

Integrated Lovin' and Fertility Genes
Lil Beetle 15 Aug @ 11:19am 
@KITA, Rimsort crashes my game on start up and i have no idea why. RimPy works but I wish I could use RimSort
KiTA 8 Aug @ 10:53am 
I can confirm it's specifically in RimPy. RimSort (the open source replacement for RimPy) doesn't have the issue. I'm guessing RimPy cached the requirement, or some database was set to manually set the requirement, or somesuch. One of WVC's mods had the same issue IIRC.

Anyway what I'm saying is use RimSort. ;)
Alite  [author] 25 Jul @ 7:39am 
I asked some people about it, and it sounds like RimPy is having more and more issues with dependencies. My guess is that some part of their code sees the two options and assumes that both are required.
sayheyjay 25 Jul @ 7:21am 
Great, thanks. I also checked the About file before posting and didn't see them, that's why I was confused.
Alite  [author] 25 Jul @ 5:54am 
No. I double-checked just to be sure, and the about file doesn't list them as dependencies, so it's an issue with RimPy. Those mods would only be of value if you don't have the all in one.
sayheyjay 24 Jul @ 12:18pm 
RimPy throws a error that I'm missing the fertility genes and libido genes mods, but I'm using the all in one mod. Is RimPy right?
Alite  [author] 18 Mar @ 3:12pm 
So it would seem. Looks like I merged a couple files and forgot to delete the originals. I'll have a fix uploaded shortly.
Matsay 18 Mar @ 9:15am 
The vanilla races get patched twice, you probably forgot to erase surplus files. True for both 1.4 & 1.5 folders.
Alite  [author] 28 Feb @ 12:26pm 
Based on what I've seen of the Way Better Romance system and its biotech patches, the asexual sexual repulsion mechanic is not a replacement for the libido system, but an addition. There are no patches in Way Better Romance for the vanilla libido genes, so my libido genes are exactly as compatible as those.

I'm not planning on making an asexual gene out of the very low libido genes since those are intended to decrease frequency, not stop lovin' completely. I believe I have seen other mods that do add an asexual gene, so I don't think there would be any value to adding one to this mod.
ELLIOTTCABLE on Discord 28 Feb @ 11:50am 
Ah, I didn't explain very well - it looks like your own Libido Genes is incompatible with the Way Better Romance system (in particular, there's a new 'sex repulsion' mechanic for asexual pawns.)

Perhaps I'm wrong and they're compatible? But if not, it could be fun for the "Very Low Libido" xenotypes assigned in this mod could be assigned a forced-"Asexual" trait instead.

Just a thought, not important at all. (=
Alite  [author] 20 Feb @ 4:52am 
Those genes do not appear to touch libido at all, so there would be no reason to add integration for it.
ELLIOTTCABLE on Discord 19 Feb @ 11:48pm 
Is there any chance you'd add integration for Way Better Sexuality Genes as an alternative to your own Libido Genes? (Basically use the same mappings, just using WBSexuality's versions of the same-ish genes where appropriate.)
Alite  [author] 27 Jun, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
I finished looking at all of the requested additions, in addition to a couple others. Updates have been made, bugs may have been added. Let me know if you find some new issues, and if you'd like more xenotypes to be added to the list, let me know here or in my discord server [discord.gg].
Alite  [author] 27 Jun, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
You make a good point that they shouldn't have heightened fertility due to their soldier nature. Next time I update, I think I'll bump them down to low fertility. I'm going to keep the heightened libido though since that's based on their more energetic, or in this case aggressive, nature.

Interestingly enough, there are a couple xenotypes that don't have inheritance in their data. On top of Hussars, Genies, Sanguophages, and Highmates don't have the inheritable true tag.
Dr Jimothy 27 Jun, 2023 @ 11:59am 
Evil and stinky suggestion:
It's mentioned that the Hussar go-juice dependency is partially to keep them easy to control / dependent on their creators/owners, main area in which that backfires being "hey Hussars work for me instead I also have go-juice."
I also don't think I've ever encountered a germline Hussar, so I might just be unlucky but I'm pretty sure they only exist as a xenotype, ergo their creators wouldn't care how fecund or libido-y they are, cos that doesn't make Hussars, in fact if anything they might want them to be less likely to have lovers and children as that creates conflicting loyalties.
CTH2004 22 Jun, 2023 @ 4:34pm 
can't wait! I hope it involves special abilities... (:
Though, any traits are good for my nigh-immortal super-soldier!
Alite  [author] 22 Jun, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
I'm working on a superhero genes expansion that I wanted to release last week, but then work came along to stop that idea. I'll probably have that done sometime next week, after which I should be able to start working on integrating the xenotypes from those mods.
CTH2004 22 Jun, 2023 @ 4:11pm 

and, yeah, those additions shouldn't necessarily be a high priority. After all, if the choice is another group of traits, or one edited xenotype, I will take the first one! (:
Alite  [author] 22 Jun, 2023 @ 4:05pm 
It isn't supposed to give that warning anymore, though I may have forgotten to push the update. I pushed just to be sure, but if you still get the warning, you may need to download the github version so you can update what steam refuses to update.

As adding those xenotypes, I can add those to this mod directly, though it might be a little bit due to outside circumstances consuming more of my modding time than I would like. I'll let you know here when I complete the patches.
CTH2004 22 Jun, 2023 @ 9:40am 
quick question: could you make either a version or another mod that does the same thing for:

Alpha Genes (all of them)
Some of the Vannilla Races Expanded mods (Currently: )
Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin (all of them)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie (all of them)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Husar (The uhlan)
Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid (all of them)

Also, just noticed that this mod has a warning if you use "More Biotech Style Genes- All in one" instead of the 2 seperate ones. Think you could fix that?

Alite  [author] 5 Jun, 2023 @ 5:27am 
I made More Biotech Style Genes - All In One . This is for people who want all, or at least most, of the Genes I've created in my More X Genes series. As a warning, it takes directly from those mods, so if there's a change from one of them you don't want, you'll need to download individual mods.