Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

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Health Crystals
By Lara
A guide on collecting all 15 Health Crystals in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth
This short guide will help you collect all Health Crystals in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth. Following this guide you will unlock the following achievements:

Juiced Up Collect your first Health Crystal

Growing Pains Collect 5 Health Crystals

Red and Ready Collect all 15 Health Crystals

Screw This Solve the puzzle in the Sewer Adjunct

Achievement fixed in update April 26th.

Besides doing some backtracking, the general order for this walkthrough is as follows:
  • The Sewers
  • The Township
  • The Forest
  • The Meridian Ruins
  • The Pyramid
  • The Mountain Path
Unfortunately I have to play W:MotU on the lowest settings in order to have smooth gameplay. I apologize for the bad quality screenshots :(.

Leave a comment or rate this guide if it helped you in any way! =}

Health Crystal 1: The Sewer Canals
You will find the first crystal right after killing the Mudmen Boss in The Sewer Canals. You litteraly have to dodge this to miss it.

Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 2: The Mayor's Manor
The second crystal is located inside of The Mayor's Manor. It requires a payment of 1.000 motes to obtain this crystal, which shouldn't be too hard as there are a lot of 1000-cluster motes scattered in town.

Requirements: 1.000 motes
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 3: The Forgotten Township
The third crystal is also located in town and can be obtained after rescuing the Shaman in The Royal Bastion. After you've rescued him, you can make your way up the central town wall. The crystal is located above the sewer exit and requires some platforming.

Requirements: Saved town Shaman
Difficulty: 2/5

Health Crystal 4: The Forest Paths
The next crystal is located in The Forest Paths. After making it through the Sanctuary you will exit and end up in The Forest Paths. Turn right and follow the path and you will end up at the first screenshot below. Use Medeira's grow ability on the plant across the canyon and jump your way towards the fourth health crystal.
The plant in this part can be a bit annoying as it despawns fairly quickly.

Requirements: Medeira’s grow ability
Difficulty: 2/5

Health Crystal 5: The Forest Floor
The next crystal is located in the shop near the entrance to The Hanging Village. Like the shop in The Forgotten Township it requires 1.000 motes to unlock.

Requirements: 1.000 motes
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 6: The Canopy
For the next crystal you need to climb all the way up the giant tree to end up in The Canopy. Turn left and use Medeira's ability to grow the flowers and make your way across. The plants can be a bit annoying as their knockback can be fairly strong.

Requirements: Medeira’s grow ability
Difficulty: 3/5

Health Crystal 7: The Sunbaked Terrace
Up next are the Meridian Ruins. After making your way through the dark part with all the wooden crates, exit the stage after the shop. You will end up at a water-like puzzle which requires you to flip some switches. In order to unlock the health crystal, the water needs to flow to the wall it's located at. This shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 8: The Grand Atrium
After crystal 7, make your way back inside and go straight. You will end up in a room filled with movable cubes, as shown in the first screenshot below. After solving the puzzle and making your way up the blocks, follow the terrace and use Medeira’s grow ability to grow flowers and jump towards the terrace as shown in the first screenshot.

Requirements: Medeira’s grow ability
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 9: The Water Wing
Located in The Water Wing in the second large area. Can be collected as soon as you've solved to vines puzzle and followed the waterway to the second area. Requires some platforming but shouldn't be too hard to get.

Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 10: The Towering Trunk
After obtaining Tavian's slingshot ability it's time to do some backtracking to collect some of the crystals we missed out on. The first one is located in The Towering Trunk in the forest. It requires you to shoot down a spiral-like obstacle with the slingshot, as shown in the first screenshot below. It is located on the bottom of The Towering Trunk.
Due to the amount of Mudmen and the shooting plant on the final platform this crystal can be quite hard to collect. Make sure you target the plant and shoot it down with Q or whatever button is mapped to the ability button.

Requirements: Tavian’s slingshot ability
Difficulty: 4/5

Health Crystal 11: The Sewer Adjunct
This health crystal and achievement were fixed in an update on April 26th

The second backtracking we have to do is to The Sewer Adjunct. As shown in the first screenshot below you need Tavian’s slingshot ability to shoot the button and open the door to The Sewer Adjunct. Inside is a short puzzle where you have to turn down a screw. Upon collecting the health crystal you will also unlock the Screw This achievement.

Requirements: Tavian’s slingshot ability
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 12: The Garden Pass
Up next is the route towards the pyramid. In the area next to The Forgotten Township, called The Garden Pass, you will find a yellow crystal on top of a pillar. Shoot down the crystal with Tavian’s slingshot ability. The red target is located on top of the hill as seen on the first screenshot below. After that jump your way towards the health crystal. The platforms can be tricky at times.

Requirements: Tavian’s slingshot ability
Difficulty: 2/5

Health Crystal 13: The Mothballed Stacks
Inside the pyramid after you obtain Bitt’s jump ability, light the third torch and head inside The Gauntlet Chambers and make your way through. Eventually you will end up in an area called The Mothballed Stacks. Located in between two bookcases is a jump pot which requires Bitt’s jump ability. Jump up on the bookcase and turn left. The health crystal should be right across from where you're standing, on top of a bookcase.

Requirements: Bitt’s jump ability
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 14: The Mountain Pass
After destroying the third crystal you can make your way up the mountain. Follow the path and complete the puzzles along the way. At the end of the area called The Mountain Pass, you can see a health crystal up on a cliff as seen on the first screenshot below. Head into the next area called The Mountain Clearing and enter the first cave on your right. Turn right inside the cave and follow the path to enter The Mountain Pass again. There you can collect the crystal.

Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Health Crystal 15: The Mountain Clearing
The final crystal can be collected in The Mountain Clearing. It is located on top of a large stone-like structure and requires Bitt’s jump ability to collect.

Requirements: Bitt’s jump ability
Difficulty: 1/5

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Thank you for using my guide! Hopefully you've gotten all achievements. Please let me know if I can improve the guide any further or if you're stuck on a certain collectable. I will do my best to help you out.

Also check out my other guides on Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth:
Collect all Lore Scrolls
Link to guide

Solve all Riddles
Link to guide