Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

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By Lara
A short guide to complete all 8 riddles in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth
This short guide will help you solve the riddles in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth. Following this guide you will unlock the following achievements:

Puzzlesmith Solve your first riddle

Puzzlewizard Solve 3 riddles

Puzzlemaster Solve all 8 riddles

Unfortunately I have to play W:MotU on the lowest settings in order to have smooth gameplay. I apologize for the bad quality screenshots :(.

Leave a comment or rate this guide if it helped you in any way! =}

Finally, a special thanks to Steam-user TetrasTriforce for helping me to solve the final puzzle and providing the solutions for getting the additional hats.

Riddle 1: The Forgotten Township
This is probably the first riddle you come across. It is located in the Forgotten Township, next to the Town Hall.
The riddle is written in binary code and can be converted by either using the hints on the floor, or entering the code in a binary converter.

The answer is: 19

Riddle 2: The Forgotten Township
Another riddle can be found within The Forgotten Township. When following the path next to the Town Hall, passing the forgotten language stone, you can find this riddle on top of the wall next to the gate to the forest and the gated castle in the centre of town.
The first word-based riddle shows a hint on the wall refering to one of the main characters in the storyline.

The answer is: NYONA
The answer for the additional hat is: LINK

Riddle 3: The Forest Floor
From here on out you are free to choose which path to follow to either the forest, the pyramid or the ruins. The Mote Doors to these area's are locked, each costing 1.000 motes to unlock. For me, I went to the forest first where I found the second word-based riddle.

The answer is: POLTO
The answer for the additional hat is: SOULS

Riddle 4: The Howling Chasm
Three riddles can be found near, and in the ruins.
The first can be found near The Forgotten Township. When exiting town through the mote door, you will find an area full of platforms above a river, with some enemies on top of the platforms. Following this path, do not jump on the platforms, instead drop down to find an arrow made of rocks hinting towards a hidden wall, as shown in the first screenshot below. Through this wall lies the second number-riddle.

The answer is: 67

Riddle 5: The Water Wing
Making your way through the ruins, you will first enter The Water Wing. This one is hard to miss, as it is not as well hidden as the others. After moving the vine puzzle around in order to climb the wall, head left and you will see the third word-based puzzle. The hint on the door is refering to the name of the ruins.

The answer is: MERETIAN
The answer for the additional hat is: FINN

Riddle 6: The Lava Wing
The last riddle in the ruins can be found near the end of the lava wing. This one is a bit hard to explain, but eventually you will come across the following puzzle as shown in the first screenshot below. After solving it you can make your way up and find the last riddle in the ruins.

The answer is: 46

Riddle 7: The Gauntlet Chambers
The only riddle that can be found in the pyramid can be found in the Gauntlet Chambers. After lighting two of four braziers in The Unveiled Prism in the pyramid, you are able to light the third through jumping in the large pot of oil. The third area, called The Gauntlet Chambers now opens up. Follow the path untill you come across a large area with a moveable block and a large set of stairs, as shown in the first screenshot below. Head left and you will find the fourth word-based riddle. The skulls on the wall are hinting towards the skeletons you have been fighting.

The answer is: TSARR
The answer for the additional hat is: MARIO

Riddle 8: The Mountain Pass
The final riddle can be found nearing the end of the game. After destroying all three crystals the door opens and you can make your way up the mountain. In the second screen, an area called The Mountain Pass, you can find the final riddle after solving a block puzzle as shown in the first screenshot below. After solving it two doors open on the small flowing river. Enter the one shown in the first screenshot to find the last number riddle. A big thanks to Steam-user TetrasTriforce for helping me solve this one.

Updated answer as of update 5/13; Ty Steam-user OR1ON! The answer is: 310

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for using my guide! Hopefully you've gotten all achievements. Please let me know if I can improve the guide any further or if you're stuck on a certain riddle. I will do my best to help you out.

Also check out my other guides on Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth:
Collect all Health Crystals
Link to guide

Collect all Lore Scrolls
Link to guide
Lulu 3 Apr, 2018 @ 1:47am 
Very useful, thank you :bitt:
Viksom 29 Sep, 2017 @ 10:39am 
Thanks for your guides. They were very usefull. I missed completly the locked hats and the invisible wall.
I made a thread about unsolved secrets, maybe you want take a look!
Necrolexicon 3 Jul, 2016 @ 5:37am 
Thank you so much really helped me out! What do you get if you don't choose the hat version?
OR1ON 7 Jun, 2016 @ 4:25am 
Hey so im currently on the last riddle i tried 313 but it still doesn't work?