Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun

520 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE + DLC | Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Work in progress: work on this guide is still ongoing. Maybe now it looks like just a list of achievements, but it will not be so for long. Very soon, I will update each achievement with a detailed description and a screenshot or video explaining how to unlock it.

Thank you for you patience!

Achievement Info
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun brings you a whirlwind of shooting in the style of classic shooters of the 90s. Arrange a bloody massacre, smash enemies to pieces, destroy all enemies in your path and earn 12 achievements for the glory of the God-Emperor.

Beat the Game. Just like back in the old days.
The game doesn't just take us back to our gaming past, when the sun was higher and the sky was bluer. Not only the gameplay is reminiscent of the legendary games of the past, but also the achievements themselves. All that is required of you is to complete the game from start to finish on various difficulties, both on the easiest and on the most unbearable.

Test Your Resilience.
In this game, you will not only have to shoot a lot and fight with opponents, but also overcome terrible bosses. While you're getting familiar with the game, you can do it on the lowest difficulty, but if you want to get all the achievements in this game, you'll have to forgive it completely on the hardest difficulty. This is where the real fun starts!

Look for secrets.
You will be rewarded with achievements for finding all the secrets in the game, so go to every corner, explore everything you can find in this game and you will find the favor of the God Emperor.

Just play for fun.
Luckily, this is the kind of game where there are no particularly difficult achievements that require some kind of difficult, tedious conditions like in other games. Just play, go through the game, kill enemies and nothing else. The descriptions of the achievements are so clear that many of you will probably ask what is the point of this guide if everything is already clear what needs to be done.

But here, my friends, you are mistaken, a good analysis, tips and informational support will never interfere with a good achievement hunter. Therefore, please do not write anything in the spirit of "useless guide", this is still not the case for writing similar things.

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Easy.
  • Total achievements: 21 (100%).
  • Offline achievements: 21 (100%).
  • Online Achievements: 0.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: Under 20 hours.
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: Under 4.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: None.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: Yes.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: Forges Of Corruption DLC is required.
    This guide uses the notation for achievement titles:
  • 💀 - Base game achievements.
  • 😈 - Forges Of Corruption DLC achievement.
💀The Emperor Protects

Complete all 24 levels of the three chapters on the chosen difficulty in order to get the achievement.

There is no need to do it all at once, because after the game starts, you will have the opportunity to select levels and chapters manually in the main menu. It will also show on what difficulty you passed this or that level.

It is worth considering that by beating the game immediately on the highest difficulty, you will automatically unlock achievements for low difficulties too, therefore, if you are trying to get achievements as quickly as possible, then I advise you to start with Exterminatus difficulty.

💀My Armour is Contempt

Complete all 24 levels of the three chapters on the chosen difficulty in order to get the achievement.

This is normal difficulty, which is not too different from the easiest. There will be slightly more enemies per level and they will deal slightly more damage.

💀Emperor's Mercy

Complete all 24 levels of the three chapters on the chosen difficulty in order to get the achievement.

Now there will be much more enemies, and their shots will be felt more effectively. Mindless shooting tactics will no longer work all the time. You will have to accurately shoot at the most dangerous and annoying opponents, otherwise you will be crushed by numbers. Not even God Emperor can save you.


Complete all 24 levels of the three chapters on the chosen difficulty in order to get the achievement.

This is the highest difficulty in the game and its difference lies in the fact that you will receive maximum damage from enemies. In addition, there will be much more enemy troops at the level and in battles. There can be so many enemies that it will not always be clear what is happening on the screen.

Luckily for you, many of the opponents in this game are quite dumb, so if you often play shooters, then even this achievement will not be too difficult for you. Don't forget to save manually cause you can do this anytime, move more often, don't forget to use grenades, and if you don't succeed, just run to the end of the level.

😈The Emperor Still Protects/Contempt Maintained/Mercy Extended/There Is Only War

The new campaign adds 5 more separate levels to the game. However, don't let their small number confuse you: the levels are significantly longer than in the original game.

Complete all campaign levels on a certain difficulty and the achievement is yours. Remember that the difficulty can be changed in the main menu and each level can be completed on one separate difficulty. Completing the DLC on a higher difficulty also counts the achievements with a lower difficulty.

😈Let None Survive/Duty Fulfilled/For the Emperor!

Horde Mode is a separate mode where you can fight waves of heretics and see how many rounds you can survive. It is accessed from the main menu. Before beginning, you have to select a difficulty.
You can unlock 3 achievements here: for beating Horde Mode on any difficulty and for beating it again on the last two difficulties.

To start the first round, go to the center and pickup the Boltgun. Every time you clear a round, a new weapon or key is in the center and picking it up will start the next round.

I strongly recommend that you first complete Horde on a low difficulty level in order to understand the mode itself, weapons and bonuses. As the difficulty increases, you will need to not only shoot accurately and deftly dodge enemy shots, but also wisely distribute the power-ups, ammo and bonuses scattered around the arena.

In total, you will encounter about 12 waves of enemies, every fourth wave contains a boss. The approximate time for a full run through the arena is 20-30 minutes

By collecting keys you not only gain access to some useful power-ups, but also increase the size of the arena, creating small corridors and rooms for rest and reloading. Use the weapons you have correctly, try not to waste ammo from powerful weapons on every little thing, save them for bosses. Watch your armor level and NEVER enter a fight while your armor is low. On high difficulties, death without armor can happen almost instantly.

Keep in mind that sometimes even though the wave ends, it does not mean that all the enemies in the arena are destroyed, they just stop spawning, keep this in mind and do not relax until you are sure that the arena around you is safe. As soon as you pass all the waves of enemies, a door will open for you at the very top, which was previously covered with streams of blood. There you will find an exit from the arena and well-deserved achievements.

💀Chapter I - Complete

Сhapter I contains 8 different levels. Complete them all on any difficulty to unlock this achievement.
  • Off Target
  • Mountain Batteries
  • Sector Imperialis
  • Silent Martyrs
  • Martyrs Crossing
  • Venerable Bastion
  • Forbidden Knowledge
  • Sanctum Magistratum
💀Chapter II - Complete

Сhapter II contains 8 different levels. Complete them all on any difficulty to unlock this achievement.
  • Corrupted Canyon
  • Canyon Magrails
  • Tunnels Beneath
  • Sanctum Manufactorum
  • Hidden Sins
  • No Truth In Flesh
  • The Deep Vault
  • Heresy Lurks
💀Chapter III - Complete

Сhapter III contains 8 different levels. Complete them all on any difficulty to unlock this achievement.
  • Smelting Decks
  • Promethium Supply
  • Galvanic Forgeshrine
  • Grand Elevator
  • Big Guns Never Tire
  • Death Is Honour
  • Funace Of Damnation
  • Know No Fear
💀Defeat a Lord of Change

The Lord of Change is a type of boss that you will encounter throughout the game. During the whole game you will meet him about 5 times.

You will receive the achievement already for defeating the very first Lord of Change, whom you will meet in Chapter 1-7: "Forbidden Knowledge".

💀Defeat a Great Unclean One

Great Unclean One is also a type of boss that you will come across 2 times during the game. Just like with the Lord of Change, you will unlock an achievement for defeating the very first boss you can meet in Chapter 2-6: "No Truth In Flesh".

😈Rage Incarnate

Another Boss Type, can be found on Forges of Corruption Leves.

💀Find all Secrets - Chapter 1

The secret items in this game are not just some trinkets, but quite useful bonuses in battle: some give you temporary invulnerability, some increase the rate of fire and the power of your weapon, and some are especially powerful grenades. In general, these secrets may be a great help in battle, especially on a high difficulty of the game.

If you`re trying to collect all secrets by replaying the stage then be sure you finished it. If you collect all secrets and quit to menu, then all your progress here will be lost.

💀Find all Secrets - Chapter 2

The secret items in this game are not just some trinkets, but quite useful bonuses in battle: some give you temporary invulnerability, some increase the rate of fire and the power of your weapon, and some are especially powerful grenades. In general, these secrets may be a great help in battle, especially on a high difficulty of the game.

If you`re trying to collect all secrets by replaying the stage then be sure you finished it. If you collect all secrets and quit to menu, then all your progress here will be lost.

💀Find all Secrets - Chapter 3

The secret items in this game are not just some trinkets, but quite useful bonuses in battle: some give you temporary invulnerability, some increase the rate of fire and the power of your weapon, and some are especially powerful grenades. In general, these secrets may be a great help in battle, especially on a high difficulty of the game.

If you`re trying to collect all secrets by replaying the stage then be sure you finished it. If you collect all secrets and quit to menu, then all your progress here will be lost.

😈 Find All Secrets - Forges of Corruption

The secret items in this game are not just some trinkets, but quite useful bonuses in battle: some give you temporary invulnerability, some increase the rate of fire and the power of your weapon, and some are especially powerful grenades. In general, these secrets may be a great help in battle, especially on a high difficulty of the game.

If you`re trying to collect all secrets by replaying the stage then be sure you finished it. If you collect all secrets and quit to menu, then all your progress here will be lost.

Preator 6 Nov, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
Arguably one of the best guides I've ever seen and used before both on and off of Steam. A phenomenal amount of work has gone into this and it shows with how well worded it is and by how planned out and clean the formatting is. Astounding!
[IX] ErebosMortuus 1 Jul, 2024 @ 10:06am 
One can clearly see that you've put a lot of time and effort into this (and any other) guide that you've made. Respect and thank you :)
Kennis2016 18 Jun, 2024 @ 6:33am 
"Horde Mode"
well there goes my achievement completion
XEALEEN  [author] 18 Jun, 2024 @ 6:08am 
Hey, Spacemarines!

I know about the release of a new DLC called Forges of Corruption. It added several new achievements to the game, which will be added to the guide very soon.
Kennis2016 20 Apr, 2024 @ 11:11am 
you might wanna change the word "ladder" to "stairs" that shit gets pretty confusing
Terrorkopter 1 Apr, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
The secrets part of this guide is pretty lacking. Without checking the videos you won't getting far with it because most descriptions are far too vage and ambiguous
XEALEEN  [author] 6 Mar, 2024 @ 5:26am 
Hitly, as far as I know turning on invincibility, invulnerability or any other option in accessibility does not disable achievements.
Hitly 6 Mar, 2024 @ 12:25am 
Do any of the accessibility options disable achievements? Like invulnerability
XEALEEN  [author] 18 Feb, 2024 @ 9:44am 
✪ Admiral AJ 18 Feb, 2024 @ 9:15am 
if you beat the game on the highest difficulty does it back log and give you the other achievements for the other difficulties