Dread Templar

Dread Templar

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Encyclopedia Diabolica of Dread Templar
By Shiki-Kui
Introducing the creatures from FPS game Dread Templar.
I have created an English version in response to customer requests. Since the translation is immature, I use machine translation a lot, but please forgive me.

Undead Warrior
A living dead wandering in hell.

An undead warrior who usually roams the area, but when he discovers the Knights Templar (you), he runs up with agile movements and beats him with his clawed fist. Since his movement speed is unexpectedly fast, it is difficult to hit with firearms, so let's attack well by performing close combat with Katana or shooting at close range.
Undead Gunner
A living dead equipped with a single-shot rifle.

When the undead gunner, who looks like a corpse that has turned yellow, finds the Knights Templar (you), he shoots with his rifle. It can be said that it is a troublesome enemy when it appears in multiples, such as accurate sniping and hitting from a considerable distance.
A human-faced spider lurking in the dark underground.

Normally, he is just wandering around the ground, but when he finds the Knights Templar (you), he approaches silently and attacks with his sharp snout. Although it is a Zako enemy that can be defeated with a single attack, it is better not to look sweet because the target is small and it often appears in multiples.
A giant demon equipped with a bomb.

His movement itself is a slow bomber, but he throws a bomb from a medium range at the Knights Templar (you). The bomb will explode after a certain amount of time has passed since it touches the character, regardless of whether it is an enemy or an ally, and causes great damage to the surrounding beings. It's a threat if you meet Bommer in a small area, but on the contrary, if you face multiple enemies in a large area, you can effectively use the bomb thrown by this devil.
Stitches Spider
A hybrid monster of humans and spiders.

It's a creepy visual stitch spider, but when it discovers the Knights Templar (you), it shoots a thorn from its tail in a bullet shape. This thorn has a surprisingly high attack power, and since it shoots with a 3-point burst, it will take a lot of damage if it takes time to defeat it, so be careful.
Hell Knight
A hell knight who aims at the Temple Knight.
E1M2 The boss enemy that appears in "The Prison 1/2"

Hell Knight has two attack methods. The first is to emit a shock wave from the mace in your hand, and there are two patterns, a wavy pattern that sweeps away a wide area and an explosive pattern that causes great damage.

The second is to summon a black hole-shaped sphere, which has no attack power, but when it comes in contact with it, it greatly reduces the mobility of the Knights Templar (you) (second image)

The battle with Hell Knight takes place in a large circular area, but Hell Knight, who summons the above spheres one after another, definitely narrows the range of motion of the Knights Templar, so if you have a powerful firearm Early settlement would be desirable.
A tough creature with a sword in both hands.
A high-ranking species of undead warrior.

When the keeper with a horrifying appearance finds the Knights Templar (you), he rushes to tear it apart with his sword. It's important to note that this demon has the same dashing ability as the Knights Templar, so even if you try to sniper from a distance, it may suddenly slip into your pocket. Once further approached, the sickle will be attacked continuously, so it is necessary to prevent the keeper from approaching as much as possible.
Spider Queen
Mother Goddess of spiders.
E1M5 The boss enemy that appears in "The Lair"

This mother spider, who has a very huge body, attacks while trying to prey on the Knights Templar (you). Attack methods include "stripping with your forefoot", "biting with your snout", "shooting poisonous liquid like a shotgun", "summoning a spider from the fallopian tubes on your back", "summoning a stitch spider that hibernates in the area", etc. Various (second image)

The Spider Queen itself is a big target and the attack is monotonous, so it is not a big threat, but the ability to summon the above-mentioned spiders is unexpectedly dangerous, and if it takes time to defeat it, it will be an enemy in the area in a blink of an eye. Will overflow, and you will be forced into a predicament.

Some enemies will drop ammo and healing items when killed, but they should ignore it and devote all their energy to killing this giant spider.
A soulless thing that comes from hell.

An indescribable, eerie appearance, the soulless usually roams the wilderness, but when the Knights Templar (you) discovers it, he heads for it at a tremendous speed. There are two types of attack methods, one that spits filthy bloody sputum in a bullet shape from a long distance, and the other that delivers a powerful beating at a short distance.
The movement is quick, but there is a gap in the motion to make the above attack, so let's aim at that moment and add an attack.
A low-ranking demon that monitors with compound eyes.

The eyeball is usually fluffy in the air, but when the Knights Templar (you) discovers it, it throws bloody sputum into a bullet. Although its durability is extremely low, it often stays in the air where it is difficult to hit, so accurate sniping is required.
Dark Apostle
A black magician who claims to be an apostle of hell.

Dark Apostle, who devotes himself to defeating the Knights Templar (you), shoots a skull-shaped ray from his wand and attacks. Since this skull has a variable orbit, it is necessary to devise a way to avoid it.

Also, Dark Apostle, who has the ability to summon demons, uses the lamps he holds to summon demons one after another and try to attack the Knights Templar. If you take the time to defeat this black magician, you will be surrounded by mass-produced enemies, so be careful.
A fallen angel who succumbed to the temptation of the god of hell.

The terrifying but divine form of Fallen afflicts the Knights Templar (you) with laser-like attack magic. This laser is powerful and fires and hits almost at the same time, so the moment Fallen enters the attack motion, it will be defeated by hitting it with a high firepower attack, or if it is not hidden by a shield, it will be reduced in a blink of an eye. Be careful because it will end up.
Corpse Flower White
A predator that lives in rocky areas.

The Corpse Flower, which lives on the rock surface of the cave, sprays acidic digestive juice from its mouth like a shotgun when the prey approaches. The Corpse Flower is harmless unless you approach it from here, so sniping from a distance and killing it is a low-risk strategy.
A heavy weapon-grade demon that hell is proud of.

This demon, whose movement itself is slow, shoots the ugly pustules on his back like a mortar, whether he sees the Knights Templar (you) or not. This pustule has the property of exploding when it hits a target or the ground, causing enormous damage to enemies and allies in the explosive range. The hit rate is not great, but be aware that this mortar, which is fired at regular intervals, is extremely dangerous.

Behemoths have the habit of exploding and scattering their bodies when they are defeated. This will also take a lot of damage like a mortar, so be sure to hurry away when this demon enters the dying motion.
Corpse Flower Red
[/previewimg]A variant of Corpse Flower.

The algorithm is similar to Corpus Flower White mentioned above, but the attack method is a tentacle with sharp fangs, and when the Knights Templar (you) tries to pass by, he stretches out four tentacles and pierces them. The speed of this tentacle is surprisingly fast, so it's safe to avoid it with a dash the moment the tentacle is fired, or destroy it before passing by.
Gomuramu's Heart
A dark heart that despairs all living beings.
E2M4 Boss enemy that appears in "Soul Melting Factory".

Enshrined in the deepest part of the area, this being does not move on its own, but uses all evil magic to make the Knights Templar (you) dead.
There are three attack methods. The first is to summon familiars like flying eyeballs one after another, and this demon stands still in the air while emitting a laser beam that is damaged when touched. If this devil is left unattended, a laser siege will be built before you know it, and the operating range of the Knights Templar will be drastically reduced.

The second is to summon spike-shaped protrusions around you, and the moment the thorn-shaped light spreads around your heart, spikes pop out from the floor of the area. The only way to avoid this spike is to stay away from the heart, but the temple knight unknowingly narrows the range of motion by the laser siege of the summoned familiar, which the above-mentioned summoned familiar emits. It may be moved to the surroundings, leading to a vicious cycle in which a spike attack awaits (second image).

And the third is a powerful and unrivaled laser attack fired from the eyeball attached to the heart, and if you eat it properly (depending on the difficulty level) it will be defeated with a single blow, so if the heart enters the laser firing motion, The only way to avoid it is to escape out of range immediately. However, as mentioned above, care must be taken as the heart cleverly steals the range of motion of the Knights Templar using familiars and spikes.

As a strategy, while using an explosive firearm such as a rocket launcher to attack the heart, the blast also eliminates familiars. And it can be said that it is safe and reliable to attack while keeping a safe distance from the heart.
Hell Knight Final Form
A swordfighter who is said to be the strongest in hell.
E2M5 The boss enemy that appears in "You Again"

This hell knight who rematches in the arena will try his best to destroy the Knights Templar (you). The battle with Helnite and Pole is divided into two parts, the first half and the second half, and the first half is the same algorithm as the previous Helnite, but when a certain amount of damage is given, Hernite's body is wrapped in lilac light and goes to the final form. It transforms into.

The attack of Hell Knight and Pole has become faster and more aggressive than ever before, and the means of attack are "sword swords in your hand", "piercing & continuous slashing", and "rays flying in four directions". "Summoning a black hole-shaped sphere" and "shooting a laser from the sky" are completely different from the conventional ones.

The one that needs attention is a black hole-shaped sphere, which, unlike the conventional one, explodes when it hits the ground and contaminates the area for a certain period of time. Touching this sphere reduces the mobility of the Knights Templar as before, but Hell Knight does not miss the gap and launches a powerful slash that greatly reduces his physical strength. If you touch the sphere, you are required to promptly use a dash to escape from the contaminated area of the sphere.
In addition, Hell Knight rests in the sky at regular intervals and fires a laser in the rain. The orbit of this laser is easy to read, but it is difficult to avoid it because it falls randomly, and if it cannot be avoided, it will be deprived of physical strength, so it will be forced to move around (second image)

The strategy is to just move around. You'll have to go around Hell Knight, staying out of his range as much as possible, and attacking.
Ice Beetle
A beetle that lives in freezing hell.

When the Ice Beetle rushes through the ground and discovers the Knights Templar (you), the slowness of the past approaches at a speed that seems to be a lie, and attacks by biting. The ice beetle is quick to move, but it's easy to capture the timing of the attack, so try to destroy it with a powerful shot.
Frozen Claw
A ferocious demon that roams the freezing hell.

Covered with multiple sharp claws and ice armor, Frozen Claw sprints silently to cut through the Knights Templar (you).
Frozen Claw, whose claw blow is extremely powerful, threatens with a scream that freezes blood. If you receive this scream at a close distance, your body will be paralyzed and you will not be able to aim, so you will easily fall into a predicament.

Frozen claws can be dealt with by hitting a powerful firearm in the encounter, or by moving around the area and avoiding this demon while fighting tenaciously.
An insect that monitors the dead in freezing hell.

It's a pin fly that just floats in the air, but when it discovers the Knights Templar (you), it creates a spirit body that is its own alter ego and ejects it. This spirit body runs out when it flies a certain distance, but because it has a homing function that can change the direction at will, there is nothing more nasty than the pin fly that appears when you are busy fighting other enemies. Let's go.
High Apostle
A black magician who wears the mystery of freezing hell.

The high apostle, which is the upper species of the dark apostle mentioned above, is extremely dangerous because it has the skills to summon high-ranking demons such as bombers and keeper.
In addition, High Apostle, who is also good at fighting ability, throws a rush attack to cut through the Knights Templar (you) with his ice dagger, and the magic of shooting bullet-shaped ice from medium and long distances.

The scene where multiple high apostles with powerful attack means appear as described above may be said to be one of the most difficult points in the work.
Fog Spawn
The devil of hell who freely manipulates the fog.

With an eerie appearance that shocks the viewer, Fog Spawn moves around the area endlessly, throwing a sharp spear at the Knights Templar (you) at a tremendous speed.

Also, the fog spawn that can create fog has the ability to emit thick fog from his body, and it skillfully hides itself like a smoke screen. You can't see it from here, but the spear mentioned above will be thrown with delicate shooting, so always move around and wait for this demon to appear.
A giant horseshoe crab-shaped demon that means "monster from the deep sea"
Boss enemy that appears in E3M2 "Stranger"

Djookholu, who usually swims around the bottom of the water, which is a habitat, attacks when he confirms the existence of the Knights Templar (you).

This horseshoe crab, which is a pair of two bodies, is classified into two types, "red" and "blue", and red swims freely in the water and hits the leech-shaped monster that swims around itself. Blue has different attack methods, such as launching a leech-shaped monster like a guided missile instead of moving from the spot. The attack speed is fast and the attack power is high, so if you stay in the water, you will be knocked down immediately, so be careful.

As a strategy, it is desirable to destroy the troublesome Red first at the same time as the battle starts. If you defeat this first, the operating area here will increase at once, so it will be easier to avoid the remaining blue attacks, and you will be able to capture with less damage. It's an underwater battle where the operation is restricted, but if you calmly hit it, it will be easy to defeat this monster.
The Curator
An advanced class demon who manages the world of mechanical devices.
E3M5 The boss enemy that appears in "The manipulator"

Boasting the largest body of any creature that has ever appeared, this demon unleashes powerful magic to attack the Knights Templar (you).
Curators with three heads have different attack methods, with the red head making a linear flame attack that can withstand heavy damage, and the blue head making an attack that shoots ice like a shotgun.

The central head wearing a mitral cap is good at using magic that limits the range of action here, "summoning a magic fence to the ground (second image)" "summoning a device that emits a laser from the sky (Third image) ”and other two types of magic are used.
Since the former becomes a pure obstacle, it is necessary to be careful because the range of movement is narrowed, and if you are unlucky and trapped in the fence, you will not be able to escape from the above-mentioned two head attacks. On the other hand, the latter moves while emitting a laser, so it is easy to avoid it, but if you are distracted by that, you will neglect to avoid the magic attack that the curator launches.

The strategy for defeating curators is to move around and avoid head-to-head attacks while giving them powerful firearm attacks. If you stop, you may be caught in the above magical means and hit the laser. The area where you fight the curator has a long arch, so you can find victory by continuing to attack while moving from right to left.
Shiki-Kui  [author] 19 Apr, 2022 @ 3:59pm 
As you say, it was a lot of work to shoot pictures of this fast game.
But it was rewarded with your praise. thank you!
Princess 19 Apr, 2022 @ 12:13pm 
Great angles on the enemies. Never bothered to look closer due to fast paced combat. Amazing guide.
Shiki-Kui  [author] 16 Apr, 2022 @ 9:23pm 
Thank you sir. We'll start updating right away!
T19  [developer] 16 Apr, 2022 @ 8:33pm 
Hey there! The name of the new boss in E3M5 is "The Curator", thanks buddy!
Shiki-Kui  [author] 15 Apr, 2022 @ 9:33pm 
FlyLeaf 15 Apr, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
wow ty for all the info!
Shiki-Kui  [author] 9 Mar, 2022 @ 3:37pm 
I am honored. thank you:steamhappy:
Sputum80 9 Mar, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
Thx alot, this is great.