Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

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Tropical Leaf
Here is the entire collection from the Tropical Leaf Zoo (finished zoo).

Здесь собрана вся коллекция из зоопарка Tropical Leaf (готовый зоопарк).

Items (13)
Tropical Leaf by K.KamillA.A (finished zoo)
Tropical Leaf (finished zoo). This zoo is located in tropical Africa. I built it on my streams in total of 69 hours. At the zoo you will see the following species: Peacock; Warthog; Capybara; Emu; Giant Anteater's; Baird’s tapir; Giant Otter; Spectacled ca...
Lar Gibbon and Siamang habitat | two islands | tree house
Lar Gibbon and Siamang habitat | two islands | tree house. Stream building process: Вольер для гиббонов и сиамангов | 2 острова | домик на дереве. Процесс строительства на стриме:
Water Complex. Two habitats with underwater observation. Giant Otter and Spectacled caiman habitats.
Water Complex. Two habitats with underwater observation. Giant Otter and Spectacled caiman habitats. Also included: Small Keeper Hut, small Staff Room, Trade Center, Wind turbine, Water Treatment; 4 exhibitions and 2 souvenir shops. Stream building process...
Zen Park | Open air butterfly exhibit with Animal Talks area
Zen Park | Open air butterfly exhibit with Animal Talks area. Stream building process: Дзэн парк | Экспозиция бабочек под открытым небом с местом для проведения лекций. Процесс строительства на с...
The legacy of ancestors | Giant Anteater's and Baird’s tapir habitat
The legacy of ancestors | Giant Anteater's and Baird’s tapir habitat with lake and cave. Stream building process: Наследие предков | Вольер для гигантского муравьеда и центральноамериканского тап...
Summer Cafe / Restaurant
Restaurant in a summer cafe style. Stream building process: Ресторан в стиле летнего кафе. Процесс строительства на стриме:
Staff Building (base game)
Staff Building (base game theme). Big Keeper Hut, bid Staff Room, small Quarantine, Veterinary Surgery, Trade Center, Generator, Water Treatment. Stream building process: Комплекс для персонала (базова...
Education board
Education board (base game theme). Stream building process: Образовательные стенды (базовая тема). Процесс строительства на стриме:
Education board (bamboo theme)
Education board (bamboo theme) Stream building process: Образовательные стенды (бамбуковая тема) Процесс строительства на стриме: ...