Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

67 ratings
Volume/Mass Fix for some SCS cargoes
Type: Cargoes
File Size
18.724 KB
28 Jan @ 2:45am
3 Feb @ 9:17pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Volume/Mass Fix for some SCS cargoes

In 1 collection by PikPikker
PikPikker's Actual Mods for ETS2
10 items

This tiny fix rewrites the def files of some default SCS cargoes to prevent them from spawning of incorrect mass. For instance, "Rough Terrain Forklift" has a volume bug and spawns only with a half of intended mass. This fix doubles it making it 12600 kg instead of 6300 kg because 6300 kg is single forklift but there are two of them on the basic single trailer.

Currently fixed cargoes:
- Rough Terrain Forklift
- Metal Coil
- Square Tubing
- Iron/Metal pipes (for flatbeds)

I will add more of them fixed if I find out some more incorrect ones. If you think you found any more of such bugged cargoes (which has volume mistake that make their mass not corresponding to trailer's visual), let me know and I'll have a look and fix them if possible.

Any cargoes from mods will never be supported! This fix is also not tested with trailer mods which use them as a load and functionality with any mods is not guaranteed.

If you use offline cargoes you should wait until they are reloaded (or reset game economy manually) after you activate the mod, because when this is mod is recently activated it usually breaks all the masses of these cargoes. Online cargoes are updated instantly.

Highest priority in mod manager recommended. This addon might break some of your cargo/trailer mods if they change SCS files. It is possible though to apply this fix into modified files but it needs to be done manually (using Notepad++ for example).

Game version: 1.50 or higher (tested since 1.53)
Credits: SCS (for all the base files), PikPikker (me)
patrick77333666 7 Mar @ 4:42am 
DÖNER 23 Feb @ 8:08am 
PikPikker  [author] 18 Feb @ 9:33am 
4 cargoes already touched by this mod also overheld both mass and volume changes, and the same would happen to the pallets, just into reverse direction of decreasing mass - but since the 1.54 will contain cargo def rework I guess I won't release any changes until the final release of the game update

thanks for your feedback @hottt3, I'll be keeping that in mind and thinking what to do next carefully :queenleonora:
hottt3 18 Feb @ 9:27am 
@Noobicuz, @PikPikker For me, changing the default mass does not seem a good idea. If you really want it, please make a separate mod for that.
Noobicuz 18 Feb @ 8:05am 
Yes that´s right :)
PikPikker  [author] 17 Feb @ 4:16pm 
hello! am I understanding you right - you are talking about changing their default 23000 kg mass (on a default trailer) to 9900 kg, right? sounds doable, interesting and realistic, I'll have a look a little bit later, but I also wonder what other drivers think about this - I'm waiting for some little feedback from other on that point :steamhappy:
Noobicuz 17 Feb @ 10:53am 
Hey, nice mod. I noticed that the weight for empty pallets is way to high. 23t or smth if I remember correctly. In real life, if we calculate with EURO-Pallets with a weight of ~20kg we end up on 9.900kg for 495 Pallets (15/Stack on 13,6 meters)
PikPikker  [author] 8 Feb @ 6:04pm 
I reported some of them (forklifts), it was more than a month ago and SCS still hasn't responded... I hope they do it someday but meanwhile we can enjoy this fix
hottt3 7 Feb @ 2:13pm 
Thanks for the mod! I didn't know about those bugs in the game. Are they going to fix them?
SobeK 7 Feb @ 2:05pm 
Thank You! 💪