

3,022 ratings
Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
12.503 MB
21 May, 2021 @ 1:35am
16 Jul, 2024 @ 11:16pm
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Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations


Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations is a standalone release in the Vanilla Textures Expanded series, aiming at providing a LOT of visual variety to your vanilla bases.

So, what does it do? Basically, it provides building graphics variations for the majority of vanilla’s buildings. This means every time you build a chair, the chair will have a randomized graphics. Not only that, but you can also swap the graphic of the building on command, allowing you to mix and match styles to properly decorate your base.

Tired of all research tables looking the same? Not anymore.

The mod includes more than 150 new random building graphics for 35 vanilla buildings.

We plan to keep adding new textures in the future, so make sure to let us know what particular textures in vanilla game would benefit from this!

Through mod options (found in the VE Framework's mod options, as that where the code is at) you can tweak two things:

a) Random buildings start randomized: if toggled, the buildings will always spawn with their default graphic, and you can randomize or change later
b) Hide the buttons: if toggled, buildings won't have the random graphic or choose graphic buttons.

If you have both options toggled, the mod... will do nothing. Congratulations!

Mod should be compatible with anything, SPECIALLY textures overhauls such as Vanilla Textures Expanded, since the mod only refers to the images by path. Even load order shouldn’t matter.

Textures mods that CHANGE the size of vanilla buildings (for example Gloomy Vanilla mod) may produce some weird effects.

Please report any bugs in the following google form:


Q: Is this mod CE compatible?
A: Yes, it’s a simple texture pack.

Q: Is there a performance impact?
A: No. The methods used are pretty low impact, and only act when you press the buttons or build a new building

Q: I don’t like a particular retexture that you did. How can I turn it off?
A: SInce the mod isn’t a pure texture replacer, it is harder than usual to remove a particular image. You’d have to edit the XML patches too. Then again, you can just cycle the graphic until you get the one you want :P

Q: I have a furniture item affected by Ideology's styles that doesn't have the "Change Graphic" button
A: This is intended: items affected by a style don't have swappable graphics so both systems don't interfere

Q: Can I request a retexture?
A: Yes, comment down below!

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: It should be! A specific building’s graphic should be preserved between saves / loads.

Q: Where are the beds??????
A: Due to the way beds are coded, their graphic can’t be changed easily the way we did it, so beds are a no go.

Graphics created by: Sarg Bjornson. Support me on my Patreon[www.patreon.com]

Code also created by Sarg Bjornson.

Thanks to Chowder for providing the screenshots.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Vanilla Textures Expanded
Erin's Decorations

Popular Discussions View All (1)
3 Mar @ 9:28pm
PINNED: Suggestions
Sarg Bjornson
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 8 minutes ago 
sethkwright 49 minutes ago 
it seems like all storage furniture (Drawer, shelf, etc) does not work for me, as in attempting to switch to another variant will do nothing. this is probably a mod conflict with something like adaptive storage, but i dunno.
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 12 Mar @ 12:05pm 
No, sorry. We don't support mods that modify the size of base game items, that's a HUGE faux pas
Diabético_X 12 Mar @ 11:44am 
Please, this mod has to have at least the option to turn off some textures. I use Neat Storage mod, and the textile rack gets really ugly when using both mods together. Please please please allow us to turn of some textures. I really like both mods.
Fox of Despair 2 Feb @ 3:56am 
Доброго дня, мод плохо совместим с Medieval Overhaul
Stupid Sexy Rat 20 Dec, 2024 @ 7:21am 
ah understandable, its not that big of a deal to me. the rest of the mod is awesome. thanks for the work you do.
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 20 Dec, 2024 @ 7:03am 
No compatibility with ANY mod that changes the sizes of vanilla items, it's just the way it is
Stupid Sexy Rat 20 Dec, 2024 @ 6:59am 
they do work but look bad
Stupid Sexy Rat 20 Dec, 2024 @ 6:58am 
heya, i was wondering if we can get some better looking textures when using the Small Simple Research Bench and the Small Hi-Tech Research Bench by Desp?
Good Old Jim 8 Nov, 2024 @ 4:24pm 
I found a sort of work around, use another mod that let me choose and disable/enable ideo styles.

Side question do you think you guys could make the variations work on the Basic Double doors mod? Or maybe add generic double doors to the Vanilla expanded series? Id imagine making them work wouldnt be too hard, could be very wrong Im kinda dumb, but Id imagine graphics/texture wise you could just use the ones already made for single doors just well doubled since the Basic double doors is well just a basic door doubled. xD