

764 ratings
1-2-3 Personalities M2
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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1-2-3 Personalities M2

In 2 collections by Hahkethomemah
1-2-3 projects and addons
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600+ Firefly/Fallout/CB themed, auto-sort friendly [1.3]
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1-2-3 Personalities is the first entry in a series of social mods based around idea of modularity and letting players choose how much in-depth impact they want:

1-2-3 Personalities makes each colonist a unique being: thinking, talking and behaving differently, depending on who they are and who they interact with. This mod is designed as a much more compatible, less game-file invasive successor of Psychology, while adding new game mechanics and decision-making.

This module is all about pawns being similar or different and how it influences their actions.
Psychological drive (instincts, feelings or thinking) is a very generalized characteristic that describes how colonists make decisions and respond to events or people. Pawns either have the same psychological drive and trigger harmonious effect, or they do not and apply complementary effect. In some cases, there will be also a 3rd option – disparate. A disparate effect occurs when at least 3 pawns are involved and all 3 different drives are present in that group.

You can use this system to easily create zones of increased safety or efficiency.
Just remember:

Harmonious bonuses are pretty big and focus on preventing things
Complementary bonuses are small but proactive, with occasional drawbacks
Disparate bonuses are slightly bigger than complementary, but they always come with hefty drawbacks

Intentionally plan your colony to take advantage of these effects, or let your colonists live as they please and let personality differences influence the game and story organically.

All features can be turned on and off separately in mod options if you wish. Half of them requires Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded, which introduced some interesting new social interactions to work with. VSIE lets you disable all its unwanted features as well, so you can customize things as you see fit.

    Couple dynamics
  • Harmonious couples form stronger bonds and have significantly lower chance of cheating
  • Partners in complementary couples can surprise one another with passionate lovin, which leaves a long, quite memorable impression

    Casual sex (VSIE)
  • After a one night stand, harmonious lovers have a bit higher chance to become a couple
  • Complementary lovers have a chance for passionate lovin

    Friendly fire
  • Acting in the heat of battle often requires split-second decisions. Pawns that make them a similar manner have an advantage of knowing what their squadmate might do next. Harmonious colonists have lower chance to accidentally shot each other when caught in cross-fire

  • People in harmonious caravans understand each other almost without words, move quietly and attract less unwanted attention
  • Complementary caravans ingeniously overcome obstacles in their path, making the travel slightly faster
  • Disparate caravans are even faster, but attract a lot of attention

    Working in groups (VSIE)
  • Complementary teams share their different work experience, so everyone in the workshop can work slightly more efficiently
  • Disparate teams get twice the bonus, but...

    Social conflicts in groups (VSIE)
  • ...colonists that dislike each other can be instigated by the presence of others. In disparate crowds tension is high, and with it chance for discord and social conflicts
  • Harmonious parties work through their differences easier and have much lower chance to cause discord

    Empathy in friendship (VSIE)
  • Harmonious friends understand and feel what their friend is going through. In harmonious friendship sharing the burden grants considerably bigger mood boost to the colonist in crisis. On the other hand, helping pawn really feels the pain of their buddy and receives greater mood loss

    Fluid personality (VSIE)
  • Traumatic events, high effort or just passing of time can trigger a personality change. This feature is triggered the same way VSIE changes normal traits. If you like the idea of character change for storytelling purpose, but don't want to risk changing vanilla traits, you can safely disable that functionality in VSIE options and keep just this one.

    Faction interaction
  • Factions now inherit the psychological drive from their leaders. If the leader relies on instincts, whole faction starts to appreciate acting on instincts. If a colonist sent to interact with that faction also uses instincts over feelings and thinking, they understand the faction better and are more efficient when interacting. Keeping around multiple colonists with high Social skill is now something to consider. You can also just lure leaders into the battlefield and kill them until all factions share the psychological drive with your best diplomat.

You can check exact effect values in the discussion thread, feel free to suggest balance changes or new features!

Q: Where do I put this on the modlist?
A: After M1. No need to worry about VSIE though, it can go both ways.

Q: Can I add this to an ongoing game?
A: Yes.

Q: And remove it?
A: Yes. You’ll get two red errors on the first load, but I didn’t notice any problems later. Still, remember to make a backup save anyway, it’s a good habit.

Q: What took so long, did you hibernate or something?
A: Yes, partially. Real development took 4 months. Other 4 months were spent on personal issues. As far as I love our community here, I care about my family more. When forced to prioritize, I’ll pick them every time. But it’s all fine now, work continues.

Q: Is there an ETA for M3?

As usual, I've hit the sign capacity on the workshop so here's an external FAQ for M2.

Module 2 was possible to make thanks to the community fundraiser. Up to this day it consumed 97,5% raised funds. Module 3 is being made thanks to patrons on Patreon. Thank you very much to everyone who supports this project.

M3 will be released when 4 major features are ready (worldviews, real talk, advanced pawn relations and hobbies) and switched to an open-ended development. At this point most effort will go towards M1 Politics, unless there will be high interest in additional Personalities features. Many seem interested in new mental breaks or reworking romance.

If you’d like to support the project, here are some clickables:



If you have any feedback, you're welcome at our discord server. Just click the kitten below:


  • Hahkethomemah - Design, XML, writing
  • Taranchuk - C#, XML
  • SirLalaPyon - Cover art

  • Portuguese Brazilian - Miltera

Next project in line: 1-2-3 Politics
Popular Discussions View All (7)
14 Jan @ 7:20pm
An apology for my actions to hahke
The creator
2 Mar @ 10:17pm
Caravan log spam
19 Apr, 2024 @ 3:21pm
I maybe found an error of this mod
can can b
Cantaloupe The Clown 5 Feb @ 3:13pm 
don't use psychology mod, it ruins saves. it is compatible with vanilla social interactions expanded and speak up and many other social interaction-related mods, I can't think of any it's incompatible with
VNVVWVVNV 25 Jan @ 10:19pm 
I have a feeling I won't ever get an answer...

Is this compatible with Psychology mod or any other mod affecting social behavior?
刘狗蛇 18 Jan @ 8:42am 
great mod.I need 3!
kinonothin 13 Jan @ 12:00pm 
hopefully if this gets updated the vanilla expanded dependency gets removed
Ωats 22 Oct, 2024 @ 2:36am 
no need to harass for M3 and Politics, update from patreon is it's now once more in the works, there's been little update on it due to a loss in the family (I am sorry for your loss btw)
NovaMosh 8 Oct, 2024 @ 1:54am 
I'm a little confused about the trait gaining function and overlap with VSIE's method.

A guide I read said "Personal tip: if you use 1-2-3 Personalities, disable the trait-gain feature in VSIE. That way pawns gain new traits with less RNG in a more sophisticated way."

What difference does that make on gaining traits?
Boss 19 Sep, 2024 @ 8:05am 
Thanks for the mod, my buddy friend pal!
The Bard of Hearts 28 Aug, 2024 @ 11:53pm 
I'm a little curious about that myself.
Gandalf the Morally Grey 28 Aug, 2024 @ 8:55pm 
is there any news on the 3rd module?
CTH2004 21 Aug, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
I checked, and I can confirm, it does not work with EDB. I don't think it prevents them, but you can't edit it with EDB