ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator
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25.668 MB
14 Nov, 2015 @ 8:49am
5 Mar, 2017 @ 8:04pm
51 Change Notes ( view )

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Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator

Collector auto collects eggs, fertilized eggs, and poop from ground / behind walls within a large radius across your base.
★ Incubator will incubate faster and keep all nearby fert eggs healthy.
★ Silo will send collected poop into friendly compost bins in range first unless they are full, also distributes any stored thatch to them. Lastly it collects fertilizers from bins.
★ Eggs n poop are auto collected from the ground into your active Collector.
★ Collector preserves eggs and poop longer too. This mod increases max Poop Stack size to 20.
★ Clean and Stackable. A simple mod with aims at fast performance in eggs, poop and incubating.

Detailed Description:
  1. Collector now has ingame radial menu to choose Collect Poop only, Egg only, or Both.
  2. Collector controls all silo and incubators in range. Must be powered and active to work.
  3. Collector will not collect any eggs dropped within an active incubator's range. Unlocking it can also disable all collecting of fertilized eggs.
  4. Collector dynamically limits collection range to not collect from enemy pets.
  5. Collector range should cover even your biggest bases, default 75 floors length in all directions, adjustable via settings.
  6. Thatch N Fertilizer Silo will work with all compost bins in range and auto distributes collected poop, stored thatch and collects fertilizer from compost bins.
  7. Incubator incubates fert eggs faster and kept healthy in a small room radius. Prevents collector from collecting incubated eggs. (Range adjusted by setting, default 5 floors radius).
  8. Incubated eggs display a small glow every collector interval, default 33 secs. Means the egg is being incubated.
    Also works with all eggs from dino mods.
  9. Craft costs: Collector- 75 metal ingot, 75 crystal, 20 electronic. Incubator- 25 metal ingot, 20 crystal, 5 electronic.
  10. Large Compost Bin can make fertilizer much faster and in batches. Also bigger storage.
  11. Incubator and Silo needs an active Collector in range to work. This mod stacks poop up to max 20.
  12. Can Use Poop stacks to split into single poops for crop plants. (Splits without poisoning player, but irreversible)

Mod Server Settings:
Paste this section after end of your server's GameUserSettings.ini and edit default values:
  1. MaxPoopStacks means maximum stacks of Poop to autocollect (default 15). Set -1 to disable Poop Collect. Each stack is up to 20 poop.
  2. MaxAchaPoopStacks is different, it controls the max stack count of Achatina Snail Poop to collect. Default 0 or -1 means no snail poop. Recommend set between 10 to 15 stacks.
  3. CollectInterval is the time between each collection in secs (Default 40 secs, min 25, max 45).
  4. IncubateDistance controls the incubator incubation radius, 1500 is roughly five floors length. Put -1 to disable.
  5. IncubateBoostMultiplier multiplies the speed to hatch eggs faster when near incubator. (Must more than 0.0 , Put 1.0 for normal ark speed).
  6. Set BlockAutoCompostBins to 'true' if you wish to disable autofilling of compost bins with poop, because 'false' will fill all nearby compost bins regardless of MaxPoopStacks.
  7. CollectDistance controls the radius how far the collector will work. Default of 20000.0 means around 75 floors radius. Set this higher than IncubateDistance.
  8. SiloDistance is the working range of the Tatch N Fertilizer Silo. Should be lower or equal to CollectDistance.

Admin Spawn Codes: Spawn Codes Link
Troubleshooting FAQ
Optional Resource Stacks link

ModID: 554678442

This mod is free. Feel free to use any ideas and resources from it.

Also try my other mods:
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Indominus Rex Nemesis
Dragon Gods
Photon Sentry N Rifle
Pet Companions
Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator
Pet Finder
Death Helper
Meat Spoiler
Charcoal Baker
Oil Compressor
Resource Stacks
Scorched Earth Resource Stacks
Bulk Crafters
Admin Bomb

★ Disclaimer: So I am not updating anymore for my own reasons. But I have and always will allow everyone free use of any resources and ideas from all my Ark projects, rest assured I will never deny your creative freedom. Also please don't spread rumors, and keep in mind I'm not responsible for any actions you take on your own.
Popular Discussions View All (109)
24 Aug, 2021 @ 1:54pm
PINNED: Servers Running this Mod
4 Jul, 2024 @ 3:52pm
Not picking eggs or poop
22 Oct, 2020 @ 9:52am
PINNED: Admin Spawn Codes & Override Engrams
Zuki 1 Feb @ 7:55am 
Crap MOD Do not DL!!!
阿莫猫 24 Jan @ 12:03am 
it can't be used.
988 3 Jan @ 3:35pm 
tried to use this mod, sadly it doesnt work or smth. it takes power (not amazing). but it doesnt collect any eggs or poop. maybe its because i have an hatchery aswell? but i assume this wouldnt cause any issue since the hatchery only picks up incubated eggs
Minato Namikaze 9 Sep, 2024 @ 9:21am 
The mod is unused and protected from popular mods :( please fix it so it will be useful for everyone.
Mordicon 18 Jan, 2024 @ 1:14pm 
This needs updating no longer works. there are other mods now , but not as good as this used to be. cross my fingers for a update to fix it
skaterboy1425 22 Dec, 2023 @ 11:42pm 
I finally got around to unlocking the engrams and it doesn't actually work well. What a shame
KAISER 20 Nov, 2023 @ 8:23am 
no funciona mas, no colecta nada solo desperdicia espacio, WTF???
WeeHammy 29 Jul, 2023 @ 10:51am 

Read the comments my dude. Its abandoned.
Crelle 29 Jul, 2023 @ 4:10am 
the egg n poop collector doesn't even work. It's powered and i've tried to meddle a bit with the options, but it's just not picking up anything. The only thing it's doing is wasting space
WeeHammy 19 Jul, 2023 @ 3:06am 
There are other mods that collect eggs