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Urban Planning Mayhem by Emergent
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20 Aug, 2023 @ 7:37pm
13 Jan, 2024 @ 4:40pm
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Urban Planning Mayhem by Emergent

SUMMARY: Enjoy building urban improvements with almost no restrictions.

TAGLINE: Do you enjoy building lots of urbans everywhere? Do you get annoyed at limitations such as those on shrines not touching or religions not getting along with each other to have monasteries and temples adjacent? With this mod, you can place urbans virtually anywhere!

URBAN PLANNING: This is the "heavy" version of urban planning. It goes all out in providing many options to the player, but may thereby eliminate some of the fun puzzle solving. For example, in the default game, shrines can be used to try and build new urban chains, although it can get tricky. However, if shrines can be built right next to each other, this problem becomes nearly trivial.

DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: Please note that this mod is a significant departure from the default Old World experience. It provides much greater options, flexibility and bonuses pertaining to urban planning and construction. It may also give unbalanced benefits, resulting in a stronger internal economy and benefits therefrom, and may thus end up resulting in an easier game for the same difficulty level.

All family choices - to pick the perfect family based on the terrain and resources (pick 3 families out of all 10 family types). Reduced penalty to skipping a family seat, allowing you to pick the best family for each city site even if you haven't founded all 3 seats yet.

Larger initial view - to know ahead of time and pre-pick which 3 families to go with based on the terrain and resources in the region nearby.

Build urbans with any archetype - to allow advanced urban planning. As a result, builder archetype has 75% discount on workers instead of 50% to recompense for this ability being available to all archetypes.

Faster movement on roads - to incentivize urban and road construction.

Bridge rivers without Engineering law - to sweeten the benefits of urban planning and road construction. As a result, Engineering law has 33% discount on wonders instead of 25%.

All 24 wonders - to allow greater variety of options.

Markets can be built anywhere - to allow optimized harbor adjacency planning.

Shrines and religious buildings can be built besides each other and there are no more restrictions on different religions or shrines being adjacent.

All 11 shrine types are available for each nation - so you can build the shrines that best fit the terrain, resources and opportunities for the city. However, you are limited to 2 shrines per culture level. At weak culture level that's 2 shrines per city (which is less than the game's default of 4), but at legendary you can build up to 8 shrines in a city. (the help text will not show the proper denominator though)

New units: Super Worker and Super-Duper Worker. Doulbe or triple the cost for double or triple the defense, greater movement and starting with Surveyor (able to build multiple roads in a turn). For when you need to build large road networks fast, and for when you want to just build improvements and be able to ignore enemy attackers for just a little bit longer. Upgrades possible from Worker to these stronger units.

New improvement: Community. Expensive urban improvement that has very low yield at first but huge adjacency bonuses. This can be built anywhere like a hamlet and even on sand without the Clerics family, and is not limited by culture levels. Build a massive urban sprawl of money-generating communities!

New improvements: Expeditions. Expand borders (from the inside) without the need for colonies. These hunter-gatherers and fishers will also generate small amounts of food.

5 strengths and 5 weaknesses per character (up from 3 from the base game)

Other minor tweaks.

Mod has been tested and should be functional with no issues. Please advise if you run into any problems.

Generally a stand-alone mod and may not be compatible with other mods.
Emergent  [author] 7 Mar, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
Hi Llywylln, sorry for the delay, I know the devs were working on some fixes, including on the UI. They've just released a new update, which I'm hoping should have fixed the issues you were running into. Are those issues still showing up?
Llywylln 29 Jan, 2024 @ 4:40am 
If Old World ExTended is the culprit, it wasn't doing it during my first play-through at all. This didn't start until I added in your mod, so I figured it was just some code that was trying to keep the tooltips from growing out of the available screen real-estate.
Llywylln 29 Jan, 2024 @ 4:39am 
Let me reiterate what is happening. The In-Game Setting, aren't changing permanently. When I open my settings, they are still where I left them. When I shift them around and put them back the way they were, then hit save, it is back to working... for now. but, as i play, I sometimes have one of my tooltips shrink. When I am trying to a character's stats, like to promote a Governor or Add a General. It also happens when I select a New Technology to Research. As soon as I mouse over the Tech, the tooltip scale shrinks. Now, I think it is shrinking to accommodate all of the stuff that each tech can do without needing a scroll bar. Between the two mods, the tech descriptions are quite long. But, once it has shrunk the font, it stays shrunk until I go fix it in settings again.
Llywylln 29 Jan, 2024 @ 4:38am 
I haven't been playing long at all. I only downloaded mods for the first time recently. However, i did play a game with other mods and the tooltip scaling didn't have any issues. I only installed this mod as a new thing, before starting my current game. So this is the only new mod. As for all of the other mods, not that many really, each one of them was installed one at a time. (Because in my first batch of mods I had one that was crashing the game. I had to go through them one at a time. I found the culprit as the last mod I added, so that one went away.) ) Now this mod and one other are kinda big, compared to the others. The other big mod is Old World EsTended. That one gets a little warning about localization whenever the game loads up, but it didn't cause any problems in-game. My tooltips were fine.
Emergent  [author] 27 Jan, 2024 @ 9:05am 
Hello there! I'm glad you're enjoying the mod!

Would you be able to please try unloading the mod and seeing if the UI scaling issue is still there? I'm wondering whether it's the mod, or something they changed with the base game in the latest update (which would then be worth a bug report, but I can help with that). The reason I ask is that I haven't played with the game settings in any way that might result in such a change. So depending on whether you're seeing it with just this mod, or with the game irrespective of this mod, will help troubleshoot what might have gone wrong. Thank you!!
Llywylln 27 Jan, 2024 @ 5:01am 
I'm really liking this mod so far, but I wanted to report a small issue. I mean, really small... the text. When I use this mod, many of the Tooltips ignore the UI scaling set in the settings and they use some level of default sizing. I'm low vision, so i have everything scaled up. Whenever it's time to choose a Technology to Research or assign a person to a job like Governor, the tooltip for the person or tech has teeny tiny text. I just wanted to pass this on because I'm sure that others use UI scaling so they are being affected to. Thanks for making a really cool mod!