Hatred 1.666
Showing 1-10 of 46 entries
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Update: 24 Mar @ 12:42am

Re-build and re-uploaded because some changes were missing.

Update: 23 Mar @ 3:08am

- Fade out when starting a new game or level to hide sky glitching on lower Details modes
- Apply blood to NPCs when shooting in FPS or TPS

Update: 21 Mar @ 5:52pm

- Actually made new music behave like music and obey sound settings
- Ambient sounds are now turned off when played with Kane & Lynch soundtrack
- Fixed music in Rockshield

Update: 21 Mar @ 2:24am

- Added new soundtrack - Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
- Added smoke trails to bullets
- Fixed shotgun trail disappearing almost immediately
- Fixed Pistol sound not playing when shooting too fast
- Changed UI "hover" sound
- Fixed film grain
- Made flesh impact sound louder, fades out at a longer distance
- Clean-up UI
- Louder shots during executions, with added distant echo effect
- Muzzle flash is now much more visible during executions
- Blood particles emit for a longer duration
- Vivid blood option changed - the "no" is now as strong as previous "yes", and "yes" is even stronger
- New pistol shot sound

Update: 28 Feb @ 1:26am

- Added an option to play with unmodded soundtrack
- Small changes in the Tutorial
- Slightly improved performance in Prison
- Fixed visibility of certain buildings in Downtown when playing in top-down
- Reverted recent change to RPG enemies as it made Army Base unplayable
- Raised ceiling of the Army Base entrance building for better visibility while using the turret in first/third person
- Prime Time cheat is now locked the same way as other cheats

Update: 1 Feb @ 5:25pm

- Potentially fixed "low" and "medium" Details mode not being applied when using "continue" from the main menu
- Sounds and music are breaking up less often when a lot of enemies are shooting
- (1.666 only) Civilians in the final cutscene of the Power Plant are now colored

Update: 18 Jan @ 11:16pm

- Outline color can now be customized. To get you to notice this option its default was made to be white.
- Flesh Seeker cheat: now also works for top-down; can be configured to be shown on-hold for FPS/TPS.
- Crosshair now has the same extended palette as the outline

Update: 17 Jan @ 8:14pm

- Improve grenade launcher - grenade explodes instantly on impact after flying for 0.3 seconds, otherwise it bounces for shooter's safety; no crosshair; aims a little higher by default unless playing in VR; max ammo is bumped from 10 to 15
- Improve throwables' trajectory in FPS/TPS - now aiming angle actually matters
- Flying molotov now has a bottle mesh
- Fixed Bill's eyeballs in first-person dodge
- Increase slo-mo to 5 seconds max
- People now spawn with a fade-in effect (where possible)
- Tweaked RPG-wielding AI to be more aggressive - they're still dumb though
- New gear spawn menu in cheats
- Increased render distance on vanilla maps a bit
- Added text shadows everywhere in the UI + some other small changes
- (1.666 only) Fixed lewd TV shows

Update: 11 Oct, 2024 @ 5:28pm

- Fixed Bill's black eyes and grey face texture; no plans to color the suit
- Fixed shotgun aiming when using "shoot where gun points" (again)
- Restored animu shows that disassapeared after one of recent updates
- Fixed overlapping music in main menu
- Linux build

Update: 5 Oct, 2024 @ 8:45pm


- Add custom Film Grain toggle with 3 options
- Fix an issue where selected character model wasn't used during cutscenes if playing in first person.
- Added own first-person hands for Bill
- Bill is properly colored now