Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

83 ratings
Raid Boss-Master Gee how to solo at op8
By Adam Jensen 007 and 2 collaborators
This is a guide on how to solo Master gee the invincible at op8 with any class.
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The General Idea
Master gee is not as aggressive as other raid bosses. However, he has more health.
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There are 2 General phases of this boss fight
-1) Master Gee has his shield: While Master Gee has a shield, he cannot be harmed. You do no damage to him. You have to make sure he absorbs the acid pool from the worms.
You can do this with singularity grenades or:
-If you are playing axton, drop your turret into the acid pool and let Gee go after it
-If you are playing Maya, use the converge skill to bring Master Gee near the worms
-If you are playing as Zero, you can drop your decoy into the acid pool.
-2) The shield has been depleted: This is the stage where master gee can take damage.

Note: make sure you enter this boss fight with full ammo and singularity grenades. If your attempt fails, restock your ammo.
Recommended Gear
Required Gear for this boss fight:
-1) Singularity Grenades (Example: Longbow quasar). Singularity grenades should be used to bring master gee into the acid pool. If Master Gee does not absorb the acid, the arena will fill with acid and you could ending up in fight for your life.
Make sure the grenade mod is not homing.
-2) Fire Interfacer (Good for Gunzerker, Gaige) / Fire Conference Call/ (works almost as well) Fire Sandhawk (for maya and axton)
-3) Grog Nozzle for healing
-4) Fire Bone of the ancients
-6) Alkaline bee or Alkaline big boom blaster or rough rider depending on your playtsyle. The bee gives amp damage to the sandhawk. Big boom blaster drops booster shields that regenerate your shield, grenade and rocket ammo.
-7) Fire Omen for Krieg
-8) Fire Pimpernel for Zero
-9) Fire Avenger to regenerate some SMG ammo if needed
The Battle
As mentioned before, you have to make sure that Master Gee absorbs the acid pool. Otherwise, the arena will fill with acid which can put you into fight for your life. Alkaline shields grant immunity to the damage over time of the worms not when the arena fills with acid
What are the sources of damage:
-1) Master Gee's ahab
-2) The acid balls from the worm.
-3) The acid pool when a worm has died.

There is an easier way to solo Master Gee by hiding behind the rock near the entrance of the arena. When is it better to hide behind the rock and let Gee die off from the acid pool?
-1) When there are too many worms in the arena and you cannot handle them. Do not kill any more worms as that will fill the arena with acid
-2) When you are running out of ammo or grenades

However, with practise you can solo him without hiding behind the rock

When Master Gee's health becomes low enough, he will drop a purple bulb. When you enter the purple bulb, you become immune to all corrosive damage and it heals you.

NEW: do not start the battle if Master Gee's exhaust is Maliwan. If it is Maliwan, leave the arena and come back. Picture shows Maliwan exhaust

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Adam Jensen 007  [author] 10 May, 2018 @ 12:00pm 
np mate enjoy
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 9 Aug, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
Where is what?
Edward 9 Aug, 2016 @ 11:58am 
where is that

Adam Jensen 007  [author] 1 May, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
new guide out how to survive UVHM little farming
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 1 May, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
LOL thank u so much
KAV007 1 May, 2016 @ 6:31pm 
Thoose are the correct steps to win :shotgun::kill::steamhappy:
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 24 Apr, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
Pyro Pete's guide is up
twizzy rich 21 Apr, 2016 @ 6:16am 
thx helped me
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 20 Apr, 2016 @ 5:54am 
Good to know.
Mister Torgue Flexington 20 Apr, 2016 @ 2:13am 
you also forgot to mention, that when in Deception mode, if Zero has the "Execute" skill active, you can push Gee into the acid pools too