Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

309 ratings
Operator's M4
File Size
1.265 MB
17 Aug, 2021 @ 7:03pm
19 Dec, 2021 @ 6:12pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Operator's M4

Updated for Build 41.54!

What does this mod do?
Adds an M4 to the game using vanilla ammo. Operator's M4 is a expertly tuned military M4. It is a rare firearm and a survivors best friend. This is actually a firearm I own. Adding it as a mod to Project Zomboid was one of my major goals! Now that I've done it I will be adding some more from my collection.

This mod is going to be 1 of many. Having more guns in the game is always a good thing, but sometimes a single mod can add way too much. Uploading each firearm individually allows the players to pick and choose without the hassle of finding dozens of magazines for other guns.

The Firearm uses 556 Ammo & 556 Magazines.
The firearm is only compatible with the Weapon Mod Suppressor.
You can view the change log for updates.

Also I am not the best with artwork. I have improved a little with blender and since I am happy with the results I have decided to work with what I can do. Thankfully Project Zomboid is forgiving when it comes to fine detail on 3d models.

  • Necroforge Supported!
  • Attach mods & suppressor from my Weapon Mod
  • ability to clean the rifle with the m4 rifle cleaning kit

Where to find the M4 & suppressor
gunstore, gunstorestorage, armystorage, Bag_WeaponBag, Bag_SurvivorBag, ShotgunCache1, ShotgunCache2, GunCache1, GunCache2

This mod should be compatible with any other mod.
Compatible with my Weapon Mod
This mod works with Build 41.51 I have not tested it with any other builds.

Attaching a suppressor to the Rifle will eat any Ammo, magazines, and mods attached to the firearm.Remove them first before attaching the suppressor.

Removing the suppressor will destroy the suppressor.

None at this time!

  • Ability to suppress the rifle with my upcoming suppressors mod.
  • Bugfixing

Adds the following items
  • OPM.OPM4

Check out my other mods

Mod Info
Workshop ID: 2577942794
capcom 25 Feb @ 1:45pm 
White._.Dawn 7 Oct, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
do you take commissions on mods?
Jei 3 May, 2024 @ 7:55am 
The mods that only works is Suppressor and the Recoil pad. Any help on how I could use the other weapon mods?
It's June Hoe 1 May, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
this mod makes my pussy wet
Jei 28 Mar, 2024 @ 9:41pm 
2024 and still waiting to have a black gun color lol nevertheless, love the mod bro.
Dexter Morgan 2 Jun, 2023 @ 6:47am 
is there any mod that reskins it to black color?
Mc Roidaaar 24 Mar, 2023 @ 8:43am 
chad firearm owner
Archadies Leafwalker 18 Mar, 2023 @ 6:19am 
@Blackbeard Hey man, I have found the M4 a few times now, however, it states that it hols 60 hounds in a mag for it but I never find a mag for it. And it says no magazine found in the item stats. What mags do these take? Because the STANG or whatever mags only hold 30 rounds piece. Is this not compatable with Brita? Thanks. Have a good weekend.
CrucialDude 23 Jan, 2023 @ 3:22pm 
I wish this would be compatible with Britas suppressors so you didn't have to install the Weapons mods and break the suppressor functionality
Jack.Kings 23 Jun, 2022 @ 8:12am 
Hey, great weapon! Great mod!
The only thing that bothers me is the first holographic aim that isnt alligned to the second aim. Is there a way to remove it and keep just the second one? Or the first one...