Cossacks 3

Cossacks 3

More appealing player colours (we're so back)
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 17 Feb @ 9:36pm 
Also, they haven't updated since 2019. I'm surprised you can get that mod to work lol. Typically every slight game update caused most mods to break, including my own which is very simple (only touches 1 script file).
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 17 Feb @ 9:31pm 
I checked that mod but I can't tell whether there is any conflict. It's very likely though. Try disabling it and see if mine works.
sbeowulf 17 Feb @ 1:27pm 
Says it's outdated for me, I'm using it in conjecture with state vs country ++
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 6 Feb @ 11:44am 
Mod updated and functioning at least on my client.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 6 Feb @ 11:15am 
Looks like your prayers have been answered. I am going to play cossacks again so I'll take some time to try updating the mod. I should be able to do it in a few days.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 25 Oct, 2024 @ 10:49pm 
I see, but since I forgot almost entirely how this is done, it's still a few hours of my time spent to fix something so trivial in others lives lol

Here in the comments I explained how to fix the mod for a couple of people. If you go back a few pages you should find it.
aljesco 25 Oct, 2024 @ 4:38pm 
the game was abandoned many years ago so we shouldn't be worried if a patch breaks a mod
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 17 Oct, 2024 @ 10:59am 
Indeed. I stopped playing and the constant useless udpates kept breaking the mod. It was stupid of me to continue investing time into fixing the mod, especially because the mod didn't need updating for several months back in 2021 or so, allowing my mind to forget how mod updating even worked... Sorry pal.
Ivan_133 17 Oct, 2024 @ 7:01am 
sooo i guess nothing happend since 2022 ? xD
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 23 Oct, 2022 @ 9:40am 
I had some time in august but that is long gone now. I'm not sure I will have any considerable vacation time soon and that would be the only time I'd put some time into updating the mod.
[~τĦΞ.ĦΛτξ∂.ΘПξ~] 18 Oct, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
Do you mind updating the mod by time?
Star Seeker 14 May, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 14 May, 2022 @ 9:02am 
This August I'll have a long break from work. I will do it then if one of you reminds me.
płk. Kazimierz Chromiński 14 May, 2022 @ 8:53am 
I think one update should be enough, as so far no further support for Cossacks is planned as far as I know:steamthumbsup:
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 2 Jan, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
But you do understand that it's gonna break as soon as they release any patch at all? Even a winter or halloween event as you said. Anyway, I might try that but I don't have that time now. I might do it later in January.
Star Seeker 2 Jan, 2022 @ 8:47am 
I think one update should be enough, as so far no further support for Cossacks is planned as far as I know
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 2 Jan, 2022 @ 8:45am 
Well, unfortunately I cannot keep up with that stuff. Perhaps I could have done that just once for everyone's sake, but I cannot update on a regular basis.
Star Seeker 2 Jan, 2022 @ 8:43am 
Well so far I have seen updates from time to time, but it may be that its just some seaonal changes in appearance like Halloween.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 2 Jan, 2022 @ 7:43am 
Wym by "every time"? Is the game being updated still? If not, does changing the files one time fix the mod indefinitely or for a small time?
Star Seeker 2 Jan, 2022 @ 4:42am 
maybe an update, please? Instead of people having to change files every time
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 12:05pm 
Sorry for that. Memory doesn't serve me well then, I guess the game reads that your client is modded and kicks you out. But that's strange; I don't remember having to play only with those who had my mod.
Sturmbannführer 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:42am 
i'm playing with my friends, tried to join a room, and i got kicked form the room instantly which my friend won't do, i undo the change i did on the script and i wasn't being kicked anymore, well idk
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:41am 
Also, if you or anybody else wish to resurrect the mod for everybody, just say so and I'll make you a contributor.

Of course it's a bit tedious to have to get a knack of the modding tool but once it's set up it's easy to update the mod. I don't play Cossacks anymore or I'd have kept updating myself.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:37am 
So you didn't change the classes file but the mods.ini one? I don't remember ever editing it. Still it's good you managed.

It works in multiplayer but only you will see the different colors. It can thus be a mess if you do teamwork and refer to enemy players via their colors. The others won't understand you.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:35am 
Use a text comparison tool online, there are tons of them. Put all the text from the mods file and the game's file in the 2 boxes and see what changes between the two. You want to keep all the text of the new file found in the game's folder and keep only the different numbers from the old file. There are several chunks of text that look alike and seem all to yield colors somewhere within the game, but you only want to edit the one block of text where the two files differ from one another. And you will need to keep the numbers from the mod's obsolete file, of course.
Sturmbannführer 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:33am 
i did it now, thought it was by changing mods.ini file, instead it is classes.script mate lol. btw it does not work at multiplayer i guess?
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:30am 
It really just consists (or consisted) in editing the original text/script file called classes or something by changing numerical values that yield a color through the RGB scheme. Or another scheme, but the principle is that a number yields a colour. Check the mod content in the appropriate steam folder, the script file in there is the variant of the original, so search the latter in the game's folder based on the mod's folder paths.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 10:26am 
Page three should do it.
If you are that tech savvy and cannot manage to get it working with those instructions, my only guess could be that the devs changed something in the game's data structure or whatever and the mod doesn't work cause of some incompatibility.
Sturmbannführer 16 Nov, 2021 @ 7:00am 
i couldn't do it im getting compile error, can you explain briefly please(p.s. im a computer engineer)
Sturmbannführer 16 Nov, 2021 @ 5:51am 
can you say which page?
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 16 Nov, 2021 @ 5:46am 
Can't do, sorry, but there are instructions on how to update yourself all over the comment section.
Sturmbannführer 16 Nov, 2021 @ 12:17am 
please update man
nightmare 27 Aug, 2021 @ 2:56pm 
can someone update pls xD
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 24 Nov, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
Page 5 and 3 (currently).
Page 3 adds a bit more detail, but mainly check page 5.
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 24 Nov, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
Yes. I instructed a couple of people in the comments a few pages back.

They all eventually managed, so I think you should do fine. Just check the older comments here.
Cuba☂ 24 Nov, 2020 @ 11:08am 
hi the version is outdatet i know, but is there still a possibility to do something on the files?
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 10 Jun, 2020 @ 10:23am 
Haha I feel you... I consider myself a history buff myself, though the early modern period is more of a peripheral interest for me, hence why I play lots of RTS but very little Cossacks.
Star Seeker 10 Jun, 2020 @ 6:08am 
The mod is amazing, I am a great history fan and a student of it, so nothing more appealing to me than... more appealing player colors :D
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 9 Jun, 2020 @ 5:59am 
I am glad to hear that, and thanks for using my mod anyway and after so many years
Star Seeker 9 Jun, 2020 @ 1:48am 
It's alright, fixing of files is not that complicated thankfully
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 8 Jun, 2020 @ 12:57pm 
I totally feel you. See, this is why I stopped updating the mod a while back, because the updates were so frequent and random that I could not keep up. And unfortunately, virtually EVERY update seems to break the mod. So, since it appears the devs are still ****ing around with the game (imho they should move on and stop this crap), all the more it is unlikely that I will restore the mod anytime soon.

The only real way I may consider doing it is if I find myself jobless and with little to do for many months, which thanks be to God does not seem likely to happen.
Star Seeker 8 Jun, 2020 @ 8:17am 
Well yes, the mod but also it is a little bit tiring to fix the files every time something updates
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 7 Jun, 2020 @ 12:37pm 
Hmm nope... I suppose the devs updated the game or some of you other mods were updated?
Star Seeker 7 Jun, 2020 @ 7:44am 
Any update incoming?
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 19 Apr, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
You're welcome. I am glad that you managed with the merge.
Star Seeker 19 Apr, 2020 @ 7:05am 
I am very thankful for your advise, its working nicely!
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 18 Apr, 2020 @ 3:57pm 
hello there, I am unaware of the mod you speak of. However, you can easily check if you had the skills to do the file transfer. Just check the other mod's folder and see if they have in common either of the 2 files my mod uses.
I suppose if it's so, it must be the script file you edited. To do a merge, the process would be similar, really... just take the other mod's version of the same file, and paste inside it the part I edited for my mod (the one you had to copy-paste).
Star Seeker 18 Apr, 2020 @ 7:38am 
But the mod is not working with New terrain mod?
Star Seeker 18 Apr, 2020 @ 6:25am 
With replaced file, the mod is working perfectly, thank you!
✝ Gamlingwine  [author] 13 Mar, 2020 @ 9:41am 
That is it. It's the classes text file. Maybe I explained myself poorly.