BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

268 ratings
1999 mode Help & Unlimited Money, Gear Fast
By Adam Jensen 007
Hi this is a quick guide on how to: farm gear fast and effectively. I also talk about how to prepare for 1999 mode.
Very short and sweet
The most important thing in survival 1999 mode is having great gear (Winter Shield, Blood to Salt, etc...)
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This is my general 1999 build:
-Burning Halo
-Blood to Salt
-Bull Rush
Another Achievement U can get in 1999 mode-Scavenger Hunt
How can you get Scavenger Hunt?
-You CAN Touch Dollar Bill Machines (So don't worry about accidentally touching the machine)
-You CAN use possession to loot the money in the machines
-You CANNOT make a purchase

Strategy I used:
-1) Blood to Salts Gear: When enemies die, there is a 40% chance that salt is added to your backpack. Using this gear, you do not need to buy salts.
-2) Scavenger gear: When enemies die, there is a 40% chance they drop ammo. Using this gear, you do not need to buy ammo.

This checkpoint is key
Location: Battleship Bay this is the chapter you arrive at the beach and are looking for Elizabeth
There are 2 pieces of gear at this checkpoint. One is located in the front door and another one is on the left side (If you throw the baseball at the announcer instead of the couple)

Simply restart checkpoint until you get something good:

This is what I got : Enemy's have a chance to provide salt upon death 40% of the time

Note: There is a back room in the battle ship bay. When you go downstairs, you will find this corner full purses. Don't miss it!

Columbia's DLC is it worth it?
Is Columbia's Finest worth it? Yes only for 1999 mode
Note: Items here are NOT part of season pass.
-1) The re-spawn fee for 1999 mode is $100 silver eagles. You can very easily run out of money. Thanks to Columbia's Finest, you start with 500 silver eagles. Additionally, you are awarded with the extra extra gear which grants you 10 silver eagles per voxophone found. This can help you save money and save your life
-2) The shotgun and sniper rifle have their own unique upgrades that are different from the main game. They both receive a damage buff. The 35% damage boost is very nice in 1999 mode
-3) 4 extra lock picks. One of the missions presents you with 2 vaults. Under normal conditions, you can only loot 1. However, with the Columbia's Finest, you are given 4 more lockpicks and can loot both. Therefore, you gain an additional 200 silver eagles (approx)
-4) Gear: In addition to extra extra, you gain Handyman's nemesis which increases your damage against Handyman by 50% great for 1999 mode.
NEW best method-faming Gear, lockpicks and money
Location: Return to the hall of heros. Right after you get the Shock Jockey.
Start from the hall of heros and go down to the airship. However, do NOT call the airship down. Loot whatever you like. Go back to the hall of heros and repeat cycle as many times
Estimated time: 10 min (You do not have to fight all the enemies)
Loot: 200 silver eagles you have to scavage everything. There are 3 shops where you lift the gate. Everything in them respawns!
Gear : 4. However, only 1 gear re-spawns everytime. This is the one inside a shop where you lift the gate.
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This gear is upstairs from return to hall of heros use shock jockey to open the access point. The gear does not respawn

This location is insideone of the shops. Open the gate and use shock jockey inside. Gear repsawns everytime!

This gear is near where you call the blimp but upstairs beside the upper hangers use shock jockey to open the door. Gear does not respawn

2 other shops are full of MONEY!!! The Money Resawpns every time!

Location of the gate!

Note: 2 purses and the cash register have a ton of money.

Another shop:

Note: 2 purses and the cash register have a ton of money.

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What did I get from farming?
The best gear in the game!
Winter Shield. You are invulnerable when you jump off skylines for a few seconds. This is the best gear for Handyman boss fight. The Handyman nemesis gear also helps with this (Columbia's finest DLC)

Winter shield is amazing for crowd control or if u are surrounded with enemies.

Handyman Tips
Here is the gear that I recoomend

Winter shield can be obtained by farming see methods above
Handyman nemesis (Columbia's finest DLC)

While equipping the winter shield, jump to hook or skyline and the jump down for your 10 seconds of Invulnerability! Repeat cycle

One last thing do Not forget Handyman drops one gear. Additionally, there is another peace of gear on the roof (I think it is roof of the Gunship bay)

Lastly, there are 2 gears in the Good time Club
-One is located in the basement
-The other one is in the room upstairs (missable)
Lady Comstock tips
Strategy: Fully Upgrade the Charge Vigour. You will have explosive damage + Invulnerability when using charge. Using Charge, You need to melee charge at her to knock her off balance. Fire 2 shoots at her either with an upgraded shotgun or a carbine. Melee charge at her and repeat the cycle. If you run out of salts, make sure to put on the salt to blood gear.
Note: There is a med Kit box hidden and well covered in a corner.
I used these 2 builds, When I ran out of salt, I changed gear to salt to blood.

Be wary of Snipers in 1999 mode!
With only 1 shot, snipers can remove all of your shield and 30% of your health.
The most dangerous place is the memorial gardens (shown below)
There are 3 snipers. I used the RPG because of splash damage in case if I miss.

Final boss fight
Here is the staretgy I used:
Note: If you have the winter shield, you will easily finish the final boss fight.
Make sure to have Return to Sender fully upgraded. Then Hold and release Return to Sender 3-4 times to protect the Engine

Songbird can take out either Airships or enemies. The cool down rate on the Airships is much longer. I generally use Songbird for Airships. However, the final phase of the boss fight involves 3 Patriots. When the Patriots are grouped together, you can use Songbird to take them out.
Alternatively, you can use Possession on the Patriots to make them fight each other. Don't worry about running out of salts. You can even lay Possession traps near the engine

If You have the winter shield, you can just jump down from the Skyline and take out enemies without taking any damage for a few seconds.

Other Guides
My other guides

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⚡RAID | The Best 25 Feb, 2021 @ 5:04pm 
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 17 Nov, 2020 @ 4:25pm 
thank you very much!
17 Nov, 2020 @ 4:09pm 
This is a very good guide, thank you for making it.
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 11 Dec, 2017 @ 4:51pm 
ty thanks a lot
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 6 Oct, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
before u die restart checkpoint that was you won't lose any money. Try to use cover. I know the beginning of the game is hard (this is before u get any dlc stuff). Look up a speed run on youtube and thanks for your comment
The vintage feeling 24 Aug, 2017 @ 11:33am 
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 24 Aug, 2017 @ 9:43am 
ty congratz on 50
The vintage feeling 24 Aug, 2017 @ 8:26am 
Useful, informative, and well-composed.
Bravo, my friend!
Adam Jensen 007  [author] 19 Jan, 2017 @ 6:08pm 
Thank u very much
Unleash Diaz 19 Jan, 2017 @ 6:08pm 
This guide is very useful to complete game in very hard,like it