ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

2,180 ratings
Bulk Crafters
File Size
90.824 MB
27 Feb, 2016 @ 10:02am
3 Mar, 2017 @ 8:45pm
56 Change Notes ( view )

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Bulk Crafters

Craft everything in bulk and speed. Has Jerky crafting, Dry cooking, smart storage, Auto feeding Babies, Bed stacking, Auto Torches and other special great features!

★ Compatible with Scorched Earth. Bulk Trough auto feeds baby wyverns with milk. Stores milk longer for a day.
★ Small file size, optimized for servers and performance. Will work without issues. Clean and stackable with other mods.
★ Made especially to work with my stacks mod: Resource Stacks
★ Also auto-updates with latest ark content while ingame, just repick and rebuild.

Mod Items Description:

Admin Spawn Codes:

Optional Server Settings:
- TroughRange default of 25000 is roughly six times further than normal trough. Adjust as you wish, minimum is 5000.
Paste this at end of your server's GameUserSettings.ini and edit default values:

ModID= 633831197
Troubleshooting FAQ for common problems

This mod is free. Feel free to use any ideas and resources from it.

Also try my other mods:
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Indominus Rex Nemesis
Dragon Gods
Photon Sentry N Rifle
Pet Companions
Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator
Pet Finder
Death Helper
Meat Spoiler
Charcoal Baker
Oil Compressor
Resource Stacks
Scorched Earth Resource Stacks
Bulk Crafters
Admin Bomb

★ Disclaimer: So I am not updating anymore for my own reasons. But I have and always will allow everyone free use of any resources and ideas from all my Ark projects, rest assured I will never deny your creative freedom. Also please don't spread rumors, and keep in mind I'm not responsible for any actions you take on your own.
Popular Discussions View All (75)
16 Mar, 2020 @ 3:36pm
PINNED: Servers Running this Mod
26 Jul, 2018 @ 5:05am
PINNED: Admin Spawn Commands
27 Dec, 2023 @ 9:12am
PINNED: OverrideEngram Entries
NoT fOuR
The Inventor 25 Jan @ 12:31pm 
i cant power the bulk crafter and now im confused
ℳℛ ℛ𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉 11 Jan, 2024 @ 4:15pm 
My game keeps crashing every time Im on the north side of the map when i play this mod what is wrong?
Cpt.Morgan 16 Dec, 2023 @ 4:30am 
does it work for beer production please? i heard the normal fermentation is 6 irl hours and i can´t be arsed to do that... someone on reddit mentioned this mod but i never found any information about it.

thanks guys
ImperialTricksters 7 Jun, 2023 @ 1:56am 
Is there Ini settings to make it so that we dont need to place structures on the floor and can just use a built in map structure or the ground instead?
Coolman11 27 Jun, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
@MechaShadowV2 it aint skyrim
Go Galaxy 22 Jun, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
how do i get rid of the bulk trough green line?
MechaShadowV2 5 Jun, 2022 @ 5:09pm 
@GenOfGames um, and your point is?
Sistam 14 May, 2022 @ 2:23am 
Il y a des français qui pourrais m'expliquer le mod s'il vous plait
GenOfGames 27 Dec, 2021 @ 11:07am 
this isnt skyrim....
Stimpy 12 Oct, 2021 @ 2:03pm 
Any word on how to disable the Green range lines on the feeders?