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Old World

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Maurya Empire
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Maurya Empire

In 1 collection by Revan
Mods by Revan for Old World
42 items

Maurya Empire for Old World

The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 185 BCE.
Comprising the majority of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was centralized by the conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its capital city was located at Pataliputra.
The empire was the largest political entity that has existed in the Indian subcontinent, extending over 5 million square kilometres (1.9 million square miles) at its zenith under Ashoka.

  • Leader: Ashoka [HERO] (wife; Kaurvaki, 2 sons; Tivara & Kunala, 1 daugther; Charumati, Half-Brother; Susima, Father; Bindusara)
  • Nation: -25% Cost for Elephant Units & -10% Train Time for Settlers - [All Cities] +15% Growth & +15% Training
  • Starting Techs: Ironworking, Divination & Adminstration
  • Families: Assakas (Clerics), Shakyas (Champions), Ikshvakus (Patrons) & Vivasvanas (Sages)
  • Unique Units: Rajha Gaja (turret elephant) & Ksatriya Arya Rathas (chariot archer)
  • Unique Shrines: Shrine of Lakshmi (+2 Civics, +3 Money, +1 Growth & +2 Orders), Shrine of Rama (+5 Training), Shrine of Krishna (+2 Culture & +4 Food) & Shrine of Saraswati (+4 Science)

  • 10 new indian male/female portraits (5 each) - (Until more indian portraits are added, 14 new vanilla persian male and female portraits are added to the pool)
  • Real City names, historical indian male and female names & a lot mapElementNames have been added
  • 1st release september 2020
  • Compatible with all my mods
  • You are not allowed to take any of this content

Github Project page here[github.com]
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 1:57pm 
My mod issnt using bepinex, harmony or any other dll change. Its only xml, too.
joel.west 8 Mar, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
is it possible to redo the mod using just xml files? the author of the Etruscan mod used this approach and his mod is still working
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
Null Reference erros can be anything, even if you hover over a missing asset for instance.
Like i said, the mod is not working properly since a few weeks, like i already stated. There is nothing you could do now, im sorry.
I also have tto fix 90% of all of my mods now since the last update changed almsot every name to gendered names..
joel.west 8 Mar, 2024 @ 1:31pm 
this is the added error message below. it was appended to the turn 1 log file

it endlessly repeats counting up from 11:34 to 15:29 and higher as turn start remains stuck in this error loop


TenCrowns.GameCore.Text. is the function prefix calling various NullReferenceException 's
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:56am 
Hmm, have to check what or if the log is saying anything, at all.
joel.west 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:39am 
apparently with character mode on the mod was not working but until a few days ago it was working in no character mode. then the March 6, 2024 game update and the mod was zapped in both modes
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:29am 
Its a shame that things worked for almost 4 years and then they decided to change tiny things here and there in the common structure of things (which could be done 4 years ago!) and i need to spent hours finding and fixing stuff, and once and a while there is just no avail.
This doesnt mean the mod is dead, but i also have a personal life which is far more important right now.
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:25am 
Afaik the mod issnt even working properly since a few weeks because of one of their updates....as seen in the comments below. I did all i could, so far and theres no avail right now why its not working.
joel.west 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:24am 
Bz is the Byzantium mod

I just checked. same behavior if a nation is picked before turn one. with Bz and NOT Maurya the game launches in no character mode. with Maurya and NOT Bz the game hangs up before the first turn


so the conclusion is that the Etruria and Byzantium mods do not hang up the game when they are picked as a nation but currently in no character mode Maurya does hand hang up the game
Revan  [author] 8 Mar, 2024 @ 10:06am 
Things like no character mode or pick later, change archetype with gamestart are all things which arent supported yet. I dont know hat Bz (mod) is.