Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

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2.798 GB
23 Mar, 2015 @ 2:21pm
30 Apr, 2023 @ 9:20am
55 Change Notes ( view )

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    Perisno is a modification for the game Mount&Blade Warband. To play Perisno, please purchase a copy of Mount & Blade Warband and install it. Then download the latest version of the Perisno mod and install it. Detailed instructions are available in the Perisno mod download.

Perisno is a low fantasy setting with Naphali, Dwarves, and Giants. There are some mythological creatures and magic, though magic is out of reach of the player sans a few powerful relics like the mighty Flamebringer!

Numerous factions of both major and minor importance bring different strengths, balance, and styles of war to the field. And remember, no one is created equal. Some factions are purposely bad in certain situations. You may find taking a town or castle from the Elintor or Realm Of The Falcon exceedingly difficult. But then you turn around and crush twice your number in Naphali with a group of Drachenritters in the field.

From heroic knights to opportunistic bandits to the lost Kingdom of Perisno itself, the player can ally or oppose whoever he or she likes as every faction has potential to gain power and even dominate Perisno. All who venture must be wary though, for the land of Perisno is full of dangers and enemies abound at every turn. The unwary traveler may find themselves suddenly opposing invading forces from lands unknown or even the Dreaded One "itself".

A whole new world! Explore a whole new fantasy world with many unique locations, cities, villages and improved landscapes! Perisno offers seven new unique factions, with many new troops, bandits and an invading faction!

New graphics, banners and map! Perisno has its very own custom-built map with tons of new locations. We also overhauled the graphics of the interface, and introduced a bunch of new banners! There's even banners of a very undressed lady *wink wink*.

A handful of new mounts! Are you tired of riding horses? Do you want something cool? Well, why don't you go ride a camel? Maybe an elephant is cooler? Nah, you look like someone who'd want to ride a wolf or a tiger. How about a wyvern? If you just want to ride the good old horses, then that's alright. We've added a whole bunch of new horses as well!

A ton of new features! Perisno makes good use of the many mini-mods out there! We're currently using a handful of mini-mods such as Diplomacy, Freelancer. We're also introducing a bunch of new mercenaries, roaming parties, household troops, quests, sea travelling, dynamic troop trees, fog of war, new kingdom management features, and many other features!

A custom soundtrack! Explore the world while listening to a great custom soundtrack! We've added all new music for better gameplay, and also improved the sounds of the game!

There are many options in Perisno, and the player may join an existing army or strike out on their own. The player can hunt legendary treasures, loot caravans, and sell prisoners to gain wealth.

Later versions will allow the abilitiy to bring minor factions to glory and power. Perisno is intended as a story told by the player themselves. From Lord of Nothing to King of Perisno, or somewhere in between. Whatever you desire!

Read more about the mod over at our wiki (see the links below)!

Perisno Website[]
Perisno Wiki[]
Taleworlds Board[]
Moddb Page
Discord Chat[]
Perisno Patreon[]

    The Perisno Development Team hopes you enjoy your stay in Perisno. You can also contact any of the mod developers Discord, link found above.
Popular Discussions View All (889)
15 Jan @ 2:55pm
PINNED: Questions
27 Jan @ 12:13am
10 Aug, 2021 @ 7:45am
PINNED: [MAC OS & LINUX] Invisible Text Fix!
Kikka21 11 Mar @ 11:03pm 
@Sovereign Rage try to script extender if you haven't already, hear it improves game performance a lot, its called WSE2
The Dark Ranger 9 Mar @ 10:54am 
Unfortunately this mod has a lot of trouble late game.
Sovereign Rage 27 Feb @ 5:17pm 
Crashes all the time. Don't know what happened, since I had this mod a few years back and it never had trouble. Never anything specific either, but after seeing a few, it seems to always be a loading error.
siemaeniu 22 Feb @ 5:32pm 
mocarz w bani
kormoran 22 Feb @ 1:00am 
@The Dark Ranger i know people in pensylvania. last thing u want to do is be mean to me buddy.
Patriot_112 21 Feb @ 4:08pm 
The thing I want in this mod is to build your own faction from scratch, with your Mercenary troops as your faction troops. An idea from Nova Aetas but more refined. Such as building your own castles and villages but actually buying the resources on site and sending your companions to get the goods.
The Dark Ranger 18 Feb @ 7:44pm 
That is two huge empty areas filled up without adding tons of resources and they can customize the settlments at a later date. They can fill up the empty coast where the Zan land with much larger rogue armies as a placeholder for a kingdom or two to add later.
The Dark Ranger 18 Feb @ 7:44pm 
I don't see why they can't put in the effort to fill up the locations with generic-ish factions while working on balancing issues. They could create a Mossoru nation in the deep desert and along that river with a recruitment system similar to the Falcon Realm and add a few more units to it. That could be a large placeholder with a half dozen to a dozen lords and at least one full sized city. They can fill the islands up behind the Orulo tribe people with castles and a city or two and give it to them along with another half dozen lords and split the villages amongst the lords so they each have 2 or a castle or a city so they have more income to hold onto things. They could also give that first big island to the Geldar elves instead and move the Orulo back to that big Amazon inspired island chain and give them more stuff and just 2 or 3 more lords.
Alkateia 18 Feb @ 1:58pm 
@The Dark Ranger I'm very reluctant to agree on any idea related to adding factions to the world map. I think Perisno has, by far, the largest number of major and minor factions out of most mods available to download. It is borderline bloated. There should be more care and attention to flesh out the current factions rather piling up the faction number even further, especially when it comes to balancing, which I think is in dire need across the board. I think there's at least two solutions to consider to deal with empty gaps on the map, and that would be 1: Remove the empty space or 2: Fill it up with any of the existing factions.
The Dark Ranger 16 Feb @ 10:39pm 
Or she simply doesn't want any idiots flirting with her. Just because a woman isn't interested in you or even finds you repulsive that doesn't mean she's a lesbian.