Old World

Old World

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One Turn Undo
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5 Apr, 2024 @ 2:16pm
14 Aug, 2024 @ 9:26pm
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One Turn Undo

In 1 collection by Dale Kent
Dale's Old World Mods
19 items
This mod's only change is to store a single turn of Undo data in save files (vanilla is 5 turns).

This will reduce save file size.
joel.west 11 Apr, 2024 @ 11:28pm 
unlike what you imply the method I describe below allows the undo to accrue in the save file as the turn progresses, a very desirable benefit. my only concern has been removing the PREVIOUS TURN undo data, not the current turn undo data. I have no desire to play the game with current turn undo turned off

for greater clarity I should have stated that the method I described below is to be used when a NEW save file has been created after hitting the END TURN button. it would be counterproductive to go through all that effort if you want to continue to use the undo action button up until the you are ready to hit the END TURN button
Dale Kent  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
That is EXACTLY what the "No undo in save files" game option does. Go to Options, and the first tab, bottom option. Turn that on and it stops saving the undo data in the save file.

I will also note, you were told by me to do that in the multiple threads you posted in the steam forums. You were also told by me that the save files are zipped xml files which contain the undo data.

Everything you have just said in your last comment, is exactly how the game works (with that option turned on), PLUS been told in your multiple forum threads on this.
joel.west 11 Apr, 2024 @ 3:46pm 
it turns out that all you have to do it unzip the bloated zip file as an xml file, delete just one line of code (the very last line which contains ALL the undo data), save the now much smaller xml file, then rezip it. I have been wasting so much going back and forth to the game menu when this is all this is necessary

it is beyond my comprehension why no previous turns undo is not an option if all you have to do it delete one line of code in the save file
Dale Kent  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 1:39pm 
Sorry, but we've already said there will be no official option or switch or support for changing the number of undo turns stored in the save file. This mod (made by a dev) is as official as it'll get. You are literally the only person in all the years of release to ask for this. :)

Also just to note, this mod sets it to 0, which means it stores the ability to go back to the previous turn. It's the lowest it can get. If you go into the mod files you will see that it's a text based xml file (globalInts.xml). Open that in notepad and change the number to whatever number you would like. Hope that helps.

Lastly, in our experience most players to see the ability to undo to previous turns as a big feature of Old World. So yeah, we do see it as a 'feature'.
joel.west 11 Apr, 2024 @ 1:38pm 
the reason I said 'feature' is that there is no option to undo to a specific action in the set of actions between turns. hence as long as a player always saves at the end of a turn (or the autosave does this) this 'feature' in fact adds nothing to the game (while padding the save file with bloat)
joel.west 11 Apr, 2024 @ 1:35pm 
so you said no new game switch for no undo for previous turns, but what about an analog choice??

the default is apparently a max of 5 turns of undo and your mod changes this to 1. how about a game setup choice of 0 to 5 'undo for previous turns' with 5 as default since apparently some developers think this is a wanted 'feature'??
Dale Kent  [author] 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
Yeah, will only take affect for new games.
joel.west 10 Apr, 2024 @ 3:30pm 
I have it installed now on a current game and it does NOT prevent save files from getting bigger turn after turn (from saved actions that occurred between turns)

does the mod only work on new games??
Dale Kent  [author] 9 Apr, 2024 @ 8:00pm 
If steam isn't playing nice, from the main menu in game, click on MODS, then the INSTALL tab. Scroll to the bottom and find the mod second last (at time of writing). Click on it, and you can install it from there. Click back on MANAGE after it downloads to activate it.
joel.west 9 Apr, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
I subscribed to this mod on Steam but it does not appear in the mod list in the game itself. until I can turn the mod on I cannot test it out