The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter

425 ratings
All Planet Crafters Best Guides & Collectibles
By V4LKyRiE™
Updated to the Latest Version

All Collectables Locations
To Know where to get all of the collectibles

Best Guides
To Know what guide is best

In this guide -
  • How to Find Locations with Coordinates
  • Golden Effigie
  • Golden Chests
  • Warden Key/Altars and Door Locations
  • Stages of Terra-formation
  • Rover
  • Equipment to survive
  • Ore + Coordinates
  • Plants/Seeds
  • Tree's
  • Butterflies & Larvae
  • Fish
  • Frogs
  • Animals (Patterns & Traits)
  • Suits
  • Rocket Requirements
  • Cooking Station Recipe's
  • Meteor & Environmental Events
  • Fuses & Colored Quartz
  • Interesting Reads
  • Secret Lore
  • Maps
Full Release v1.214
How to Find Locations with Coordinates
Here's how to find locations: If you look at the bottom left of your HUD, you'll see a set of 3 numbers, like this:

These numbers represent the following:
X : Y : Z

And here's what they mean:

X - Horizontal Coordinates (East to West)
Y - Vertical Coordinates (Up and Down)
Z - Horizontal Coordinates (North to South)

The first three numbers list a specific location in the game world. With those numbers, you can travel in-game until you're at those coordinates and you'll reach that exact location.

On the bottom right of the screen, there is a set of three values, for example, v1.2 (4 : 60)
These represent the following: VER (GQL : FPS)

VER - Game version
GQL - Graphic Quality Level - 0: Low | 1: Medium | 2: High | 3: Very High | 4: Ultra | 5: Maximum
FPS - Your frames per second

With that established, all of the points of interest in this guide are accompanied by coordinates
Golden Effigie
A Golden Effigie is a small model that appears to be made out of gold. There are currently Nine different types of effigy. They have a special right-click "build mode" where the player can place the item in a specific location.

Their only use is decoration. Placing them in a Display Case takes up less room than placing them on a Desktop or other surface. There are currently 28 effigies that can be found in the game;

In Golden crates:
  • Rocket
  • Landing Pod
  • Communication Antenna
  • Jet pack
  • Warden's Key
  • Drone
  • Fuse
  • Rover
In a certain bunker:
  • Communication Antenna
In procedural wrecks:
  • Portal
27 Golden Chests
Golden Chests are secret hidden gold-colored chests that each contain a novelty gold statuette and some end-game resources.

  1. The Western Ridge - Coordinates: 263:28:478
  2. The Shipwreck - Coordinates: 276:167:1018
  3. The Iridium Caves - Coordinates: 832:50:1208
  4. The Ridge Labyrinth - Coordinates: 1510:9:665
  5. The Moat - Coordinates: 938:24:324
  6. The Aluminium Hills - Coordinates: 1076:23:-16
  7. The Cracked Spires - Coordinates: 402:4:-267
  8. The Great Stormwall - Coordinates: 473:65:1567
  9. The Canyon Floor - Coordinates: 2158:3:240
  10. The Northernmost Biome - Coordinates: 1749:0:1994
  11. The Southernmost Biome - Coordinates: 922:95:-779
  12. The Stormwall Overlook - Coordinates: 705:153:1881
  13. The Mushroom River - Coordinates: -424:-56:110
  14. The Waterfalls - Coordinates: -141:180:785
  15. Second Cave Of the Lore Caves 644:23:2087
  16. Last Door To open you will find 2 Chests 1102:124:2933
  17. Last Door To open you will find 2 Chests 1102:124:2933
  18. Underwater left of the small rock bridge next to the waterfall -585:52:100
  19. Underwater just after the sand bridge next to the waterfall -979:45:647
  20. On top of the Waterfall between 2 Purple trees -854:285:594
  21. Biome Inside cavern by the Crater - Coordinates: -180:72:1942
  22. Lava Biome - Coordinates: -1056:66:-130
  23. Beach Biome - Coordinates: -1336:84:1341
  24. Rainbow Caves - Coordinates: 2116:35:1843
  25. Red Falls - Coordinates: 2458:126:-601
  26. Toxic Caves - Coordinates: -1037:43:-1270
  27. Lush Desert - Coordinates: -651:67:-1247

Warden Key/Altars and Door Locations
The player may find altars with keys on them around the planet.
  • Mushroom Caves Middle ( -217:-45:492 )
    Take the Key and jot down the Coordinates on the altar to be able to get to next altar to open a Cave -464:-40:97

  • First Lore Cave ( -437:-40:-27 )
    Take the Key and jot down the Coordinates on the altar to be able to get to next altar to open a Cave 964:68:1744

  • Second Lore Cave ( 662:28:2105 )
    Take the Key and jot down the Coordinates on the altar to be able to get to next altar to open a Cave 1565:109:2500

  • Third and Final Lore Cave ( 1565:109:2500 )
    Need Five Keys to get to the next area inside the cave
    • 1190:168:2914
    • 1233:98:2897
    • 1328:98:2941
    • 1202:114:2990
    • 1176:185:2980
Around the World:
The following keys can only be found when using a Warden key detector Warden key detector:
  • -1435:119:556 - on top of a dune next to the Waterfall wreck
  • -1326:91:1326 - on the highest dune of a Beach island, south of the cobalt marker
  • -924:88:-628 - northwest of the Volcano wreck
  • -380:30:1492 - Meteor Crater on the island
  • -307:83:613 - on the flat ground north of the Waterfall
  • 714:68:1711 - on a small hill in front of the Sand Falls
  • 1260:17:247 - Central Plateau, north of Aluminium Hills, east of Labyrinth Canyons
  • 1313:8:1505 - southwest of Dune Desert wreck
  • 1439:75:-759 - under the Warp Gate in the Gate Desert
  • 1540:22:2219 - on a small hill next to a giant rock pillar in The Highlands
  • 1586:51:561 - north of the Labyrinth Canyons wreck on the ledge
  • 1894:75:267 - on a stone pillar in The Grand Rift
  • 2377:99:1008 - near a cliff on the Grasslands

Best Guide for this is by GDP Duncan
Stages of Terraformation
Terraformation Index amount is calculated by:

Oxygen Total + Heat Total + Pressure Total + Biomass Total = Terraforming Index
(Build the Screens - Terraforming to see your totals)

1,000 ppq + 1,000 pK + 1,000 nPa + 1,000 g = 4,000 TI (4 KTI)

TI (Terraforming Index)
KTI = 1,000 TI
MTI = 1,000 KTI
GTI = 1,000 MTI
TTI = 1,000 GTI
PTI = 1,000 TTI

  1. Barren
    Starting point
    An environment void of life and hope.

  2. Blue Sky
    Reach: 175 KTI
    The sky changes from a hostile red to a peaceful blue.

  3. Clouds
    Reach: 350 KTI
    Clouds now start appearing in the sky.

  4. Rain
    Reach: 875 KTI
    Now have weather events where it can rain and even storm.

  5. Liquid Water
    Reach: 3 MTI
    The ground can look saturated at times.

  6. Lakes
    Reach: 50 MTI
    Water starts to gather in pools and grow in size over time.
    ~2% Progress = Evidence of water starting in the lake area (Spawn Area: Standard)

  7. Moss
    Reach: 200 MTI
    The ground starts to slowly turn green with moss.

  8. Flora
    Reach: 700 MTI
    Small patches of grass start to sprout and even little plants grow.

  9. Trees
    Reach: 2 GTI
    Able to manually grow trees in areas with the use of Tree Spreaders.

  10. Insects
    Reach: 8 GTI

  11. Breathable Atmosphere
    Reach: 32 GTI

  12. Fish
    Reach: 120 GTI

  13. Amphibians
    Reach: 425 GTI

  14. Mammals
    Reach: 1.25 TTI

  15. Complete Terraformation
    Reach: 5 TTI

    ( Value's may change )
The Rover is a 3-person vehicle that can drive along the ground. It has a small amount of storage, but it can be upgraded to carry significantly more than you can on your person.

Need to build the Vehicle station to be able to build the Rover
The Vehicle Station serves three functions:
It allows you to build vehicles.
It allows you to craft Vehicle Microchips for upgrading vehicles.
It allows you to recall vehicles to the Vehicle Station.

Here are the functions of the Rover as indicated in the image:
  1. Cockpit: This is where you enter and exit the Rover.
  2. Equipment Bay: This is where you can place upgrades for the Rover.
  3. Jump Seats: These seats allow additional players to ride along, albeit outside of the vehicle.
  4. Storage: This is the storage for the Rover.
  5. Grab Button: Pressing this button shrinks the Rover into an inventory item that you can carry in your backpack. You can then use it and deploy it anywhere with enough space.
  6. Beacon Color: If you've installed a beacon, this panel on the right side allows you to change the color of the Rover's Beacon.

If it wasn't for the guide by techraptor[] I would not have found how to put upgrades on the vehicle
Drone Priority setting
The Priority setting:

When delivering to Demanding inventories, drones will deliver to eligible containers with higher priority settings first, only delivering to lower-priority containers after the higher-priority containers are full.

For example, if a Supply container contains Iron and there are two Iron-demanding containers, one with priority 5 and another with priority 3, drones will deliver to the priority 5 container (unless it is full, or about to be full from deliveries). The Priority setting does not affect Supplying containers.
Equipment to Survive
Let's go over what equipment can be used to help you get through the game.
  • Backpacks
    Holds more goods - Tier 1 to Tier 6
  • Oxygen tanks
    More oxygen capacity - Tier 1 to Tier 4
  • Microchips
    Tools to help do stuff around the world:
    • Construction - Allows you to construct buildings -
      No Tier
    • Deconstruction - This lets you deconstruct buildings -
      Tier 1 to Tier 3
    • Torch - Used for exploring crashed ships -
      Tier 1 to Tier 3
    • Compass - Allows you to see what direction you are facing -
      No Tier
    • Mining Speed - Speeds up the process of mining minerals from the floor -
      Tier 1 to Tier 4
    • Map - Grants you access to a map but needs a rocket sent into space -
      No Tier
    • Blueprint Pinning - Allows you to pin blueprints to see what is needed to construct it -
      Tier 1 to Tier 3

  • Exoskeleton
    Holds more equipment - Tier 1 to Tier 3
  • Agility Boots
    Walk faster - Tier 1 to Tier 3
  • Jet Pack
    Fly and movement speed - Tier 1 to Tier 4
  • Water Filter
    You can drink from any water source - No Tier
  • Air Filter
    Oxygen usage goes down slower - No Tier
Ore + Coordinates
Coordinates: 980:16:1427 (past the Iridium Cave)
Alternative Entrances via Ice Caves: Iridium Cave and near Ship Wreck
Ore Extractor gives about 4-7 Sulfur per full box
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 8-16 Sulfur per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Sulfur Fields:
* Handful in the Ice Caves:
Ice Cave 1 Big Ship Wreck Coordinates: 390:142:979
Ice Cave 2 Spires Coordinates: 335:4:180
Ice Cave 3 Sand Falls Coordinates: 630:60:1813
Ice Cave 4 Dunes Coordinates: 1860:14:592 / Grand Rift Coordinates: 1940:2:433
Ice Cave 5 Desert Coordinates: 970:44:964

Coordinates: 920:29:320
Ore Extractor gives about 4-6 Aluminum per full box
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 5-16 Aluminum per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Aluminium Field:
* Small amount in the Iridium Cave (940:36:910), Sulfur Fields (980:16:1427), bottom of Maze area (1170:16:626)
* Chests (mostly inside wrecks)
* Very rare from meteor showers

Coordinates: 940:36:910
Ore Extractor gives about 4-6 Iridium per full box
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 5-16 Iridium per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Iridium Cave:
* (Requires Launch Platform) Launching the Magnetic Field Protection ROCKET causes an meteor shower that spawns Iridium
* (Requires the Ice to melt first) Handful in Spires Ice Cave (335:4:180) shortcut to the Uranium Cave (582:36:660)
* Can be found in chests
* Rare to deconstruct Heaters in wrecks

Coordinates: 582:36:-660 (nearby chest hints at entrance)
Ore Extractor NOTHING
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 6 - 15 per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Uranium Cave:
* (Requires Launch Platform) Launching the Asteroids Attraction ROCKET causes an meteor shower that spawns Uranium
* Mostly found in chests inside wrecks

Super Alloy
Coordinates: 1050:64:1696 (N past the Iridium Cave, along the rock wall past the opening to Sulfur field)
Ore Extractor NOTHING
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 5-16 Super Alloy per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Super Alloy Cave:
* Quite alot found on the ground ABOVE the maze area (1170:16:626)
* Wall of sand past Sulfur fields (630:60:1813)
* Sometimes found in chests mostly inside wrecks
* Deconstruct the hidden Gold chests
* Rare meteor showers

Ice Cave 1 Big Ship Wreck (near Lake area) Coordinates: 390:142:979
Ice Cave 2 Spires Coordinates: 335:4:180
Ice Cave 3 Sand Falls Coordinates: 630:60:1813
Ice Cave 4 Dunes Coordinates: 1860:14:592 / Grand Rift Coordinates: 1940:2:433
Ice Cave 5 Desert (South of Stargate) Coordinates: 970:44:964

Ore Extractor NOTHING
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 6 - 15 per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Ice Caves:
* Rare meteor showers

Appears more clearly at 600 MTI (can be hidden behind the root before reaching that Terra forming score). It's the same score as unlocking Pulsar Quartz which requires this resource.
They are scattered around the map. Finite resource, doesn't re-spawn.

Coordinates: 371:79:1288
Arch's Entry Coordinates: 340 : 158 : 1800
Meteor Crater Entry Coordinates: 10 : 188 : 1440
Ice Cave #2 Entry Coordinates: 385 : 80 : 1260 (47.5 µk (47,500 nK) (little jumping over required))

Ore Extractor NOTHING
Ore Extractor T2 gives about 5-16 Zeolite per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Zeolite Cave:
* Loose Zeolite scattered around the map
* Found in crates


1. Lava Biome Coordinates: -1045 : 165 : -270

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Obsidian per full box
Ore Extractor T3 Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Lava Biome:
* Crates you come across exploring
* Pickups from the ground in the Lava Biome

Pulsar Quartz (Pink)

1. Arches Coordinates: 10 : 147 : 1930
2. Left path Arches Coordinates: 130 : 165 : 2050
3. Meteor Crater Coordinates: -130 : 162 : 1710
4. Ice Cave Orange Desert Coordinates: 970 : 44 : -970
5. Rainbow Caves Coordinates:

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Pulsar Quartz per full box
Ore Extractor T3 gives about Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Pulsar Quartz Cave:
* Crates you come across exploring

Quartz (Purple)

1. Rainbow Caves Coordinates:

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Quartz per full box
Ore Extractor T3 gives about Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Quartz Cave:
* Crates you come across exploring

Quartz (Green)

1. Rainbow Caves Coordinates:

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Quartz per full box
Ore Extractor T3 gives about Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Quartz Cave:
* Crates you come across exploring

Quartz (Blue)

1. Rainbow Caves Coordinates:

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Quartz per full box
Ore Extractor T3 gives about Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Quartz Cave:
* Crates you come across exploring

Quartz (Yellow)

1. Rainbow Caves Coordinates:

Ore Extractor ????
Ore Extractor T2 gives about ???? Quartz per full box
Ore Extractor T3 gives about Full Box Choose the Ore you want to source

Alternatives to Quartz Cave:
* Crates you come across exploring

The best guide for this is by Monkey
Plants / Seeds
Flower seeds are a group of seed items. Flower seeds come in round capsules and are primarily used for decoration and in machines to generate oxygen and plant matter. They can also be altered in a DNA Manipulator DNA Manipulator to generate tree seeds and some of them can be used in a Genetic Extractor extractor to make Genetic Trait genetic traits.

Golden Seed

Plant Orema
Found in the wild during the Flora stage
450% Oxygen Multiplier
Finite resource doesn't respawn but can be found in chests
  1. -297/33/-678
  2. 715/77/-594
  3. 888/85/-814
  4. 1127/19/92
  5. 1747/76/-55
  6. 1882/75/116
  7. 1769/2/329
  8. 1918/2/51
  9. 1572:25:520

Plant Volnus
Found in the wild during the Flora stage
500% Oxygen Multiplier
Finite resource doesn't respawn but can be found in chests
  1. 255/144/1066 - Late Game Find in chest
  2. 510/65/1578
  3. 623/65/1742
  4. 719/62/1601
  5. 1182/51/1689
  6. 1348/21/1953
  7. 1433/44/2385
  8. 1553/23/1907
  9. 1737/17/2141

Left side behind the Big Waterfall (Beach Biome)
Can be Farmed as well Algae can be grown underwater by constructing an Algae Generator T1 algae generator on the surface of a lake.
This is the 9th stage of terraformation. Trees (mostly small ones) will start to appear around the planet. To produce big trees, the player will need a Tree Spreader with these tree seeds.

Mutagen T3, Phyto A, Fertilizer
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Shanga
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Pestera
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Lirma
Found In Chests
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Nulna
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Tuska
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Golden Seed
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Orema
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Volnus
Mutagen T1, Tree Bark, Mutagen T2
Buy @Trade Rocket
In Procedural wrecks
In Procedural wrecks
In Red Falls Biome
Butterflies & Larvae
Butterflies are, quite obviously, available after you reach the insect stage so you'll have to do quite a bit of terraforming before you start. Butterflies can be used to increase your progress in the insect stage. Once you have reached that level, larvae will start to spawn on the floor, which you can pick up and mutate using their designated crafting table, one mutagen, and one fertilizer.

There are 3 categories of larvae, common, uncommon, and rare, as well as wild butterfly pupae (still called larvae in-game).
Common larvae can be turned into 6 different butterflies :
  • Azurea
  • Galaxe
  • Leani
  • Empalio
  • Fensea
  • Abstreus
Uncommon larvae won't give you any butterflies. Instead, you can turn them into
  • Bees
  • Silkworms
Rare larvae can give you 7 different butterflies :
  • Penga
  • Aemel
  • Chevrone
  • Liux
  • Imeo
  • Serena
  • Golden
These 8 breeds can be found as a chrysalis in the wild:
  • Nere
  • Lorpen
  • Florente
  • Futura
  • Alben
  • Imeo
  • Serena
  • Golden
This 1 you buy with the Trade Rocket
  • Faleria
Some species are rarer than others. They do not all turn up (in the wild or in an incubator) with the same probability. Some are very rare and difficult/tedious to obtain.

Wild larvae take a little time to spawn. If you jet pack, or walk as fast as possible, over a route they don't have time to appear in front of you. Stand still or walk around slowly (no 'shift' key) for 10 seconds. But don't walk in a straight line because they'll appear behind you and disappear again as you walk away from them.

These multipliers are affected only by the dome or farm the butterfly is in, not your entire Insect Index.

Find in the wild
Common Larva
Mutagen T3, Phytoplankton B, Fertilizer T2
Uncommon Larva
Rare Larva
Uncommon, Bacteria, Fertilizer
Uncommon, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Beehive T2
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Common, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T1, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T2, Fertilizer
Rare, Mutagen T2, Fertilizer
Trade Rocket
Rare, Mutagen T2, Fertilizer

The best guides for this is by Eleanos & Pesky
The game features 13 species of Fish. The eggs of wild fish can be gathered with a Water Life Collector.
  1. Provios
  2. Vilnus
  3. Gerroro
  4. Khrom
  5. Ulani
  6. Aelera
  7. Tegede
  8. Ecaru
  9. Buyu
  10. Tiloo
  11. Galbea (Beach Biome)
  12. Velkia (Trade Rocket)
  13. Golden Fish

Find in a lake
Phyto A, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Central Lake
Phyto A, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Phyto B, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Phyto B, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Phyto C, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Phyto C, Mutagen T2, Fertilizer
Phyto A, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Meteor Crater, Zeolite Cave
Phyto B, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Big Ring Lake, Grand Rift
Phyto C, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer
Lake District
Phyto C, Mutagen T2, Fertilizer
Waterfall Cove
Beach Biome
Trade Rocket
Golden Fish
Phyto C, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer

The best guides for this is by Pesky
The game features 12 species of Frogs
  1. Generic
  2. Huli
  3. Felicianna
  4. Strabo
  5. Aiolus
  6. Trajuu
  7. Cilius
  8. Afae
  9. Amedo
  10. Lavaum
  11. Kenjoss (Trade Rocket)
  12. Leglus
  13. Jumi
  14. Golden

Phylo C, Mutagen T4, Fertilizer T1
Frog Ponds
Generic, Mutagen T4
Generic, Mutagen T4
Generic, Mutagen T4, Fertilizer T1
Generic, Mutagen T4, Fertilizer T1
Generic, Mutagen T4, Fertilizer T1
Frog Ponds in Zeolite Cave
Generic, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer T2
Generic, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer T2
Generic, Mutagen T4, Fertilizer T2
Lava Biome
Trade Rocket
Only In
Procedural wrecks
Only In
Procedural wrecks
Generic, Mutagen T3, Fertilizer T2
Crater Secret Area's Frog Ponds
Animals (Patterns & Traits)
Animals are made by breaking down lots of different Larvae, Eggs, Quartz & Seeds.
    Requirements for Animals
  • Species - Bee, Silkworm & Rare larvae
  • Colour A - Butterflies except for golden, Serena, Imeo, Futura & Liux
  • Colour B - Plant Seeds except for golden & Volnus, Fish Eggs except golden.

    Additional add on's
  • Skin Pattern Colour - Fish Eggs
  • Skin Pattern - Futura, Imeo & Serena Butterflies
  • Variant - can be found in loot boxes
  • Bio - Golden butterflies, fish, seeds & frog eggs. Quasar & Magnetar Quartz
  • Size - Volnus seeds, uncommon & Rare Larvae

Add these items to a genetic extractor to get the traits and then add them DNA Manipulator to get an animal species. add this to an animal shelter which can have up to 5 animals at a time also place a feeder with the best food to boost them by a further 500%

There are eight traits which you will be able to extract in the late game.
  • Species 1 is an eight-legged creature
  • Species 2 is a monkey-type creature
  • Species 3 is a tall deer-type creature
  • Colour A (Bottom half of the animal)
  • Colour B (Top half of the animal)
Optional Traits:
  • Skin Pattern (1 to 5)
  • Skin Pattern Colour (Different Colours)
  • Bioluminescence (1-10)
  • Variant (1-5)
  • Size (1-5)

What will give Traits
    Flower - Trait
  • Golden Seed - Bio 1
  • Shanga - Colour B Orange
  • Pestera - Colour B Light Blue
  • Nulna - Colour B Pink
  • Tuska - Colour B Cream
  • Orema - Colour B Brown
  • Volnus - Size 3
    No Trait
  • Lirma
Quartz - Trait
  • Magnetar (Purple Quartz) - Bio 5
  • Quasar (Green Quartz) - Bio 6
Larva - Trait
  • Common - Size 1
  • Uncommon - Size 2
  • Rare - Species 3
  • Bee - Species 1
  • Silkworm - Species 2
  • Azurae - Colour A Dark Blue
  • Empalio - Colour A Red
  • Abstreus - Colour A Brown
  • Galaxae - Colour A Light Blue
  • Leani - Colour A Pink
  • Fensea - Colour A Cream
  • Penga - Colour A White
  • Chevrone - Colour A Green
  • Aemel - Colour A Black
  • Liux - Colour A Purple
  • Futura - Skin Pattern 1
  • Imeo - Skin Pattern 2
  • Serena - Skin Pattern 3
  • Golden - Bio 3
    No Traits:
  • Alben
  • Fiorente
  • Faleria
  • Lorpen
  • Nere
Fish - Trait
  • Provios - Colour B Green
  • Vilnius - Colour B White
  • Gerrero - Colour B Blue
  • Khrom - Colour B Black
  • Ulani - Colour B Purple
  • Golden - Bio 4
    No traits:
  • Aelera
  • Tegede
  • Ecaru
  • Buyu
  • Tiloo
  • Galbea
  • Velkia
Frog - Trait
  • Generic - Skin Pattern Grey
  • Huli - Skin Pattern Green
  • Felicianna - Skin Pattern Blue
  • Strabo - Skin Pattern Green
  • Aiolus - Skin Pattern Red
  • Trajuu - Skin Pattern Purple
  • Afae - Skin Pattern White
  • Cilius - Skin Pattern Pink
  • Amedo - Skin Pattern Turquoise
  • Golden - Bio 2
    No Traits:
  • Kenjoss
  • Lavaum

Best Guide's to see the Patterns for the animals go and have a look at riverfoot & CaractacusRex Guide's on the Patterns & Traits
Spacesuits are pieces of equipment. They can be found in the Spacesuits Locker lockers in ordinary wrecks and also in Treasure Crate crates in procedurally generated ones. 17 different types can be obtained in the game.
    In Spacesuits Lockers: These suits are found in ordinary wrecks and bear the Sentinel Corp logo:
  • Spacesuit Beteo
  • Spacesuit Blasto
  • Spacesuit Cipto
  • Spacesuit Comto
  • Spacesuit Fablo
  • Spacesuit Scifo
  • Spacesuit Tubio
  • Spacesuit Tureo

    In Procedural Wrecks: These suits are found in procedural wrecks in various storage containers. They don't bear the Sentinel Corp logo:
  • Spacesuit Abyso
  • Spacesuit Ettio
  • Spacesuit Rorao

    By Trade Rocket: These suits can be bought for Terra Tokens using a Space Trading Rocket Space Trading Rocket. Those bear the Sentinel Corp logo:
  • Spacesuits Vateo for 6,500 Terra Tokens
  • Spacesuits Widio for 8,000 Terra Tokens

    These suits are findable only at certain locations:
  • Spacesuit Plesao
  • Spacesuit Primo
  • Spacesuit Mekio
  • Spacesuit Goldeo (Unobtainable)
Rocket requirements
Asteroids Attraction Rocket
Heat Multiplier: 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Super Alloy
  • 3 Cobalt

Magnetic Field Protection Rocket
Pressure Multiplier: 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Super Alloy
  • 3 Silicon

Plants Rocket
Plants Multiplier: 1250%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Super Alloy
  • Fertilizer
  • Seed Lirma
  • Tree Bark

Seeds Spreader Rocket
Oxygen Multiplier: 1000%
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Super Alloy
  • Bacteria Sample
  • Mutagen
  • Tree Bark

Insect Spreader Rocket
Insects Multiplier: 1500%
  • Rocket Engine
  • Osmium Rod
  • Mutagen T2
  • 3 Bee Larva

Animals Spreader Rocket
Animals Multiplier: 1750%
  • Rocket Engine
  • Osmium Rod
  • T4 Mutagen
  • 6 Genetic Traits

GPS Satellite T1
  • Rocket Engine
  • Microchip - Compass
  • 2 Super Alloy

GPS Satellite T2
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Microchip - Compass
  • 3 Super Alloy

GPS Satellite T3
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Microchip - Compass
  • Osmium
  • Super Alloy Rod

GPS Satellite T4
  • 2 Circuit Boards
  • Rocket Engine
  • 2 Super Alloy Rods
  • Microchip - Compass

Map Information Rocket
  • Rocket Engine
  • Microchip - Compass
  • Super Alloy Rod
  • 2 Osmium

Drones Visualization Rocket
  • 2 Circuit Boards
  • Rocket Engine
  • Super Alloy Rod
Cooking Station - Recipe List
First showcased with the Anniversary Event and added with the Space Trading Update

High Quality Food
Honey, Beans
Restore Health by 90
Trade Value of 2 Terra Tokens
Cocoa x6
Wheat x6
Flour x3
Restore Health by 75
Flour x3, Chocolate x3
Restore Health by 90
Increases running speed for a small period
Birthday Cake
Chocolate x3, Flour x3, Honey x3
Honey Cooked Beans
Beans, Eggplant, Squash, Honey
Restore Health by 50
Reduces thirst for a small period
Fish Soup
Fish Provios Egg, Fish Vilnus Egg, Honey
Restore Health by 50
Reduces oxygen consumption for a small period
Meteor & Environmental Events
Events are occurrences that can take place on the planet. These events range from simply adding atmosphere to the game and meteor showers that provide the player with useful resources

Meteor Events
Meteor events are one of the most common events in the game. The color of the sky changes is different for each meteor event. When these meteors hit the ground, they scatter rocks and resources.

The materials that land from the events must be gathered before the player exits the game, as all meteor debris and events are cleared on game reload. Some materials may be covered by rocks at first. Rockets launched in quick succession will queue a series of storms, each of which must run for its full time before the next one begins. If you do not care about the resources received from the storms, you may save and reload the game to clear the entire queued stack.

Every meteor roughly targets the location of the player at the moment that meteor spawned. With a GPS Satellite T2 deployed, the Screen - Mapping can track meteors. Meteors do not damage buildings, but can injure you on a direct hit. The player will be safe from meteor damage when inside a building or inside caves.

Rock Meteor
This is the first meteor event encountered, and can happen even at the very first stages of terraforming. The sky will turn red. The meteors contain basic ores: Iron, Titanium, Silicon, Cobalt, Magnesium, and sometimes Aluminium.

Iridium Meteor
An Iridium meteor shower must be triggered by launching a Magnetic Field Protection Rocket. After the rocket vanishes into space the sky will turn yellow, and meteors will appear that have red trails. Each meteorite drops several iridium on impact.

Uranium Meteor
A Uranium meteor shower must be triggered by launching an Asteroids Attraction Rocket. After the rocket vanishes into space the sky will turn yellow, and meteors will appear that have green trails. Each meteorite drops several uranium on impact.

Super Alloy Meteor
A Super Alloy meteor shower features a much higher quantity of meteors, with a purple glow and green trail. During this the sky turns dark purple. Each meteorite drops 1 Super Alloy, but these despawn much faster than resources from other showers.

Osmium Meteor
An Osmium meteor shower features a much lower quantity of meteorites, spawning blue meteors with dark trails. During this the entire planet is bathed in a vivid blue glow. Each meteorite drops 1-2 Osmium and has a chance to spawn 2 Sulfur.

Pulsar Meteor
This late game Pulsar Quartz meteor event is a single huge meteorite, which is significantly slower and louder than other storms. During this the sky is blue with pink distance haze. The meteor drops several pulsar quartz in the area it strikes.

Crashed Trading Ship Event
A "Locker Storage" will fall down and break into Storage Crate x5. Inside these chests can be found random loot from Zeolite, Iridium Rod, Uranium Rod, Osmium Rod, Bacteria Sample, Circuit Board, Nitrogen cartridge, Fertilizer, Fertilizer T2, Mutagen, Mutagen T2, Rocket Engine, Blueprint Microchip, planetary flora and crop seeds to Terra Tokens. These Tokens can range from 100 - 5,000 tokens.
Removed New wrecks provide an endless supply of containers & loot

Environmental Events
Environmental events are also common occurrences. One is triggered by rockets, while the rest are random. Some can only happen after a certain terraforming stage has been reached. Currently there are no materials, meteors, or danger to be found within these events; they exist only to enhance immersion of the game

Sandstorm Event
A sandstorm event causes the sky to turn deep orange and emits wind noise.

Solar Flare Event
A solar flare event causes the sky to turn yellow and the moons to turn bright white, and emits fog and wind noise.

Solar Eclipse Event
A solar eclipse event causes the sky to turn a deeper yellow and the moons to turn black, and emits thicker fog and wind noise.

Rain & Rainstorm Event
Rain includes droplets of water from the sky and reduced visibility from fog. It appears to start at the terraformation stage of Rain. Sometimes rain falls from a relatively clear sky, while other times it occurs as a fully overcast rainstorm.

Green storm Event
A green storm must be triggered by launching a Seed Spreader Rocket or Plants Rocket. After the rocket vanishes into space the sky will turn slightly greenish. There is wind noise, and the planet fills with a green fog and glowing green particles.

Purple Eclipse Event
A purple eclipse event causes the sky to turn bright purple and the moons to turn black, and emits wind noise.

During the night, the sky grows dark and it is difficult to see the world. Night is entirely aesthetic and does not affect the production of solar power.
Fuses & Colored Quartz
Colored Quartz
The Portal Generator has a computer screen in the corner where you can scan for Wrecks. Each scan generates 3 random wrecks. Each will have a rarity and difficulty rating between 1 and 5. It will cost a specific selection of Pulsar Quartz, Blazar Quartz, Magnetar Quartz, and Quasar Quartz dependent on the wreck's rarity: the higher the rarity, the more quartz pieces it will cost.

  • Magnetar Quartz
    {Purple} Used to open Portals
  • Blazar Quartz
    {Light Blue} Used to open Portals
  • Quasar Quartz
    {Green} Used to open Portals
  • Pulsar Quartz
    {Pink} Used to open Portals
  • Solar Quartz
    {Yellow} It can be used to create Light Boxes.


Used for
Pressure Multiplier Fuse
Boosts Pressure Generation
2500 Terra Tokens
Heat Multiplier Fuse
Boosts Heat Generation
2500 Terra Tokens
Plants Multiplier Fuse
Boosts Plants Generation
2500 Terra Tokens
Oxygen Multiplier Fuse
Boosts Oxygen Generation
2500 Terra Tokens
Production Multiplier Fuse
Decreases Production Time
5000 Terra Tokens
Energy Multiplier Fuse
Boosts Energy Generation
6000 Terra Tokens
Trade Rocket Multiplier Fuse
Optimize to increase the Speed of the Space Trading Rocket
Found In Procedural Wrecks
Secret Lore
Deconstructable wall found in the Lake Area - Coordinates: 672/3/315
Loot depends on how early to how late you find this but there will always be
1 Blueprint Microchip and 4 Pulsar Quartz inside

How to get it, and what it takes to craft and what it looks like when put inside a Tree Spreader!

Mass Grave
Behind/Inside the massive Waterfall - Coordinates: -980/93/482
Graves found with lootboxes

  • Subjection Achievement
  • Subversion Achievement
  • Subservience Achievement

The best guide for this is by CptJamesForce
Display some save-game info on Map 01

Your save games are located, by default, at:
C:\Users\YourUsernameHere\AppData\LocalLow\MijuGames\Planet Crafter\
These are named Survival-1.json, Survival-2.json, Survival-3.json, and so on.
  • You can drag and drop one of these files onto the map to check some of your storage.
  • This also lets you check your multipliers from any rockets you've launched (click the rocket icon)🚀
  • Saves are only updated when you save from the main menu, and only read by the map once, so you'll have to save and then drag'n'drop again if you want updated info.
  • Refresh the page to get rid of save-game info from the map

Map 01 (Interactive)[]

The best guide for this is by I crash at random

Area Map
Something's missing or incorrect?
Please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments section!

Bumoon 18 Mar @ 12:25pm 
in the trees section, the tree is called Cernea, not Gernea
Selena 16 Mar @ 1:11pm
I made a picture with all 20 currently available butterflies. Oesbe is the glowing one between Futura (glowing purple) and Golden (glowing golden) butterfly in the bottom lane.
Selena 16 Mar @ 12:13pm 
v1.410, 16.03.2025: There is one more butterfly: the Oesbe butterfly larva can be bought via trade rocket for 4500 Terra Tokens, gives 1500% insect multiplier. Played on normal map (not Humble), no mods
Fury Fairy 28 Oct, 2024 @ 12:34pm 
Consider adding map like this one: - into Ores section. Coordinates are good and stuff, but map is bazillion times better in this case
V4LKyRiE™  [author] 20 Sep, 2024 @ 2:19am 
Updated to the latest Version v1.214

Also still gathering information on certain updated content :Researchers:
V4LKyRiE™  [author] 19 Sep, 2024 @ 4:15am 
@RavenHeresy Thank you will have to check that out have not yet played with recent updates
RavenHeresy 10 Sep, 2024 @ 11:06pm 
Theres a Species 4 gene, found in portal wrecks. creates a winged turtle/bunny thing.
Angel of RNGesus 6 Aug, 2024 @ 2:59pm 
Vulnas plant number 5 seems to have a typo in the coordinates 1182/51/1689 is where it is found (extra 5 in the y place)
V4LKyRiE™  [author] 30 Jun, 2024 @ 4:09am 
Updated to the latest Version v1.102

Also still gathering information on certain updated content :Researchers:
V4LKyRiE™  [author] 30 Jun, 2024 @ 4:07am 
@CaffeineEvergreen I can add that info but feel like I would put that on a separate guide