Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth

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Lore Scrolls
By Lara
A guide on collecting all 27 Lore Scrolls in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth
This short guide will help you collect all Lore Scrolls in Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth. Following this guide you will unlock the following achievements:

Lore Student Collect your first Lore Log

Lore Graduate Collect 10 Lore Logs

Lore-d And Saviour Collect all 27 Lore Logs

Besides doing some backtracking, the general order for this walkthrough is as follows:
  • The Shrine
  • The Sewers
  • The Township
  • The Forest
  • The Meridian Ruins
  • The Pyramid
  • The Mountain Path
Unfortunately I have to play W:MotU on the lowest settings in order to have smooth gameplay. I apologize for the bad quality screenshots :(.
To see which scrolls you're missing, you can check if the name of the scrolls mentioned in this guide are missing in your lore list. To make this easier I've added a list with all scroll names in the first chapter of this guide.

Leave a comment or rate this guide if it helped you in any way! =}

Scroll Names + Locations
Below is a short list to see which scrolls you are missing. In the following chapters I'll go into more detail on where to exactly find the scrolls.

Scroll name
The Fire Shrine
The Fire Shrine
Nyona's Prison
The Fire Shrine
Fire Shrine: Sanctuary
The Fire Shrine
Sewer Caves
The Sewer Caves
Sewer Canals
The Sewer Canals
Sewer Adjunct
The Sewer Adjunct
Horatus: Abandoned
The Forgotten Township
The Old Merchant
The Mayor’s Manor
Horatus: Forest Hub
The Forgotten Township
Horatus: Grain Silo
The Grain Silo
Flora: Wiplash
The River Trail
Great Tree Grove
The Forest Paths
Polto Masks
The Forest Floor
Grove: Shmot
The Forest Floor
Grove: Tusk Clan Polto
The Hanging Village
A Grove Muddled
The Towering Trunk
Flora: Potshot
The Howling Chasm
Factorum: Water Gardens
The Sunbaked Terrace
The Forgotten Factorum
The Grand Atrium
Factorum: Under Siege
The Fuming Furnace
Flora: Needlenose
The Garden Pass
The Sunken Pyramid
The Buried Cavern
Tsarr: The Empire
The Mothballed Stacks
Tsarr: The Remnant
The Mothballed Stacks
Mountain Pass
The Mountain Pass
Surpassing the Pass
The Blusterous Edge
Between Two Worlds
The Sacred Pinnacle
Lore Scroll 1: The Fire Shrine
There are a total of three scrolls located in the Fire Shrine area. The first is hard to miss as it is placed on the road where you can't miss it.

Location: The Fire Shrine
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 2: Nyona's Prison
The second scroll is located behind a tree. From the spot where crawled through the hole, turn left and then head straight for the tree ahead.

Location: The Fire Shrine
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 3: Fire Shrine: Sanctuary
The last scroll is located just ouside the shrine. After you enter the door towards the shrine, turn right. It is located on a balcony on the outside of the temple.

Location: The Fire Shrine
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 4: Sewer Caves
To be honest, this was one of the last three scrolls I collected on my first playthrough. I had some trouble cutting the vines and never bothered to keep trying. Just for that fact I'll give this a 2/5 difficulty =}.

Walk straight from the campfire in The Sewer Caves untill you reach a guard with an (un)lit brazier. Behind the guard are some large vines which can be cut down. Follow the path and eventually you will find a scroll on top of some large mushrooms.

Location: The Sewer Caves
Requirements: Weapon
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 5: Sewer Canals
The next scroll is located in the Sewer Canals. After you've dealt with some of the monsters, jump down and take the most left ladder up and kill the giant plant mob. Behind it lies the scroll.

Location: The Sewer Canals
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 6: Sewer Adjunct
This is the first scroll for which you need to backtrack a bit. After you've unlocked Tavian's slingshot ability, head back into the sewers and make your way up the vines in The Sewer Canals. Use the slingshot and enter The Sewer Adjunct. The scroll is located in the room beneath of where you enter.

Location: The Sewer Adjunct
Requirements: Tavian's slingshot ability
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 7: Horatus: Abandoned
After leaving the sewers follow the main storyline untill you've rescued the Shaman in The Royal Bastion. Make your way up the walls around the Polto campment and turn right untill you reach the word-riddle. The scroll is located behind a tree.

Location: The Forgotten Township
Requirements: Rescued the Shaman
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 8: The Old Merchant
After you've killed the corrupted guardian inside The Mayor's Manor, head back inside for a second time. The old merchant will now sell weapons in the front of the store. Make your way to the back of the store which is now opened up. The scroll is located behind a stack of crates.

Location: The Mayor's Manor
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 9: Horatus: Forest Hub
After you've rescued the Shaman, head up the town wall and climb the buildings towards the large Grain Silo. The scroll lies on the roof of the silo.

Location: The Forgotten Township
Requirements: Rescued the Shaman
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 10: Horatus: Grain Silo
Next, head into The Grain Silo after climbing the ladder. You can see the location of the scroll as soon as you enter the silo. Just jump down and collect it =}.

Location: The Grain Silo
Requirements: Rescued the Shaman
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 11: Flora: Wiplash
As mentioned in the introduction I will first make my way through the forest. After opening the mote door head inside and you will enter The River Trail. Keep following the path untill you are nearly entering the forest as seen in the first screenshot below. The scroll is located on the leftside, near the river as seen in the second screenshot.
A 2/5 difficulty, just because it took me days to find this last one! =}

Location: The River Trail
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 12: Great Tree Grove
After entering the forest and dismissing the giant sleeping dog creature, crawl through the opening and turn right. Follow the tree stumps straight through and you'll find the scroll in the middle of some enemies.

Location: The Forest Paths
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 13: Polto Masks
One of the more well hidden scrolls in the game, located underneath a watterfal in The Forest Floor. After clearing the forest of all poison you are allowed access to the Forest Floor as seen in the first screenshot. Turn right untill you see a large tree root, which is also a narrow path you can climb. Jump to the right of this root and the scroll lies underneath the waterfall.

Location: The Forest Floor
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 4/5

Lore Scroll 14: Grove: Shmot
The second scroll located on The Forest Floor. Walk around untill you see a giant red mushroom. Inside you can play a small minigame to gain 1.000 motes after you've obtained Tavian's slingshot ability. The scroll lies on top of the giant mushroom as seen in the screenshot below.

Location: The Forest Floor
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 15: Grove: Tusk Clan Polto
This scroll is located on a small grass mountain in the middle of The Hanging Village. Follow the houses and jump your way across to collect the scroll.

Location: The Hanging Village
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 16: A Grove Muddled
On the bottom of the Towering Trunk is a Mudmen boss with two plants attached to its shoulders. On the side of this small arena there is a path behind a giant skeleton, as seen in the first screenshot below, which leads to another scroll.

Location: The Towering Trunk
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 17: Flora: Potshot
After clearing the forest, up next is the Meridian Ruins. Behind the mote door in The Forgotten Township, towards the ruins, lies The Howling Chasm. The scroll is located on top of a large stone pilar, between three spiky ball throwing enemies.

Location: The Howling Chasm
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 18: Factorum: Water Gardens
Probably the most well hidden scroll out there. It requires some difficult platforming outside of the large ruins.
Make your way to the topside of The Water Wing at the campfire and exit the nearby door. From here, turn left and jump on top of the crates and then on the roof as seen in the first screenshot below. Don't mind the knight who's attacking me at this point =}. Next, turn either left or right and follow the path across the roof as seen in the 2nd and 3rd screenshot below. Personally, I take the left as I find that side easier to jump. You can either use some of the stones that are scattered on the roof and move them in order to jump on the higher pilars, or run and jump around the pilars. After a good while and several pilars later you'll find the scroll on top of the roof as seen in the last screenshot.

Location: The Sunbaked Terrace
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 5/5

Lore Scroll 19: The Forgotten Factorum
After the painful last scroll this scroll is a gift, lying right out in the open for anyone to grab =}. It's located in the central part of The Grand Atrium, near the campfire.

Location: The Grand Atrium
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 20: Factorum: Under Siege
In The Fuming Furnace, either before or after letting the lava flow, you can find the scroll on top of the giant furnace.

Location: The Fuming Furnace
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 21: Flora: Needlenose
After destroying the second crystal, it's time to head for the third and final one. Head through the mote door in The Forgotten Township and you will enter The Garden Pass. Walk straight and don't climb the cliff just yet. Can't miss it. =}

Location: The Garden Pass
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Lore Scroll 22: The Sunken Pyramid
After following the path through The Buried Cavern, you'll find a large building filled with planks to cross as seen in the first screenshot below. Instead of crossing the planks, jump down and head outside through the opening the right as seen on the second screenshot. Turn right again and you'll see the scroll after crossing a couple of platforms.

Location: The Buried Cavern
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 23: Tsarr: The Empire
A somewhat difficult to find scroll. Inside The Mothballed Stacks, an area well after lighting the third brazier and passing through The Gauntlet Chambers, you'll find a jump pad in between two bookcases, as seen on the first screenshot below. Jump up using Bitt’s jump ability and turn right, jumping over two sets of bookcases. There you will see another jump pad. Face it in the direction as shown in the second screenshot and fly straight untill you see an area filled with loads of pots. The scroll is located in the centre of these pots.

Location: The Mothballed Stacks
Requirements: Bitt’s jump ability
Difficulty: 3/5

Lore Scroll 24: Tsarr: The Remnant
The final scroll located inside the pyramid. Located in between two bookcases in an additional area of The Mothballed Stacks.
After you've killed two assassins, the door opens towards the fourth brazier. Instead, take the ladder next to this door as seen in the first screenshot. Walk on top of the bookcases and make your way to the flower pot, using it to fly across to the top door exit. Both can be seen on the second screenshot.
Walk ahead and turn right to walk on a slightly higher area. Near the end turn left to find the scroll in between two bookcases.

Location: The Mothballed Stacks
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 25: Mountain Pass
After destroying the third crystal follow the path towards the mountain. In the second area called The Mountain Pass, solve the puzzles untill you've made the platforms rise in the water. Cross the platforms and start to climb the mountain as seen on the first screenshot. The scroll is located on the platform I'm standing on in the second screenshot, but I accidentally grabbed it ={.

Location: The Mountain Pass
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 26: Surpassing the Pass
After making it through The Mountain Clearing and passing through The Mountain Camp, you'll end up in a snowy area called The Blusterous Edge. Keep following the path untill you find a large Meretian Knight carrying a tier 3 large hammer. Located in front of the knight is a flower pot as shown in the screenshot below. Facing the same direction as the first screenshot, enter the pot and fly towards the right, slightly around the mountain. You can land inside a small cave where the scroll is located as shown on the second screenshot.

Location: The Blusterous Edge
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 2/5

Lore Scroll 27: Between Two Worlds
After killing the last Meretian guardian you're allowed to climb up to the final area called The Sacred Pinnacle. After entering, turn right and make your way towards the cliffs edge. Look down and there lies the final scroll =}.

Location: The Sacred Pinnacle
Requirements: None
Difficulty: 1/5

Thank you!
Thank you for using my guide! Hopefully you've gotten all achievements. Please let me know if I can improve the guide any further or if you're stuck on a certain collectable. I will do my best to help you out.

Also check out my other guides on Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth:
Collect all Health Crystals
Link to guide

Solve all Riddles
Link to guide
Zweihander 11 Jan, 2020 @ 12:35pm 
Thanks for your help with these guides. Any chance you remember where the old hoarder is?
MKO- 13 Oct, 2018 @ 7:43pm 
I collected all the lore scrolls and did not get the achievement :( Thank you for your help, would have never noticed the last one.
Lara  [author] 10 Jun, 2018 @ 8:59am 
Thank you for your kind words :)
Parallel Platypus 10 Jun, 2018 @ 8:19am 
I couldn't finish this game without your help! Thank you so much for such great guides! :caster_happy:
Lulu 3 Apr, 2018 @ 1:47am 
Very useful, thank you :bitt:
Volanare 3 May, 2016 @ 4:04am 
I don't think I could possibly tell you! That would spoil any surprises that Tim might've hidden there. :steamhappy:
Lara  [author] 28 Apr, 2016 @ 12:48pm 
And I forgot to mention the door on top the giant pyramid :skyelaugh:
Lara  [author] 28 Apr, 2016 @ 10:22am 
Thanks Volanare :D! I sure did enjoy! And eventhough I feel like I've explored every nook and cranny, there are still some mysterious left unresolved! For instance; what's inside the tiny castle in the middle of the township? Where do the doors above the sewer adjunct and sewer caves lead to? What is the bridge doing up high in the air near the end of the water wing? What is up the ladder behind the closed bars in the lava wing? And finally, what lies beyond the statue in the ???-area. As I've collected all collectables ingame, I can only think of some hidden hats that are stored there, a shop that sells tier-3 weapons (as I'm still missing that achievement) or some fun easter eggs =}.
Volanare 27 Apr, 2016 @ 12:38am 
Lara, this guide is terrific! Thanks for all your hard work. Hope you enjoyed hunting them all down :)