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Zer0's Infinity Stones 3.0
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17 Apr, 2021 @ 5:58am
29 Sep, 2024 @ 9:26am
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Zer0's Infinity Stones 3.0


As soon as I saw the relic system for Stellaris, I knew I had to add the Infinity Stones as relics! I wanted to implement each of the six stones into the game in a way that they still felt like they were from Stellaris, however, were slightly more powerful than the vanilla relics. The 3.0 version of the mod is an upgrade of the original I uploaded just after the release of Ancient relics, including all the updates I made to the original and brand new features and integrations to the new federation and galactic community features and now integration into the new intel and espionage system!

Mod Trailer

Adds eight new relics into the game, with six new star systems to receive seven of the relics in and one new technology. Six of the relics are the Infinity Stones, one is the Infinity Gauntlet, and the last one is a secret.
All the information about the relics and other features of the mod can be found on the Readme below. I’ve also linked other helpful documents and videos I've created below:

Q. Can the AI get the Stones, use the Stones and can you get the Stones from the AI?
A. Yes the AI can get the stones, and they will prioritise using the stones over most relics. The AI can use the gauntlet well and will use it to use multiple stones at the same time.

Q. How can I get the stones?
A. Please see the first section on the readme document here[]

Q. Can you add X/Does the mod do X/How do I do X?
A. The README document [] contains everything you need to know about the current state of the mod and all future plans. Before you ask any questions or make any suggestions, please read the document.

Q. How do I change the game options mid-game?
A. The Options menu can be opened via an edict. This menu will not open in multiplayer.

Q. Can I spawn in the stones with commands?
A. No need for a command, I've added a menu for cheating. If you open the options menu using the edict, you can enable cheats and then you can use an edict to open the cheat menu.

Q. Aren't the Stones a bit OP/weak?
A. Most of the Stones effects are similar to the vanilla relics (e.g. The Power Stone and Reality Stones effects are both taken from base game relics) the only difference being they are cheaper to activate and some of the cooldowns are shorter. Numbers can and will always be tweaked based on feedback so if you feel something is too strong/weak, let me know.

Q. I found a bug/mod is broken/X is spelt wrong!
A. If you find any issues, report them on my Discord[]. It’s easier to diagnose issues and give feedback via discord so I’d prefer if any problems were reported on the discord.

Q. Fallen empires hate me and are now ruining my game!
A. You can disable Fallen Empire relations in the options menu.

  • You do not need any DLC to use this mod
  • The colossi from Apocalypse, in theory, could break the mod by destroying a relic site; however, this is your fault as an AI will not do this.
  • Is multiplayer compatible.
  • Isn't Ironman compatible ;-)
  • Save game compatible! (You can use the cheat menu to spawn in relic systems)

Please send any bugs you find or any feedback you have on my Discord[]. Please send any suggestions you have there as well.

If you are going to post a bug report, please give a detailed report of what happened and any other mods you are using at the time. (screenshots would be nice too)

Thanks to PhilippSilver for translating the mod into Russian!

Thanks to Solbrave for translating the mod into Chinese!

A French translation for the mod can be found here.

My other mods:
ishmeetone 8 Mar @ 10:20am 
NO ENDGAME LAG! Hands down best mod and a must have if your goal is to have a long play through without victory. The ability to control population through snap alone is amazing. The stones itself have great design. Must use add on 10/10

I’m year 3000 and hunger swarm consumed half the galaxy, only myself and 2 small vassals hold the line. It’s a fun play through with constant fighting and I control peace through crisis declaration and repealing it with galactic community.

If game gets laggy, I snap and we’re back to no lag.
This mod lets you customize your game.
tredavidson77 16 Dec, 2024 @ 7:30pm 
Have you ever though of reworking this mod to cover all the cosmic stuff from marvel like traits that match certain races from the marvel universe events that including things like Galactus, Celestials or the Klyntar you know stuff like that. Just general marvel cosmic stuff not restricted by the MCU.
Drago 1 Dec, 2024 @ 11:47pm 
Hello, I have a little problem when I select "Destroy my Enemies", the menu show me with a text like "infinity_gauntlet.72.a, b, c, etc." and I can´t know what Empire I'm selecting.
Dragon of Desire 30 Nov, 2024 @ 1:19pm 
If you want, you could make it related to the Reality Stone and not require it active, and have it increase the size by 2 Districts per use (Like the Hydrocentric Ascension Perk Expand Seas Decision), but have a time to "build" of 900 days or something, if you don't want it tied to Reality Stone Activation.
Dragon of Desire 30 Nov, 2024 @ 1:17pm 
Hey, Zer0, I have an idea. Since terraforming a planet into a gaia world or ecuminopolis is a bit weak, could you perhaps give a decision when you use the Reality Stone, like the Time Stone, that increases Planet Size by 10? It would make the Reality Stone more valuable.
Zer0  [author] 30 Nov, 2024 @ 12:06am 
No, in my mod, they're realms, not planets.
victoriousdread07 (private) 30 Nov, 2024 @ 12:00am 
@ZerO Nidavellir, as seen in the movie: a star with a big ass forge around it, is considered a realm. Therefore the Sol system, and not just Earth, can be considered Midgard. So you're right. Realms are systems, not planets. but the worlds will need those names any way. They each could have unique features like old infrastructure or pre-ftl species or something.
Zer0  [author] 29 Nov, 2024 @ 11:07pm 
They're realms, not planets.
victoriousdread07 (private) 29 Nov, 2024 @ 7:58pm 
The reality stone digsite already has us visiting the realms. It wouldn't be that much trouble to add some worlds to represent those realms, and the asgard system already exists in game. The digsite could indicate for us where in the galaxy those realms are, including the original sol system. A patch for gigastructures could bring an accurate representation of asgard and nidavellir.
Dragon of Desire 29 Nov, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
Still working perfectly in 3.14.