Dead Space

Dead Space

523 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Dead Space 🏆
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Achievement info
● Difficulty level of achievements: Medium. ● Total achievements: 47 (100%). ● Offline achievements: 47 (100%). ● Online Achievements: 0. ● Estimated time to complete all achievements: 40+ hours. ● Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1-2. ● Glitchy achievements: None. ● Missable Achievements: Yes — Front Toward Enemy and Reunion. ● Achievements with difficulty levels: Yes. ● Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None, at least for now.

Set a Benchmark

There are only 12 chapters in the game and to unlock this achievement, you just need to complete the game from start to finish. It is important that this achievement can be obtained if you also complete the game on the difficulty higher than normal.

Here is the list of all chapters and goals for you to reach during your playthrough.

Chapter 1: New Arrivals
  • Follow the security team.
  • Open the Hangar Door.
  • Activate the Security Console.
  • Get to Safety.
  • Replace the Damaged Tram.
  • Find the Data Board.
  • Install the Data Board
  • Call the Tram.
  • Return to the Kellion and Run Diagnostics.
  • Go to the Medical Deck.
Chapter 2: Intensive Care
  • Get to the Medical Deck.
  • Find a Hydrazine Tank and Shock Pad.
  • Destroy the Barricade.
  • Find the Captain's Body.
  • Kill the Captain and Acquire the RIG.
  • Go to Engineering.
Chapter 3: Course Correction
  • Reach the Engineering Deck.
  • Activate the Control Console.
  • Refuel the Engines.
  • Activate the Centrifuge.
  • Manually Ignite the Engine.
  • Return to the Tram Station.
Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent
  • Meet Hammond on the Bridge.
  • Activate the Elevators.
  • Power and Restart the ADS Cannons.
  • Callibrate Three ADS Cannons.
  • Return to the Captain's Nest.
Chapter 5: Lethal Devotion
  • Return to the Medical Deck.
  • Locate the Source of the Broadcast.
  • Escape the Creature.
  • Lift the Lockdown.
  • Stop the Poison Gas.
  • Acquire the Liquid Nitrogen.
  • Defeat the Hunter.
Chapter 6: Environmental Hazard
  • Poison the Leviathan.
  • Destroy the Poison Pods.
  • Recycle the Atmosphere.
  • Kill the Leviathan.
  • Go to the Mining Deck.
Chapter 7: Into the Void
  • Find the Mining Access Key
  • Find the S.O.S Beacon.
  • Plant the Beacon.
  • Destroy the Gravity Tethers.
  • Launch the Asteroid
  • Go to the Bridge.
Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
  • Contact the Military Ship.
  • Fix the Array.
  • Use the ADS Cannon to Clear the Blast Doors.
  • Go to the Cargo Deck.
Chapter 9: Dead on Arrival
  • Enter the Military Ship.
  • Clear Radioactive Material.
  • Find the Singularity Core.
  • Go to the Crew Deck.
Chapter 10: End of Days
  • Find the Crew Key.
  • Find the Navigation Cards.
  • Override the Locks to Block B.
  • Repair the Shuttle.
  • Test Fire the Shuttle Engines.
  • Release the Shuttle.
  • Go to the Flight Deck.
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
  • Transfer the Marker.
  • Meet Kyne at the Hangar Bay.
  • Position the Marker.
  • Restore Gravity to the Hangar Bay.
  • Meet Kyne at the Shuttle.
  • Neet Nicole in Flight Control.
  • Remote Pilot the Shuttle.
  • Fly the Shuttle to the Colony.
Chapter 12: Dead Space
  • Bring the Loader to the Shuttle.
  • Open the Supply Depot Door.
  • Restore Power to the Bridges.
  • Take the Marker to the Pedestal Site.
  • Return to the Shuttle.
One gun

To unlock this achievement you have to finish a game playthrough with only ever shooting the Plasma Cutter weapon, which is the first weapon you will unlock in Chapter 1 almost at the very start of the game. You still can collect and upgrade the other weapons if you like, as long as you don’t make any shot with them.

You can (does not break the achievement):
  • Shoot and kill enemies with Plasma Cutter;
  • Use melee attacks with plasma Cutter (LMB) and Stomp attacks (Space);
  • Can pick and hold other weapons, but DON`T SHOOT WITH THEM;
  • Use Stasis Module to freeze enemies, throw explosive canisters and all dangerous stuff into the enemies;
  • Shoot explosive canisters with your Plasma Cutter.
Here is a little tip: you always find ammo for weapons that were in your inventory, so it's good to keep all new weapons in storage and then you will not come across ammo for weapons that you can’t shoot. Focus on fully upgrading your Plasma Cutter during this playthrough, as well as your Suit. For this achievement, it does not matter what difficulty you play on, so you can choose any that you are comfortable with.

The achievement is not as difficult as it might seem — the Plasma Cutter has been the most powerful weapon ever since the original game, if upgraded properly.

Impossible difficulty is the same as Hard one, but with an exception — your autosaves are disabled and you have only one save slot and one life for entire game. Dying during walkthrough prompts a full restart from the beginning or you can continue the game, but on Hard difficulty. The second option breaks your try to get the achievement.

I can advice you to save game manually by making a copy of your save file.
Go to C:\Users\YOURPCNAME\MyDocuments\Dead Space (2023)\settings\steam and copy all files from there to another folder. So once you die, you can paste your save file there and try to proceed with your playthrough.

Trusted Contractor

After completing the game, you will unlock New Game +.

In this mode everything you collected will carry over (can be collected from the Shop). Enemies will get stronger and you will also encounter Phantom variants of necromorphs, they could be considered one grade up from the enhanced variants like the Super-Slasher and Super-Lurker, and generally have twice to three times as much health as the standard versions. Phantom Necromorphs are generally the last to appear in a horde, so they can also be considered as pseudo-bosses of a Necromorph attack.

During this playthrough make sure to finish fully upgrading all your weapons and suit, as well as find all the Marker Fragments required for the new ending. If you like, you can do this playthrough on Hard difficulty to better prepare yourself for Impossible difficulty.

To unlock the new alternative ending you need to finish New Game +.

In New Game +, there will be a new collectible called Marker Fragments. There will be 12 of these around the game. Once you have all Marker Fragments, you will need to go to Captain Mathius’ office in Executive Chambers in Crew Deck and place them on the pedestals on the table. Now continue to finish the game to see the new ending.

Welcome Aboard

You will unlock this by entering the medlab. Can`t be missed cause it is story related.

Lab Rat

This one unlocks when you return to the Cargo Bay location after you finished all stuff in Medical Station and Morgue.

All Systems Go

This one unlocks right after you`ve done with engines and make your way to the Bridge using train.

Brute Force

The Brute is a large Necromorph composed of multiple human corpses. It has heavy organic armor in its front and possesses extreme physical strength, making it a deadly foe in combat. The first brute is encountered in Chapter Four.

During this battle, the key move is to slow down the Brute with Stasis. Try to have full Stasis before starting the encounter and if possible, have a Stasis Pack in your inventory. There is some loot in the atrium - scour the area before approaching the Security Room.

Look for weak points on the Brute's back . Each time you slow the brute down, quickly relocate behind it and fire at weak points with firearms. Fire away to deal as much damage as possible before Stasis wears off. If your Stasis is depleted, wait for the monster to charge, dodge right before impact and aim quickly at weak points on the Brute's back.

Cannon Fodder

This one unlock right after returning from ADS Cannons targeting section.

True Believer

This one unlocks right after the battle against Hunter you froze.


Leviathan is a powerful creature and one of the main bosses in Dead Space Remake. Weakening Leviathan is one of the objectives of chapter 6 - Environmental Hazard. The confrontation with the boss takes place in its final part.

Leviathan's lair is the Food Storage and you can only get there after completing the other main objectives. There is zero gravity in the storage. You must fly during the boss fight and can't attack the Leviathan by standing on the stable shelf.

The boss fight consists of 3 phases. In the first phase, the Leviathan will attack with its legs. These attacks are telegraphed. Use boost and fly to the side. After successfully dodging the attack, quickly turn towards the boss and attack the orange leg growth. You can use firearms (e.g. Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle) or quickly grab an explosive red container with kinesis and throw it at the boss.

In the second phase of the fight, the Leviathan will reveal its mouth and start spitting out projectiles. The best tactic is to grab the projectiles with kinesis and quickly throw them at the mouth.
You can also attack the mouth in the conventional way - using firearms or red containers.

The third phase of the fight is a combination of both of the above. You have to expect leg attacks and spitting out projectiles. An additional problem are the toxic fumes. They will start to deplete Isaac's oxygen supplies, which forces him to be more aggressive. Focus on attacking the mouth, as this is Leviathan's main weakness. Avoid the telegraphed leg attacks and fly to the side.

Greenhouse Effect

Unlocks right after you defeated Leviathan Boss and returned to platform.


Pops up after you launched the asteroid with S.O.S. beacon to space and escaped from another Hunter.

Get Off My Ship!

Leviathan Remnant (known as Slug form original game) will wait you at the end of Chapter 8. In order to defeat it, you will need to take control of the three ADS cannons in the area (left, middle, right) and shoot the exposed weak points.

While controlling an ADS cannon, simply walk left to right while shooting the weak spot until it is destroyed.

Occasionally the Remnant will release a wave of spiky balls that you will want to avoid. While using the third ADS cannon, it will get destroyed before you finish the weak spot, so simply use your weapons and kinesis to finish it off.

Strange Transmissions

Unlocks at the moment you enter USM Valor.


Unlocks right after you escape USM Valor and return back to USG Ishimura.

Keeper of the Faith

Just right after you defeat Hunter and load the Marker into shuttle.


After passing point of no return.

Mindless Prey

You will fight the Hive Mind at the end of Chapter 12. At the beginning, shoot the five weakspots around its mouth while avoiding the tentacles and the explosive clusters that it shoots out.

After destroying them, a wave of necromorphs will be release, kill them all.

The Hive Mind will now alternate between spraying out poison blocking your path, and slamming down its tentacles before exposing five more weak spots on its chest. Simply avoid the poison/tentacles by walking left and right until it is exposed and destroy a weak spot.

After destroying all five weak spots, you will be grabbed by a tentacle. Now shoot the final weak spot on its mouth until it dies.


Defaet the Hive Mind and go back to shuttle.

Pack Rat

Throughout the game you will find Shops, which will allow you to store as many items as you want. Simply put 25 items into Storage to unlock this achievement.

Final Regeneration

For this you will need to complete the side mission Premeditated Malpractice. This can be started in Chapter 6, and can be completed as early as Chapter 7.
  • At the beginning of Chapter 6, collect the Tissue Sample from the Cryogenic Chamber to start Premeditated Malpractice Side Mission.
  • Head into Main Lab and go downstairs to find a scanner. Use the tissue sample on the scanner and wait for the scan to complete.
  • Then go to Intensive Care Unit and play the recording at the back of the room, watch the full recording.
  • Once you arrive at Mining Deck in Chapter 7 – Into the Void, bypass the laser traps and head to the end of the corridor to enter Ore Storage. Move the crates in the corner and then interact with the log on the wall and listen to it to completion.
  • Move back to the Main Atrium on Bridge Deck and interact with the panel on your right as you enter the atrium. Listen to the full recording.
  • Go to Hydroponics Deck and head through West Grow Chamber to reach Diagnostics Lab. Head into the back room and grab the final recording.

If the video did not help or you do not understand/missed something, then check my guide on how to complete all Side Missions.
Full Clearance

  • Pick up the side mission in the Captain’s Nest during normal gameplay progression (Chapter 4)
  • Find the seven RIGs needed to boost access
  • Input the seven RIGS into a terminal found in the Captain’s Nest

If the video did not help or you do not understand/missed something, then check my guide on how to complete all Side Missions.
Whole Again

To unlock this you will need to complete the side mission Scientific Methods. This can be started in Chapter 2, and can be completed as early as Chapter 10.
  • In Chapter 2 – Intensive Care, after clearing the quarantine in Main Lab, head inside Dr. N. Brennan’s office downstairs to find a log on her desk. Pick it up to start the mission.
  • After destroying the blockade and accessing the Emergency Room, there will be a hologram of Nicole that you can start by activating a panel. Watch the hologram to completion to see where Nicole goes.
  • At the circuit breaker, enable the left breaker for the showers. Then use kinesis to move the wall revealing a hidden room. Head inside and grab the log to continue.
  • Upon arriving in Engineering in Chapter 3 – Course Correction, head downstairs into the Machine Room. Enter the Calibration Room at the back of the room and watch the recording of Nicole.
  • In Chapter 7, head down the mining elevator to Deck D: Maintenance. Go through to Equipment Supply on the west of this area. Set the circuit breaker to Storage 02 and enter to a log on the floor. Grab it to continue.
  • In Chapter 10, when you have to go to the Deluxe Quarters to destroy the second tendril, head inside Guest Consultant’s Suites. After the conversation, head into the back room and activate the panel for a final hologram.

If the video did not help or you do not understand/missed something, then check my guide on how to complete all Side Missions.
Raise The Stakes

In order to pin an enemy, you will want to use kinesis to grab a metal bar and launch it at a Necromorph. This will fling them into a wall and pin them, killing them instantly. Metal bars will appear around the game with light-blue ends indicating they can be grabbed.


Simply freeze necromorphs with stasis 50 times. Press RMB + C key to stasis enemy. This can be farmed at any location with a stasis station, as you can constantly refreeze necromorphs and restore your stasis.


Press Space to make a Stomp Attack, but the problem is that not every necromorph in the game is suitable for this. The good option is to kill the lurkers after you shoot their tentacles. But this is not the only type of enemy you can use for this achievement — Pregnant Swarmer as well as acid tentacles is also a good target for it.


Pulse Rifle can be found in Chapter 2, at Medical Tram Station, next to dead body. Make any 30 enemis kills using that weapon. I`m not sure does is support boosting, but anyway you will meet enough enemies to get this achevement naturally.

A Cut Above

Ripper can be found in Chapter 3 next to headless dead body.

Live With The Hot Ones

Flamethrower is stuck to a corpse on the wall in the hallway leading to Fuel Storage in Chapter 3.

Full Contact

Contact Beam can be located in Chapter 4 on the floor inside Records Office. Requires Security Clearance Level 2.


Line Gun can be found in Chapter 5. It has very wide firing pattern allowing for severing multiple limbs at once or hitting multiple enemies, and can lay traps with alt-fire to help prepare for quarantine fights or cover attacks from multiple sides. So making 30 kills won`t be a tough challenge for you.


Force Gun is inside West Seedling Room A in Chapter 6. Requires Security Clearance Level 2.


The basis of the combat in Dead Space revolves around dismembering limbs from Necromorphs, so Marksman will come naturally during your first playthrough. Surgeon achievement should unlock in NG+.

Always target limbs rather than shooting at centre mass when fighting.

In order to rip off a limb, you will need to weaken a limb first by shooting it, then use kinesis to rip the limb off. You can also rip limbs off dead Necromorphs after killing them.

Force Gun strips layers of flesh off Necromorphs, so shooting one with that one or twice should be enough for you to rip a limb off. It’s probably easier or lower difficulties due to Necromorphs having more health on higher difficulties.

Maxed Out

In order to unlock this, you will need to unlock all weapons and their upgrades, upgrade your suit to level 6, and then fully upgrade them all at the workbench with nodes. This process will require 189 nodes, which will require going into New Game + to achieve.

Spread throughout the game are 59 nodes to collect (from node cabinets and drops from Brutes), and you will get one from all 21 weapon upgrades, and you will also get an extra 10 nodes for completing the game. This means from a full playthrough you will get 88 nodes.

You can recollect the regular 59 nodes again in New Game +, so the remaining 44 nodes you will need to buy from the Shop, which cost 10,000 credits each. Therefore it will cost 440,000 credits to buy the remaining nodes, and 224,000 credits to unlock all the suit upgrades, for a grand total of 668,000 credits. This may sound like a lot, but as long as you are being thorough you will easily get enough credits across both playthroughs.

Check out my collectibles guide to see more info about how to get each Node spread all over the USG Ishimura.
Full Arsenal

There are 9 weapons in the game, many of which you will encounter through normal progression. Some are in optional side rooms that require Security Clearance to access.

You will have access to all weapons by Chapter 6.

Where to find
Plasma Cutter
Chapter 1
Stasis Module
Chapter 1
Kinesis Module
Chapter 2
Pulse Rifle
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Contact Beam
Chapter 4
Line Gun
Chapter 5
Force Gun
Chapter 6

If you still need info how to find each of these weapons, then check out my Collectible guide and see the Chapter you need.
Built To Order

There are 21 weapon upgrades in the game, 3 for every gun. These upgrades will unlock a new path in the upgrade menu, as well a new ability to be unlocked. To install a weapon upgrade, simply visit a workbench with one in your inventory. You will also get an extra node for each weapon upgrade that you install.

Check out my collectibles guide to see more info about how to find each weapon upgrade.
Story Teller/Legend Teller

There are 188 logs in the game total, but you will need only 150 of them. These can be obtained automatically through the story, or by physically picking them up or triggering them. You will get over 100 as unmissable part of the story, so you will only need to collect ~50 of them for this. Story logs are mostly preset audio or video info, but others can be the same as well as text too.

Check out my collectibles guide to see more info about how to find each Log.

Schematics are collectibles that will unlock an item for purchase in the Shop. There are 13 schematics in the game, but the trophy will pop after only collecting 12 of them. This is because one schematic is located in Chapter 9, which is missable, meaning you can unlock the achievement without worrying about missing it. Here is a little tip how Schematics look like.

Check out my collectibles guide to see more info about how to find each Schematic.

There will be 12 of these around the game: one in each chapter except Chapters 5 and 10 which have 2 each, and Chapters 9/12 which have 0. To unlock this achievement you have to find any of these, but in order to unlock alternative ending and get Reunion achievement you have to find all of them.

Check out my collectibles guide to see more info about how to find each Marker fragment.

Zero-G Basketball can be found next to the Cafeteria in Crew Deck, first available in Chapter 10. You will need to use kinesis to grab and throw balls into the goals. Doing so will award you 5 points, or 10 points if that goal is glowing. You will get extra time for each level you complete. You will need to get a score of 220 to complete level 6.

Starting from level 3, shutters will occasionally close on the goals, blocking them all. Reaching 220 points shouldn’t be too difficult however, as long as you focus on scoring in the glowing goals when they appear for extra points. Some Necromorphs will spawn when you first attempt this, so kill them off before properly attempting it. Upon completing level 6, the lockers in the cafeteria will unlock, rewarding you with various items and a node.

Front Toward Enemy

The Shooting Gallery is located on the USM Valor in Chapter 9. On your way to salvage the Singularity Core, this room will be to your right. Go inside and interact with the panel to start the Shooting Gallery. Ignore the targets, as after about 30 seconds a quarantine will start and a bunch of necromorphs will spawn in. Kill them all to unlock this.

The lockers in the room will unlock after the quarantine, rewarding you with a node and a ruby semiconductor.

There's Always Peng!

Peng can be found in Cargo Bay, which you will access in Chapter 11. As soon as you go down the elevator, turn around. There will be some kinesis crates blocking a locker.

Move the crates and open the locker to find Peng. Peng will sell for 30,000 credits.

The Nintendo® Virtual Boy™ 24 Jun, 2024 @ 7:29am 
It does not. All that matters is that you do not use any of the other guns in the game.
RayzyKey 28 May, 2024 @ 4:34am 
Hey, does someone know if kinesis invalidates "One Gun" achievement ?
Alcator 4 Jan, 2024 @ 8:58am 
I'd like to confirm / add that you can unlock "One Gun" (beat the game shooting nothing but Plasma Cutter) in New Game Plus. Which is especially easy if you upgrade your Plasma Cutter to the maximum. :-0
FreeMetal 20 Nov, 2023 @ 4:34am 
Lovely guide combined with the other one with the collectibles, thanks for the hard work.

I'm almost done with NG+ and will only require to beat the game on Impossible for 100%; finally Dead Space will make me whole
TiltedMathMan 20 Sep, 2023 @ 7:37am 
@ifeelsane you can save as much as you want but only in one slot
iqximus 20 Apr, 2023 @ 4:51am 
yeah 2 playthroughs is enough starting with impossible, at the second playthrough you have enough nodes/money to upgrade everything.
Im did one playthrough in impossible+one gun, Im at chapter 10 of my second, I have 6 nodes lefts to upgrade and like 200k in bank
n9ne_x 15 Mar, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
Just side note for those starting, I think the playthroughs needed is 3, unless you do your first one gun playthrough on Impossible difficulty.

That's because, NG+ doesn't let you play on Impossible, so you would do: one gun playthrough on normal, an impossible difficulty playthrough and then you need another playthrough for NG+, or just combine the one gun playthrough with the impossible difficulty, then do another playthrough just for NG+.
fiskensen 12 Feb, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
I fully upgraded my suit and every weapon, but didn't get the achievement. Do I need to unlock the hand cannon first?
Poorbull 6 Feb, 2023 @ 3:01am 
Merci beaucoup........Great guide....:ds1_afk::ds1_brb::ds1_dnd::ds1_lol::ds_idk::ds1_afk::ds1_lol::ds1_brb::ds_idk:
Ifeelsane 5 Feb, 2023 @ 1:33pm 
What does "only one save slot" means?
It means I can save the game only once or I can resave this one save? Question is, I must run half of the game, save it, then rest or something and do the second half?