The Bretonnian Crusades (Version 1.0.1) (Single-player Only)
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Update: 29 Jan, 2022 @ 6:31pm

The following is a list of changes and bug fixes in version 1.0.1.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a white background would appear on the Blessings of the Lady screen once we pass tier 11. The maximum of 11 is now forced and the correct image is shown.

- Fixed the rounding error sometimes shown when upgrading an Errantry Banner.

- Fixed an issue with Louen's Fealty to the King for Thegans Crusaders token. At tier 3 the Public Order was +5, but it dropped to +4 at tier 4. This has been changed to +6 at tier 4.

- Bows of Shallya now gain red-line bonuses like Bowmen as intended. Note that the text for the bonuses does not show the Bows of Shallya.

- Fixed an issue where the call crusade button would sometimes not register the click event.

Integration to OVN
I am happy to announce integration with OVN Lost Factions allowing the player to crusade against 6 of the races added by that mod.

* Albion
* Amazons
* Araby
* Chaos Dwarfs
* Fimir
* Halflings

If you do not have OVN activated the banners still show in the Errantry Banner screen, you just don't get to interact with them.

UI Changess
Divine Will Screen
The Divine Will UI has been given a facelift. Buttons should look a little clearer, and are now blue when activated. The background has also changed to a better image.

Errantry Banner Screen
The banners at the bottom of the screen now show the factions that you can crusade against to claim the banner's rewards, along with a description of which units are affected. This allows the player to plan out their crusades around the bonuses.

Balance Changes
Lady's Champions
- Weapon Damage increased to 25 from 20.
- Melee Attack increased from 36 to 40.
- Melee Defence decreased from 42 to 36.

Manann Guard
- Weapon Damage increased to 20 from 7.
- Melee Defence reduced to 44 from 48.

Update: 22 Jan, 2022 @ 10:05pm

Initial Version 1.0.0