Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

Wildlander Invasion (Black Reliquary Teaser)
192 kommenttia
Virtual_Pornhuber 20.6. klo 5.35 
Beaten them with MAM+ space cocaine dodge spam. This mod is hard.
nishi 11.6. klo 19.21 
really made for Black Reliquary, it's unbalanced for "vanilla" Darkest Dungeon
Fenragon 2.6. klo 8.46 
@2Wicked This mod is for normal DD. It was released as a teaser for BR and is not compatible with BR.
2Wicked 31.5. klo 18.11 
If I have Black Reliquary already downloaded do I need this mod? Is this mod additional content, or is this mod included in Black Reliquary?
OMR123213 27.5. klo 9.17 
이거 잘못 만들었음 하지마라 사기 모드 없으면 쨉이 안될거임 바닐라로 도전하는 모드가 아님
밸런스 조절을 잘못한듯 괜히 했다 전설파티만 잃었네 ㅋㅋ 시발거 좀 조정을 제대로 하던가
DanielVector99910103 6.5. klo 3.36 
This mod isn't for normal DD game, right?
JetKong 20.4. klo 2.12 
Got 2 teams and one sacrifice retreat to finally beat her, those dog like things were horrible and got stuck with the helmet fangs ladies for obvious reasons, overall its good
Rat King Skorn 3.4. klo 22.51 
Fleece21 8.2. klo 1.25 
I got my Reynauld crushed by a 7ft tall cannon wielding woman wearing almost nothing
10/10, would recommend
zzz... 3.2. klo 9.33 
Being playing with your mod extencively I have a game-desighn proposition.
Considering the sheer difficuty of this encounter... And this encounter IS difficult. Yes there are replies of some people here who were lucky to guess all the mechanics. But still this encounter is on the Darkest Dungeon level difficulty with all the damage and "50+ crits".
Losing a hero to retreat is too much. You can be punished by death and the loss of trinkets if you dont retreat when it is time. This is fair. You are punished for overconfidence. Plus a chance of failing to retreat - to keep the player on his toes.
But losing a lvl 6 hero to retreat punishes for the rational desicion that is probably made bc of the "65 hp crit" on the "50 HP 30 PROT tank (one of my cases). A punishment for being unlucky is a bad mechanic. It might be "realistic". Shit happends, yes. But "realism" doesn't always mean "fun".
zzz... 3.2. klo 9.32 
I have to buy food and fill out rent forms in real life. It's not fun. There is a reason for the Shrieker existance in the default game. Nobody likes losing game-changing trinkets for being unlucky.
This mechanic is somewhat tolerable in the Darkest Dungeon, because by that time you typically have 8+ "lvl 6's" heroes. And a lot of these heroes combos do work in the DD encounters. Plus having a single "bullshit mechanic" on a final boss is... more tolerable i think (It's a final boss, you know, so one bullshit mechanic this time you will have to deal with.)
Here you really MUST bring a special heroes to have a decent chance to win. And what if you have only 4 heroes who can decently put a pressure on the pos-4 boss? And you can't try again, after learning the mechanics without losing a lvl-6 hero.
Yes you can just sacrifice lvl-0 randos and be done with it for the time. But that's never fun. At least for me.
zzz... 3.2. klo 9.31 
So. How about removing the retreat-sacrifice mechanic and maybe introduce a more tolerable one? Like -1000g weekly as the "tribute to the invader". They are barbarians after all. So let them behave like Tatars on the submissed land. This way player will have the option to retreat without the "losing lvl-6" penalty anytime. Learning mechanics and preparing properly is the main fun of this game after all. And -1000g is tolerable. If you dont fail 10 missions in a raw...
I don't really know if my idea is possible to code in. But I suspect that the inability to retreat unpenalised is the main reason people complain about the sheer difficulty of your otherwise really good mod.
NGKBRS 4.1. klo 13.16 
3/2 just bring PD-Vestal-Flag-healer/tank/support(Exanimate, Cleric Errant, Templar) and this shit is as free as every other modded boss bro
NGKBRS 4.1. klo 13.12 

-The first 3 ranks are populated with weapon crates. The weapon crates have 84 hp and are completely immune to any DOTs. This already makes taking care of them a bit of a hassle, if you went for Bleed and Blight, but once you kill one, she summons a 40~ HP minion with high DPS, the HP meaning you aren't consistently oneshotting it. Again, because this is combined with her having 3 actions/round, spending this many rounds trudging through her barrage results in no time for any 3rd rank damage to actually get through

I don't think the boss is overtuned, she's pretty beatable with prior knowledge and on a modded saveslot, but the Warhawk absolutely requiring you to use backline DPS, when you have no clues that you have to bring backline DPS(especially as the natural point-of-reference for wildlanders is bandits, which don't at all want you to bring 4th rank hitters), combined with the mission having the retreat-and-lose-1-hero mechanic, honestly feels like straight up bad design.
NGKBRS 4.1. klo 13.12 

I know this is supposed to be hard, but the design of the boss legit feels like hostile DMing. You can really only use one gameplan and the Warhawk Matron has absurdly good tools that make basically any other composition unusable

-Her attacks are completely unripostable. If you had frontliners who could contribute a bit to hitting backline through ripostes, sorry, no you don't
-Her movement resistance isn't absurd, but pulling her makes her do a melee attack. This is fine, basically every ranged damage enemy has a retreating attack, but hers does decent damage and makes her go BACK 3 IN ONE TURN. She's also fairly fast and has 3 turns/round, so pulls really don't open up any damage window for frontline DPS to get working
Buttmold32 1.11.2023 klo 5.55 
This is so unreasonably hard, they killed my dismas. Models are pretty but this seems unbeatable. Fix pls.
Sans??? 26.10.2023 klo 12.17 
they killed my lvl 6 Dismiss
I hate you and I love you lmao
🌧️ rainycake 🎂 16.10.2023 klo 6.45 
This is one of the most difficult content mods I have ever played in Darkest Dungeon.
Steven Legstrong 3.10.2023 klo 17.28 
This is singlehandly the hardest boss I have ever fought, the difficulty is insanely high, but I love hard mods so it balances out, winning by the skin of my teeth is something I will never forget because DAMN did it feel good to survive + the Trophy is stupid good with the Falconer.
Overall, a must have for any crazy fool that enjoys the thrill of difficult boss fights and events that break the monotony.
To everyone else who wants to try this mod, do not install if you are a casual or you can't handly spicy looking mods (Coward)
libero2711 5.9.2023 klo 1.41 
you guys are sick
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.16 
I forgor.
Is this event repeatable? Can you make it so? It was so much fun, I want to go again!
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.14 
-The Wildland Bombastic Babes of Big Butts and Big Ass Guns. I love/hate them. Thicc enough to survive 2-3 rounds of damage, and hit like the trucks their design was inspired in. All good, BUTT I believe their melee attack with the cannon is too overwhelming for the damage it does (+crits jesus christ) and needs a tuning down. They are using BIG ASS cannons for the fight, seems unfair to get rekt by the plastic tusks on their huge guns.

And that's it. Overall I really really enjoyed this mod, 8.8/10. Its definitely hard, not for the faint of heart or the ones that get attached to parties too quickly, and I firmly believe that with a bit of tuning here and there this could be one of the Greatest of all time in the workshop.

PD. "its LE BAD because its LE HARD" lmao GIT GUD
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.14 
I know its supposed to be Hard but this seems extremely unnecessary, considering that the interactions between Player - Ammo - Warmommy are way more fun and could offer an added Risk/Reward to the fight, like the Consecrated Pews for the Prophet.

-Unlike some of the comments here, the Hyenas NEVER dodged my attacks and seem annoying rather than BS lethal. Their "do a barrel roll" attack seems a bit OP though, a bleed or stun proc instead might balance that out.
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.13 
Just like Prophet, the quickest way to end the fight is focusing down the Warhawk Mommy, she doesn't have PROT and a regular-ish DODGE, but she's THICC AF boi, so crits are a must.

-Warhawk Mommy has a really frustrating mechanic and that is: if you destroy one of her ammopiles, you negate that type of ammo for her, but she IMMEDIATLY summons a Wildland Babe that adds up to the total DPS of the fight.
This is not only unfair but kills the fun right out of the fight AND it doesn't provide anything to the player other than expediting the Total Party Wipe, and negating the Warmommy 1 of her 2 least used ammo options, since 80% of the fight she will spam her plant ammo, on 3rd position.
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.12 
There are some ancestor backpacks in the long route but honestly I came out barely alive after the Boss Matron so I don't think they are worth it.

Now regarding the Warhawk Matron SPOILERS AHEAD

Big Muscle Viking Mommy is tough, DARKEST tough. It reads like a Prophet Boss fight on cocaine and steroids.

I absolutely LOVED her ammunition interactions, BUT I wish there was more clarity regarding the effects of 2/3.
That is, the plant ammo, blights, and heal her.
I have no idea what the other 2 do other than look really sick.
There's living amber monster ammo, and cannonball and swords ammo.
I think one of those is supposed to bleed but I'm not sure.
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.11 
Overall the dungeon is hard to beat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

My first party full lvl 5 party was wiped out, but I attribute it more to pathing (took the long route) and torch than anything else. If you dont take the most "Optimized" route you're in for a world of pain.

Enemies are balanced in my opinion with a couple of exceptions (Wildlander Dumptruck Bombard), with good synergy and a lot of damage, no PROT and decent DODGE coming up with really slow SPDs that allow for tactical options. In my experience is better to bring a Vestal and Death Door Trinkets, you might be looking at some 40+ DMG crits on the Viking-helmet ladies.
Xγρhοs 1.9.2023 klo 19.11 
Just finished this and OH BOY ITS HARD. Oh and the Mod is difficult too I guess. :lunar2019laughingpig:

The designs and voices are absolutely FLAWLESS, despite its horny appearance doesn't feel out of the DD universe at all and really add to the Hellion visual lore, speaking of which, CRIT Hellion/Shieldbreaker in 1st is an absolutely must, she hard counters the Boss Warhawk Matron, also something that hits in 4th rank is absolutely necessary, otherwise youre fucked.
Beldaar 31.7.2023 klo 3.49 
Unfortunately, a very bad teaser, because these Amazonesses are way less unfair in the real mod. The works is amazing in the real mod, but it is a shame no-one in the team bothered to look at the reviews for this vanilla-linked mod. At least warn about the obvious unfairness (even for Darkest Dungeon).

Just check Black Reliquary because it's awesome, and uninstall this mod because it is completely unbalanced and because they'll never look at it ever again.
Sly Rambo 17.6.2023 klo 7.52 
Also the boss is just flat out broken, 3 turns per round, cant be riposted, high dodge, 20-30 single target and 10-15 dmg whole team. I lost the whole team ovbiously. smhhhhh
Sly Rambo 17.6.2023 klo 7.46 
As others have stated, this is a really well made mod. HOWEVER it is incredibly overtuned. You cant retreat, you cant avoid the fight and the enemies are just OP. It also states its a short Dungeon but its really not. I took a full level 6 squad in with multiple high level trinkets and they just couldnt survive the non stop OP enemies throughout the hallways. Especially as others have noted, the Hyenas. They are fast, dodge alot and do about 15-20 damage per hit. They even can summon fresh hyenas mid fight.

Im just gonna take the hit, lose my team and all their high level trinkets and remove the mod.

Id advise against using this mod unless your a glutton for punishment.
Kuma 15.5.2023 klo 15.03 
I like the boss design, any chances to have a class overhaul for the enemies here?
Also regarding their strenght, obviously you are meant to use modded classes like unchained, or custom ones, the vanilla ones are not enough.
Bwrods 4.5.2023 klo 8.33 
It took one try for me to figure out... Thing is hard as hell and almost unfair at some points - The hyenas dodging absolutely everything against 95% chance of hit and taking one turn after another is something worth of uninstalling this mod. BUT. The art is cool, a bit senseless, but cool (you have on one side a copypaste of Hellion with a jpg helmet on her face and on the other side, a complete new art of a cannon-nude-girl with an enormous ass that ALSO has jiggling physics. I just can't man XD)

Overall, good mod, wish the common enemies could appear in the weald, the main mission had some hints and a small lore, like the incandescent whisperer. But it is what it is... Solid 6/7
Cheerio's 22.4.2023 klo 5.47 
fucking awful mod enemies way too overpowered just my lost my best vestal personally screw you
Wムイ乇尺ᄊ乇レの刀 16.4.2023 klo 11.52 
Can we get the boss has a playable character after we beat her I would love to be able to play as the boss
ICECOLDWRXST 9.4.2023 klo 14.43 
Thank god I read the comments, I almost installed this mod. I tested it and yeah, way too op, you will lose your heroes so fast with the insane damage. Even Man-At-Arms can't protect himself from the damage that well.
just_another_glinko 9.4.2023 klo 1.18 
Really weak attempt at copying original Vvulf town event. Can't recommend in its current state.
Enemies are way overbuffed, with easy 20-30 damage per turn which can end your advance in a couple of fights even with several healers.
Voice effects are sub par in a really tryhard way and give me a feeling of a kid from twitter using a microphone, not something that belongs in a heavy atmosphere game.
Enemy design, again, solidifies the image of creators being pervish kids born after 2000 without a sence of style and measure.

Stay away from this mod.
Trilobiteer 14.3.2023 klo 0.00 
Good looking mod but the enemies feel overtuned, particularly the hyenas and the boss, I brought a fully kitted out Leper, Crusader, Occultist and Vestal with ringmaster trinkets to the final boss and still nearly got wiped in a half dozen hall and room fights on the way only to find out she summons if you destroy her equipment and pushes herself to the back again. WHY? Up until then she had been a really fun boss fight with an interesting mechanic which encouraged me to engage with it, but putting her in the back with good, tough summons every turn on top of her attacks (which don't get weaker when you destroy her gear btw, no idea why) makes her ridiculous. Thanks for the effort I guess, it really is a good looking mod, just would have been more fun without the cheap summons, ridiculous crit-seeking hyena missiles and lack of reward for engaging with the boss mechanics.
UndeadAbuse 5.3.2023 klo 21.14 
Putting it out here now: the Wanderer is an amazing character to bring to the final boss. Pair him up with an untouchable Houndmaster and the rest is just a war of attrition.
FriZo 19.2.2023 klo 7.02 
The mod is just super... hyenas kill any character per entry.... then they call for more hyenas, out of 4 characters, only 1 survived... very interesting.
the repost does not react to the attacks of the boss .... what kind of nonsense?
He took away the 2nd group of characters, alive, the cook died when leaving the dungeon ... what the hell are such miracles? Thanks I played enough, not for this I rocked the characters for 20 hours ... So that the boss unfairly killed them all.
Hero 12.2.2023 klo 9.58 
One Crit from the boss lady Instantly did 87 damage to my Rudiment (modded class) Almost died but my vestal has busted healing thanks to 4 trinkets mod
10 out of 10 wish the boss would step on me:steamthumbsup:
Jsaw 11.2.2023 klo 11.00 
could take the cannon off and make her play like doomfist or something
Jsaw 11.2.2023 klo 10.59 
wish we had the giant cannon arm valkryie lady as a playable character
Noctropolitan 8.2.2023 klo 5.10 
Enemies are WAY too OP. My group of lvl-6 highly geared legends was torn to pieces in two combats. And the mod forces you to sacrifice one hero to retreat because reasons.
Enemies can make a normal attack (Not crit) of 18 damage aprox. Much, much more if they crit (One archer dealed 42 to one hero, he was top health, and suddenly on death's door), They have a large healthpool, can buff themselves, can AOE attack with the power of a standard single blow, they can debuff, and stun. Oh, and the hyenas can call other hyenas.
Add that to the RNG nature of Darkest Dungeon and you have frustrating and unbalanced experience.
WhiteCrow 6.2.2023 klo 13.45 
Biggus Tiddius.
Wilson 5.2.2023 klo 10.24 
lol team killed.
Lady Liliana 27.1.2023 klo 11.25 
Those tiddie are hecking chonkers.
Alltough monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue..
horseradish772 31.12.2022 klo 12.56 
look at the jahonkers on that ho
Xur's Exotic Taco 16.12.2022 klo 21.06 
Bro fuck the Warhawk, that bitch made me lose two absolute legends for my runs, other than that, fun mod
Suskun Durgun 16.12.2022 klo 12.53 
oldboy 27.11.2022 klo 10.39 
Now why would i want to defeat a massive, muscle-bound, war-painted, redhead warlord woman? Seems like a waste..