Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

172 ratings
Phantasy Calradia
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2.308 GB
13 Nov, 2024 @ 2:35am
21 Feb @ 8:55am
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Phantasy Calradia

2024 update to 'my' Phantasy Calradia 2018, fixing most issues and adding gameplay improvements.

You MUST set in video options "Load textures on demand" to ON to run this mod stably.

Changes from Guspav's Phantasy:
Diplomacy v4.3, with nothing left out.

Wife as a Companion updated to allow more personalities to join.

Aristocracy creation: families in native span factions, which mixes families across borders in native but causes trouble in the 6 race, 13 faction landscape in Phantasy 2018. Families are created differently, without crossing faction boundaries AND without creating "orphans". All kingdom ladies have fathers/brothers/spouses/or female kingdom lords (as sisters) to ask permission to court. No more having to elope...

Trade, Economy, and Enterprises: the opportunities to speculate in raw goods such as salt, iron, furs, and silk have never been so plentiful. Enterprises pay well, there exists banking services (but with higher interest payments and fewer exploits than you might remember) at the four ways inn, and trade routes that Guspav missed for all the exotic factions were remade so that all factions send kingdom traders correctly throughout the lands.

Auto generated scouts, patrols, and traders: These exist, but in lower numbers than you might recall from other mods, in order to control the total party count. Movement is thus kept very smooth and with no stutter (on reasonably powered PCs), even with the player selecting fast moving wait time.

Adjusting the game to fit your PC: wait time is adjustable in camp menu "Phantasy settings".

Thinking of parading your motley party chock full of racial enemies down main street of that town just ahead? think again -- prejudice against some races may have the town or castle doors shut tight in your face. With 6 races and another two virtual skins (factions that have special likes and hates), everybody doesn't like somebody. Or really be a pariah, and choose to be a Necromancer, with most of the map giving you the bum's rush.

Tired of being confined to 3 evil factions, but you're a magic using Drow? Slip your way into the mageocracy -- where they respect power, not just alignment. As neutral as can be, except the Blazing hand dislikes them.
Thinking Diplomacy randomly allies strange bedfellows? Not so fast. Alliances between traditional enemies break up much sooner than usual; while long time allies tend to form more stable partnerships. Recruiting is easier in villages that don't have a bias against the make up of your party -- and helping the village out during an epidemic is perhaps the fastest possible way to grow good relations with a village.

Take everything you THINK you knew about Phantasy Calradia, 2014 edition, place it gently in the fireplace, set it on fire (safely and carefully), and use it to heat your home this winter. There is nothing familiar about Phantasy 2018, and now 2024. 37 pages of updates notes just for this year alone.

Faction viewer capable of showing more than 7 factions: Yes, but I broke this into two views - one for factions 1-6 and one for 7-13

Tree viewer for troops: one was not sufficient to show ALL troops including every kingdom lord, every companion, and every kingdom lady in real time. Nor every mercenary and bandit troop. Nor every king and queen, every pretender, and even you the player. Instead, 3 viewers show ALL of these. You can see what they carry, the stats, their special abilities, if they can dodge well, all their capabilities at a glance.
Added tools for monitoring the player skills, prejudice, trade routes, total parties on map: of course.

Crafting: 105 newly added recipes
Combat changes: Dodge is limited by a timer, so no more ninja that can't be touched dodge spam. If the target is lucky enough to dodge once, they won't be dodging again for some seconds. They also can't dodge spells and summoned weapons, nor gunfire - although firearms are rare, found only in the Dwarf faction. You can MAKE a pistol, but you can't make the ammunition ... so for better or worse, you won't be handing every squad member a firearm anytime soon.
Stealth attacks: originally needing an overhead of 48 instructions per swing just to decide whether or not the attack qualifies as a stealth attack, this now happens within 16 instructions.

Cleric and mage spells: pretty much every spell has been re-written since Guspav's era.
Resistances by material type, a more nuanced magic and healing system, better control over every spell effect active on every agent, and using far less bandwidth than before to support larger battles.

Auto calc and magic users/clerics: Finally, yes. So long as diplomacy "use terrain in autocalc calculations" is left ENABLED, autocalc ALSO scales magic users and clerics for every battle that gets auto-calculated (sieges where the player is not watching the battle for example).

Wages and morale for Necromancer parties; reinforcements; party size; food consumed by undead: all retooled.
Necromancers have many subtle buffs now. Auto-ressurection of fallen troops? Yes, but it is a small number of them. It stays subtle but it is unexpected, and unique. More waves supported for reinforcement, and a better scaling of battle size. Updates roughly weekly. DISCORD
Popular Discussions View All (8)
13 Mar @ 10:42pm
The Soapbox - suggestions, problems, and new horizons coming from the audience as well...
4 Feb @ 10:15pm
Bugs to Report
26 Dec, 2024 @ 9:27am
Game crashing when I save
gsstar  [author] 20 Mar @ 7:42am 
The mighty Terry Duke re-ranked this (and other) mods, moving it from dead last but clearly not really running THIS flavor, but Guspav's 2014 version, from Moddb. Apparently THIS version isn't worth his time to load. I'll make sure the 2025 version is not alongside Guspav's 2014 mod, since half the people trying the mod never try THIS flavor.

Among his complaints, "nothing much changed except for magic. Even the map is the same."
No mention of diplomacy, changed mechanics, crafting, wife as a companion, multiple enterprises, campaign export - just "the same feature set as any other". I really think he never found THIS mod, just the one from 10 years earlier with a similar name. Moddb has them side by side.

I will certainly not put up 2025 as "Phantasy Calradia", to help him out next time. It will have a different map, since that seems to be one of his "must have" check boxes. Amazing.
Schmuckubus 16 Mar @ 4:20am 
Extremely cool to come back to this mod a decade later and see it still being updated. Thanks for your hard work!
gsstar  [author] 15 Mar @ 11:39pm 
looking at items and resources this week, there is a lot of cleanup that I have been putting off.

I expect an update in a few weeks, possibly less. Very slowly collecting minor fixes noticed while reviewing code for 2025, but it takes time.
gsstar  [author] 10 Mar @ 10:57pm 
Re Phantasy 2025: progress may seem slow to you but for me I am putting in long hours.
I sent a roadmap for how the mod is evolving and when I expect to have which goals ready.
MadG made this "press release" at Moddb

So far I have PW remade at the data layer (only) and enough code changes to compile and walk around. trade routes remade. Some items moved over. I have yet to study what assets (resource and texture files) go with what items to determine what the overlap is between two mods, as just dumping everything into a double sized folder will not work, there are memory limits to consider.

Currently working on the Phantasy side after changing the data model, and next week will be studying the resources and textures to map to items, to know what items can cross over and what need to be exchanged at the other side, in each direction. That's my next 2 weeks anyway, of 6 planned.
gsstar  [author] 9 Mar @ 10:16pm 
@volpol: I'll try to remember to look at that in a few weeks. Right now I am deep inside a different project. Both Phantasy Calradia 2024 and Paradigm Worlds have next generation builds slowly cooking, with a common data layout to better allow communication between the mods via Lua created text file export/import exchange. Since you at least compile and tweak you should head over to discord sometime

I saw this message today at Moddb regarding my collaborative project:
volpol 9 Mar @ 3:51pm 
After years of playing v156 on GOG version of the game I found out recently that v160 is on ModDB. Thank you for keeping this alive, it's probably my favorite Warband module. So since I also own the game on Steam I've subscribed for ease of updating. Thank you for also including the source code! I've tweaked a few things to my liking and there are a few minor bugs that I've noticed. The vorpal strike message is never displayed because the compare is to ":attacker" instead of ":attacker_id". Also the the code for bolt case of plenty has the line (ge,":ammo",1) commented out, which should be a good thing but with how the rest of the code works it was actually preventing ammo resetting when the agent was not actively wielding the crossbow. What I did was instead of using agent_get_ammo I try to find out which slot the item is in with agent_get_item_slot and then get the ammo with agent_get_item_cur_ammo for that slot. This probably applies to other "of plenty" items.
gsstar  [author] 27 Feb @ 8:14pm 
I will put up a source directory at Discord with at least weekly updates with my work in progress. Anyone that can compile a Warband mod can follow along, until I have something lazy people can play without having to compile (because before then they will be frustrated by daily changes that torpedo their savegame). During that time I will stop updating Phantasy Calradia 2024.

The 2025 version of Phantasy will be a different mod, at which point I am juggling 3 mods.
The data layer for 2025 (early) will be based on the data layer for the mod I am reworking now, which will be a fusion of the data here and its old data to allow use of either code set at either mod. People not interested in daily progress chatter can avoid Discord, and people that want to see the daily progress can sit quietly at Discord. Your choice.
GW901 27 Feb @ 7:52am 
ok gsstar will you link it to the mod for this
gsstar  [author] 27 Feb @ 7:33am 
@GW901 Estimating a proof of concept in 8 weeks, assuming I can keep up the pace, for a demo of one mod calling another mod and able to return. That second mod will have a vampire faction.
gsstar  [author] 25 Feb @ 10:36pm 
Adding factions will destroy your current savegames. As factions are added I have to move the factions relations slots to allow more space at the savegame because more factions need to be saved. This has a knock on effect to shift in four different places.

I also need artwork changes, although someone said that can be arranged for me.
I want to remake factions for 2025, as a separate mod, but I don't plan to change 2024 in the immediate future. Instead I expect to make two mods that interact with each other in the next months, so you can jump from mod to mod and changes (that get exported when you jump) at either mod change you and your party at the far end.

I might allow a vampire faction then, as one of the target mods I am remaking already has them, solving the assets issue but now needing me to identify the resource file and see if it clashes with Phantasy resources