Hatred 1.666
Vergil  [author] 11 minutes ago 
@Famix Your tears gave me a boner bro
156 17 hours ago 
Postalcatgirl 22 Mar @ 7:21am 
kil peopol
SYNParadoxx 21 Mar @ 9:33pm 
whoa whoa update-?
GoofyGamer.avi 21 Mar @ 7:24am 
GoofyGamer.avi 18 Mar @ 3:01pm 
Vergil  [author] 18 Mar @ 1:00pm 
Igoreso  [author] 18 Mar @ 12:13am 
Commander Holden 18 Mar @ 12:08am 
Is there any way to play the military base and power plant levels?
Vergil  [author] 16 Mar @ 9:46pm 
The mod is meant to be hard, so hardcore players like me can have fun challenging themselves. I even added Iframes to rolls so you can pretend this mod is soulslike and start panic-rolling for your life lol
Igoreso  [author] 16 Mar @ 8:32pm 
The game was always hard. Use basic tactics, this is not DOOM.
xXxEmoGiirliie666xXx 16 Mar @ 8:28pm 
this makes the game so difficult.. i am playing on easy mode and it's hell especially in the train station part
CheeZed_ 14 Mar @ 7:38pm 
Vergil  [author] 14 Mar @ 10:17am 
FAQ you.
Igoreso  [author] 13 Mar @ 11:29pm 
See FAQ.
Scarface 13 Mar @ 11:12pm 
Amazing mod, but what was with the whole rape and genital mutilation thing at the beginning, is it just shock or is that a fetish thing for you... cos you're weird for that bro
Wehzy 11 Mar @ 10:10am 
Good stuff!
Igoreso  [author] 9 Mar @ 5:54pm 
Furthermore, let it be so that if you're gay already - then you just suck.
Kind regards,
mod devs
Vergil  [author] 9 Mar @ 11:15am 
@Sterling240 I don't recall leaving any comment that was vaguely subjective about this subject. What I often say is "whoever reuploads this mod is gay" and I'm pretty sure you don't wanna be gay.
Igoreso  [author] 8 Mar @ 10:43pm 
My stance: please don't, as we have no control over it and thus we can't maintain it. Not even sure why people buy there. Steam's workshop allows automatic mod updates and there are less instructions on setting up - people can't even follow current ones. But I'm not going to chase and sue those who upload.
Good to clarify anyways i guess, Also another quick question:
What would your guys' opinion/stance be on someone potentially re-hosting/re-uploading your mods on alternative websites such as Moddinghaven, DEG Games, Basedmods etc. for the GOG Version or Zoom Platform versions of the game?

I ask because i saw one of you leave a comment that was a bit subjective as to if it was okay or not under a YouTube video of a user who did host 1.666 externally on Mediafire.
Vergil  [author] 8 Mar @ 5:53pm 
@Sterling240 This mod is dead AF, not even money would make me change my mind
Igoreso  [author] 8 Mar @ 4:32pm 
We don't have motivation to do anything significant, this is definite and won't ever change. I'm only doing tiny changes here and there between playing other games, but I don't even have a list of things to do, this is sporadic and often these experiments are not even finished because I lose motivation in the process. So what we currently have in 1.333 and 1.666 is effectively a "definitive edition" already, you won't see much else, if anything at all.
Do you guys have any doubts on leaving the mod alone permanently or do you maybe foresee a possible return to the mod in the future?

Just asking to clarify definitively since the FAQ was last edited a year ago and sometimes people change their minds.
Vergil  [author] 2 Mar @ 7:59am 
Perhaps maybe.
Igoreso  [author] 2 Mar @ 12:39am 
Perhaps yes.
Vergil  [author] 1 Mar @ 8:33pm 
Perhaps no.
Igoreso  [author] 1 Mar @ 3:50pm 
Agony'sSaver 1 Mar @ 3:35pm 
Does this mod turn off achievement progress?
Vergil  [author] 28 Feb @ 9:17pm 
but don't bet on it.
Vergil  [author] 28 Feb @ 9:17pm 
@Lecetriz there is no next update, Igoreso is kicking a dead horse at this point out of boredom for the lulz, it's our pet-project after all.

If I ever touch this mod again, I'll probably replace Bernie Sanders with the United Healthcare CEO talking about free-market BS, so we can Mangione him at downtown
Igoreso  [author] 28 Feb @ 3:58pm 
No, I don't think you should. I am the only one occasionally fiddling with the mod out of boredom, and I'm mostly repurposing what's already in it. There are no new big ideas or plans.
Lecetriz 28 Feb @ 3:51pm 
Should I hope that the next update will perhaps include Manhunt 2 music? Because I miss the old version when the music got more disturbing or tense depending on the main quest we were on. Like leo mod
Igoreso  [author] 27 Feb @ 10:03pm 
No, only audio.
Is there a way to turn off the tv displays and audio all together? (Like the prime time cheat but it disables the display aswell.)
Vergil  [author] 26 Feb @ 3:43pm 
FAQ you.
Igoreso  [author] 26 Feb @ 12:24pm 
See FAQ.
raizer 26 Feb @ 10:39am 
Can you tell me how to change the view, I just stupidly have it on top. Sorry if I missed it.
Vergil  [author] 25 Feb @ 3:27pm 
@Reverse Beartrap Lower the volume down to 0 and play the default tracks in the background lul
Igoreso  [author] 24 Feb @ 10:25pm 
Can a man make a joke sometimes?..
Reverse Beartrap 24 Feb @ 7:22pm 
@Igoreso So I didn't write to you. Do you have a man in the block or something? I wrote to you about your cool mod.
Igoreso  [author] 24 Feb @ 7:12pm 
Valid point, we also often choose to not give a fcuk, so we're even.
Reverse Beartrap 24 Feb @ 6:55pm 
@GoofyGamer.avi I don't give a fuck about the nature of this comment. I'll choose the positive one because I didn't give any reasons for the opposite.
Reverse Beartrap 24 Feb @ 6:47pm 
Well, without a soundtrack, it's not "in color" either. I would like a different one. Or not reinvent the wheel, but just leave the original.
Igoreso  [author] 24 Feb @ 11:46am 
Spoiler but soundtrack toggle is already in the works, although only because I wanted it myself.
Vergil  [author] 24 Feb @ 9:55am 
@Reverse Beartrap You can lower the music volume to 0
GoofyGamer.avi 24 Feb @ 8:34am 
Urgh... my fricking god, Beartrap - your review is just diabolical af. Sometimes I wonder if there are some people who still have their brains intact in regards to modding...
Reverse Beartrap 24 Feb @ 4:46am 
But the music is disgusting. Why was it necessary to insert it and how to remove it?
Reverse Beartrap 24 Feb @ 4:44am 
"Game blocks you from unlocking achievements when you're playing any mod, not just 1.666 or 1.333." It's fucked up and sad. I was already hoping to get through this top addon on "Insane" and get an achievement. So he would have helped a lot: I passed the first level (albeit on the 10th attempt). But at least I wasn't killed in the beginning. As a whole, it's a very interesting mod. So many details are revealed, and the game feels new. It's like it was originally made for a third person, but then they decided to change the look. Great mod!

By the way. The achievement of "50 hours" is counted.