levels of immortality, more on that later.

The Quickening will also give you a perk point for each level of education the killed immortal had and one perk point for each 5 of each stat they had.
E.g. If you kill an immortal with a level 4 martial education and 19 martial, you would gain 4 martial perk points for the education and 3 martial perk points based on their stats.

If an immortal is killed by a non-immortal (or in any other circumstance), other characters will gain the immortality trait using the distribution settings from the game rules. You can change the game rules to allow mortals to drain immortality from immortals if you would like that as well.

There are twelve levels of immorality, as shown below:
(D - Diplomacy, M - Martial, S - Stewardship, I - Intrigue, L - Learning, P - Prowess, HSS - Hostile Scheme Success)

All immortals are set as your rival when they spawn in, making them easier to find. The two easiest ways to kill an immortal is through assasination or through dueling (which can be achieved via Stalwart Leader[] perk), but any method of killing a character will work.

Once the first immortal has died, you will gain a decision to “Hunt Immortals (Duel another immortal)” which will put you into a duel with another immortal. The AI will also have access to this decision, unless you change the game rule “Immortal Pilgrimages” to prevent this.

When you kill all other immortals and you are the last immortal left, you will receive an event telling you of your triumph. The event gives you a choice of two things however, I won’t spoil that for you here, you will have to play the mod to find out. (although it’s nothing special).

  • You do not need any DLC to use this mod
  • Is multiplayer compatible (Although not tested)
  • Save game compatible (Just use the decision to spawn in immortals)
  • No base game files were changed so incompatibility should be at a minimum
  • Should be compatible with 99% of mods including complete overhauls

Upcoming features and changelog can be found here[]

If you find any bugs or have any issues or suggestions for the mod, it’s always best to join my Discord[] as steam's comment section is very limited in what you can do. If you are going to post a bug report, please give a detailed report of what happened and any other mods you are using at the time. (screenshots would be nice too!)

Highlander[] for giving me the idea
Myself for having the idea
Feedbackgaming for telling me to make the mod based on my idea
Altogolik for translating the mod in Russian
Phoenix for translating the mod in German
Blas de Lezo for translating the mod in Spanish

Purgatory 20 Mar @ 11:41am 
everytime i start my game with the mod it crashes but when i turn it off its fine i don't understand can anyone help?
Darkwing Phoenix 18 Mar @ 10:11am 
Nice that it's a decision, since if I wanna kill time after the Black Death and Mongols go away I can flip this on and start playing it for the last 100 years
vonMort 17 Mar @ 5:00am 
I use this mod sometimes with a shitload of other mods for multiplayer, even with totalconvs and had no problems there.
But i mostly fix any upcoming problems locally for myself. 😅
Zer0  [author] 17 Mar @ 3:59am 
It should be fine, it's doesn't touch any base game stuff
GenuinelyEric 17 Mar @ 3:20am 
Just out of curiosity, would this work in conjunction with another mod? Like, say, LotR: Realms in Exile? Or the World of Darkness mod? As a concept, it would be impossibly awesome to play a Black Numenorean King, hunting down an Immortal King of Arnor or Gondor or something like that.
Zer0  [author] 16 Mar @ 11:15pm 
I don't think that actually effects anything other than the text of the event
Captain 16 Mar @ 8:57pm 
Great mod! Unfortunately, I encoundered an annoying bug. Any idea how to solve this?

Error logs show:

Failed to find type 'hunted_by_immortal' in 'hunted_by_immortal.GetCapitalLocation.GetTitle.GetNameNoTier'.

[E][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1351]: Could not find promote for 'hunted_by_immortal' in 'hunted_by_immortal.GetCapitalLocation.GetTitle.GetNameNoTier'.
TBD 16 Mar @ 7:09pm 
is that planned?
Zer0  [author] 16 Mar @ 12:19am 
The mod needs a full rework before I do something like that unfortunately
Markusaw 15 Mar @ 3:51pm 
Any possibility you'll add a setting to only give the trait to landless adventurers? Could be interesting to see them travel around the map and eventually gain land