

[DHM]Vertical_Lift(for MultiFloors)
事不过三兄ToumanLin 21 Feb @ 7:16pm 
I love this mod!! Doesn't notice that you are also the author of milk expension, which is also one of my favorite mods!
Drilled_Head  [author] 17 Feb @ 9:09am 
TeH_Dav I'm not good at drawing
TeH_Dav 17 Feb @ 9:06am 
Any thoughts on implementing a medieval/neolithic logistics building? Like a Dumbwaiter?
Pengus 13 Feb @ 1:02pm 
@smoking squirrel when you build your ground floor lift, did you use the widget that autoplaces a blueprint? from my experience with the mod so far you should do that, and it seems to rectify the issue
Smoking Squirrel 13 Feb @ 10:33am 
Heyo, the contents of my lifts aren't actually shared. I built one on the ground-floor, and one one the second floor (so 1 floor higher), exactly on the same locations. When I load in resources in the top floor lift, they're not shared to the one below it. How come?
Audion 12 Feb @ 8:45pm 
I'm seconding Black Duke, Building a single small lift nukes my maximum TPS in my main game from ~500 to ~250. Experimenting with Dub's Performance Analyzer indicates that ticking a lift is taking about 1.6 ms per frame on a brand new save with no mods loaded besides all DLC, the analyzer, this mod, and all prerequisites.
Pengus 11 Feb @ 7:37am 
tested on the save where the initial problem occurred, same effect. You have to build the Ground floor first, then use the button that hte building itself generates to place the other lift on the desired level. Confusing, but it functions as intended now
Pengus 11 Feb @ 7:29am 
thing i did different from prior attempts

Build Ground floor piece FIRST then i built the basement level Second, then the extraction works. curious
Pengus 11 Feb @ 6:55am 
I'm going to load up a dev quick start and play around with it for a minute, see if I can find what's wrong on my end. It seems I'm doing everything right, but maybe its a mod conflict?
Drilled_Head  [author] 10 Feb @ 8:12pm 
Pengus The output machine is the storage. Only items permitted in the repository are output. The same goes for input devices. If you set the item to be input/output and check the allow button on lift, the item will be input/output.
Pengus 10 Feb @ 7:15pm 
i have to press allow after i have the screen with things to print?
Drilled_Head  [author] 10 Feb @ 6:42pm 
Pengus I tested it now. Did you allow it? Or did you set up a list of things to print? When printing, electricity comes on, and if you set the list to print and don't press the machine's allow button, it won't come out.
Pengus 10 Feb @ 2:29pm 
I assume you mean a second level of some kind? Yes. The lift pulls the resources in but the exporter won't release them. I can drop one unit at a time directly from the lift but it won't deposit via the exporter
Drilled_Head  [author] 10 Feb @ 8:26am 
Pengus Did you dig the ground?
Pengus 9 Feb @ 10:08pm 
I built these correctly, but for some reason my exporters arent withdrawing the items in the chute. what gives?
Black Duke 7 Feb @ 1:06pm 
My tps gets annihilated whenever I build it :(
Drilled_Head  [author] 29 Jan @ 12:32pm 
Halfelfaedyn thank you for your comment
If you have any comments about the details of the mode, please edit the def file and attach it and I will reflect it.
Fishkeeper01 Thanks
Mango I think you are thinking of Factorio's factory mode. However, it is difficult to work alone because you have to touch AI. This is because AI has a lot to deal with, so it takes a lot of time.
ShrapNil Glad you like it.
Halfelfaedyn 28 Jan @ 11:18pm 
This is amazing, oh my gosh.
VNVVWVVNV 28 Jan @ 7:18pm 
I swear, this better be locked behind a research wall and cost REASONABLY NON OVERPRICED/UNDERPRICED resources. Watch me be wrong.
Fishkeeper01 28 Jan @ 10:09am 
Wondering if you can make a laundry-chute variant for pre-electricity colonies. They would only drop things down, never up, but it would be pretty cool.

But either way this is pretty awesome.
Mango 28 Jan @ 7:42am 
Seems really cool, and admittedly I've never messed with the floors mod itself yet but had seen it, but this somewhat got me wondering in a way..

Not asking you to do this necessarily, but from your knowledge/understanding, do you think it'd be possible or even feasible to make something similar to a cargo elevator?

What initially came to mind for me would be similar to like a zone/floor you would build/designate with certain buildings placed nearby for it to be functional, and you would be able to move things into this space or even build into it, and using a console with a pawn (maybe one inside, or an external operator). Not sure how many use cases there would be for this, but perhaps some of the vehicle mods to have a lift for them, and perhaps different stages of tech to allow for larger lifts or various things.

Anyways, just a random idea that came to mind, was curious if you knew if such a thing could work. Nice work tho, will be sure to watch progress on this one!
ShrapNil 28 Jan @ 1:24am 
oh hey, its that thing i asked for
Drilled_Head  [author] 27 Jan @ 2:24am 
[CL] Zalgo Can be used on any floor. If you want to use an item on the 1st floor on the 3rd floor, install an input device on the 1st floor and an output device on the 3rd floor.
[CL] Zalgo 27 Jan @ 1:35am 
So how exactly does this work? Does it allow colonists to pull items out that are stored in it from any floor?
Drilled_Head  [author] 26 Jan @ 10:05pm 
GRUFOLA thank you for your comment
GRUFOLA 26 Jan @ 2:45pm 
Thank you for this! It's amazing see addons for the Multifloors mod.

Thank you again!
Drilled_Head  [author] 25 Jan @ 9:51pm 
Yokai Everything goes up and down
Yokai 24 Jan @ 11:03pm 
does it only work for sending items down? any plans to make it send items up? sorry for the english
Drilled_Head  [author] 23 Jan @ 4:27am 
jangsanbeom About file was modified. Vertical wiring mode is not required.
jangsanbeom 23 Jan @ 4:16am 
This requires this
[DHM] Vertical wiring (for multi-layer) mod
enbby_baerista 23 Jan @ 2:50am 
Oh, so it's like a dumbwaiter! Nice.
Drilled_Head  [author] 22 Jan @ 8:53pm 
Morcalvin not work. but I will made for rimfactory version.
Morcalvin 22 Jan @ 8:07pm 
Does this work with rimfactory?