Old World

Old World

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Arid Plains
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20 Nov, 2023 @ 5:38pm
15 Mar @ 7:40am
36 Change Notes ( view )

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Arid Plains

Arid Plains is primarily designed to keep the game in the "Old World" by reworking the tech tree and overhauling units. The technological growth pace is much slower and medieval units and improvements are essentially removed from the game by being locked behind end-game techs.

Improvement spam is reduced by limiting most urban improvements to 2 rather than 3 versions and locking the number of rural improvements behind cultural level. This keeps the map more natural looking and reduces urban sprawl. There are also additional pre-reqs for many improvements.

Terrain plays a much more important role, with arid and desert terrain being more inhospitable and offering a challenge.

Map resources and rural specialists are given a significant boost, with each map resource having a powerful effect.

Key features include: (1) Reworked tech tree and unit overhaul; (2) New units (Heavy Horseman and Camel Lancer) and resources (Limestone, Granite, Prime Timber, and Premium Cedar); and (3) Numerous changes to improvements, laws, families, traits and trait interaction, unit consumption, resource effects, terrain effects, and more.
cruiser76  [author] 15 Mar @ 7:46am 
Thank you for the feedback. When I get time I will take a look at splitting it up. However, so many of the systems interact with each other that it may be difficult to do. I started this mod because I did not like how the base game treated arid terrain and desert. It grew from there!
eqN 13 Mar @ 3:18pm 
I love quite a lot of the features in this mod. I haven't had too much time to dive deep into it, but would be happy to report back with any feedback I have re:balance once I get some more time put into it.

I do have one inquiry, though, and I know it's kind of a big ask. If possible I'd love for some of this mod's features to be made more 'modular' as to make it play a bit nicer with some other mods. Such as, say, if I wanted to retain the original tech tree or play without the new units specifically for example. Splitting this mod up into a suite of mods, or simply making new mods that feature only certain aspects of it, would certainly be ideal if possible. Anyway, thank you for your hard work!
cruiser76  [author] 29 Nov, 2024 @ 11:50am 
Thanks! Please leave feedback, especially any balance concerns.
VierfingerJoe 23 Nov, 2024 @ 1:37am 
Good job
cruiser76  [author] 18 Nov, 2024 @ 10:13am 
I've made quite a few changes recently because I didn't realize specialists were lost if an improvement automatically upgraded. Garrisons still automatically upgrade over time, but the 1st level of other urban improvements are permanent in order to protect specialists. 2nd level urban improvements are locked behind an elder specialist, don't offer a specialist, and automatically upgrade over time to the 3rd level urban improvement. This means there will likely be more urban improvements than in prior versions, but not nearly as bad as the base game. I've also made granaries an urban improvement that upgrades over time in order to reduce map clutter. Schemers have also been recently boosted to be able to serve in any council role and as a governor. As a governor, a schemer can buy tiles with civics.
Silas Inservio Pax 18 Apr, 2024 @ 9:16am 
Would love to try it out and give feedback like you asked, if you could update the description with the listed changes. The change log note like you mentioned has the changes in it, but I would kindly say to you they are still to vague, for example: "Unit upkeep and other changes and corrections".

If you decide to update, I'm your man to playtest!
cruiser76  [author] 25 Feb, 2024 @ 3:14pm 
Yes, added a change log note that captures most of the changes. Appreciate any feedback.
Groo the one 20 Feb, 2024 @ 5:11am 
Any infos about the changes coming along with the last updates?
cruiser76  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 6:56am 
Besides the tech tree, the biggest changes are probably to unit consumption and improvements. Unit consumption has been greatly increased, and improvement spamming is discouraged by the use of negative modifiers and higher improvement consumption. Also, arid and sand terrain are much more inhospitable. For example, most urban improvements cannot be built on arid, and the Cleric family bonus for urban improvements was moved from sand to arid.
eliollie 21 Dec, 2023 @ 3:12pm 
any more details as to what the tweaks do?